Need to kill myself tomorrow. I meant to buy fentanyl, but wasn't able to in time

Need to kill myself tomorrow. I meant to buy fentanyl, but wasn't able to in time.

Anyone have any good sure-fire/90% ways for me to kill myself, without burning alive/stabbing myself, etc?
(I guess I'm open to stabbing myself, just no fire)

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OP again, if you happen to be in the NY area and can set me up with fentanyl, I can pay

Go do literally fucking anything. If you're going to kill yourself then you have nothing to fear. Nothing is off limits. Go do shit you never thought you could because fuck it, you're going to die anyway.

Buy a razor and slice down your wrists. Make sure it is new and sharp so it doesn't drag and hurts less.

You could also just jump off a really high building. Put your neck down on some train tracks. Really the possibilities are endless be creative

Fuck a lot of hookers and drink a ton of booze. Drive a car off a high cliff going as fast as you can blasting your favorite song.

resting you head on a rail of an active train line will do the job and is the pain ends almost instantly

Why do you need to kill yourself?

Why do you feel the need to kill yourself?

Have you tried shitting into your mouth?

Don’t do it user Yea Forums loves you.

I actually have a pretty solid knife, so that's definitely an option.

Jumping off a building is a good idea too. I'll look up heights necessary for a certain death.
Good idea. Definitely trains around here.

You're in New York. There's a lot of tall buildings. Use one of those.

If you hate yourself so much, then do the thing which provides the most misery -- keep going. I get how the thought of suicide relieves stress. Fine. Keep with it. But the act of it, if you are successful, can only be done once and no one knows what's on the other side. And that's the thing that has always kept me from doing it -- I might not be successful and what a mess THAT will cause for you.

In the end, I developed a balance where I learned to appreciate misery in certain ways. May as well ride the ride out. Shit happens and keeps happening.

I remember one time I accidentally dropped a car on me when trying to change the oil. VERY low ground clearance on that car and HEAVY as fuck. The thought I had when I saw it falling was "here we go..." I turned my head and my chest was compressed. Lots of heat, difficult to breathe. My head not crushed, ribs not broken. No injuries at all really. But the experience proved to me I was READY to die. I am ready to die at any and every moment.

And that's where you should be. Ready at any time. But it needs to be the right time and it's always better when it's not your fault or even better if you do it when playing the role of hero. For example, see an armed robber? See someone getting attacked? Jump right the fuck in and die with honor.

The opportunity will come. Patience.

dude just run a hose pipe from car exhaust into car and sit in it till you fall asleep and dont wake up.. painless way to go

This has changed my perspective
Thanks user

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I read that modern car exhausts don't really produce enough to kill you. I have a 2016 Golf GTI... VW did lie about their emissions though.

I do have access to a garage and a hose I'm pretty sure

OP here, this was not me.

You're welcome. Here's another story about attempted suicide. I took up bicycling and truly expected to cause myself to have a heart attack. Know what happened? I fucking got stronger. Didn't expect to get good at it. It's okay to fail at things like that though, you know?

Bummer. Die or not. Just be sure you're ready for it.

It's not that hard to cop a fix... go suck a dick if u trainspotting too hard.. chug the booze, find a benzo .. shouldn't be hard you junkie fuck. Or just finish yourself. Its gunna hurt. Dont ask for instructions you weak twat

Suicide by cop
