I love my girlfriend so much but she identifies as a nonbinary sjw freak. How do I convert her to be normal...

I love my girlfriend so much but she identifies as a nonbinary sjw freak. How do I convert her to be normal? Is it even possible?

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shes too far gone. you might have to kill her.

its nice to think about

procreate with her

I think about raping the shit out of her from time to time.. it's a nice thought.

Ask her to fuck herself. You might learn something

She's taking weird hormone shit so it may be a crapshoot if I try but I might attempt.

tell her you identify as a nonbinary rapist. If she doesn't allow you to rape whomever you please, she is suppressing you.

give it time, expore her to the real world where this kind of shit doesn't apply. She will eventually understand.

Domestic violence isn’t a problem, is a solution.

Nah. Let the fad pass and she'll get bored of it.
Or leave her I dunno.
But I'm positive this is a fad and will be gone in 10 years if not really soon.

you dont love her

Tell her you identify as a gender fluid super sexual, and you require regular sex stuff on a regular basis, and to not allow you're equal rights she needs to check her privilege.

Tell her how you feel. If you continue to accept everything she does you will become her toy and you dont want that. Tell her shit about mutual understanding and shit. If she refuses to listen to what you have to say I would run as fast as I can. Trust me you want to live and spend life with someone who is at your wavelength.

Just fuck her brutally and rough, until she realises she's a little bitch like she should be.

talk to her about it, tell her how you feel, try to reach and agreement you both feel comfortable with. A relationship is a two way street and you both are required to put effort in it and work your shit out.

War Machine Christy Mak the bitch.

MMA fighter found his porn star girl in bed cheating on him with a guy.
He fucked the guy up, then after he ran out of the house War Machine beat and raped the fuck outta Christy Mak.
Dude got sentenced to a few years. Mak was in the hospital with a face so fucked up she couldn't see, google has the pictures. After that she shaved her head lol.

Yea Forums raided him about a year before this on twitter and he lost his fucking shit. We kept making fun of him watching his dad have a heart attack in front of him at 6-8 Y.O and no being able to revive or help him. He flipped out, made a video telling people to come knock on his door while he punched a hole into his drywall. Lots of lulz had.

lots of pizza delivered to. I'm surprised the cops weren't called because of his erratic behavior


Have you tried turning her off and back on again?

first time ever getting a same sequence of numbers, not even dubs.
Checked indeed

I once jokingly said check my trips in a get thread and then got trips. My proudest moment lol

Just how much of a SJW is she?

stop trying to change her. if you do not like someone as they are, then you do not like /them/. stop dating her so she can find someone that appreciates the qualities that you wish to decimate.

your gf is retarded, time for a new model.

well...i have an SJW wife. she leave it at the door. his upset i vote republican, but she leaves it at the door.
the non binary part is what i would worry about. she hasn't made a commitment yet

she doesnt like vagina, but a penis can only be used in certain ways.
so yeah....sex is like an adventure or a 3 hour "im sorry" session

l e a v e h e r

Become muslim and force her to convert. If she leaves you, she's intolerant. If she stays, she will have to hide her face and do whatever you say forever. Win win.

Ghost her.

zelda is an adventure, your girlfriend has brain problems. I you don't leave, you also have brain problems.

things that didnt happen,


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