Cats are disgusting?

Cats are disgusting?
Why do people even get them, if better pets exist?

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They are bad at getting rid of pests

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Emergency rations

They cause mental illnesses.

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They are just disgusting and absolutely non-affectionate pets.

7 bit signed ascii is retarded

I see. tGondii is powerful, but Terry kept trying to say cat by using glow in the dark...

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Nah, it is ok

Dogs are way more disgusting and yet people are fucking insane about them.

cats are extremely easy to handle
they dont need constant attention, a cage or even cleanup at all if you let them out
cats are usually great for the neighborhood too, compared to any other "wild" animals that you would never let into the city willingly

>Dogs are way more disgusting
wrong faggot. go blow your boyfriend

Nah, birds are easier to handle.

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>cats and dogs are only pets

I have two cats and I love them dearly. They're as clean or cleaner than dogs, they poop in a convenient box that's easy to clean and they give me love and affection in exchange for almost no work on my part.

I'd have a dog too, but in renting right now and it is easier to find a place that's accepting of cats than it is for dogs

cats are based and far and above all other pets.

Please do keep reposting this thread. Never gets old.

>convenient box
Oh lol.
Can you deliver original picture?

you're a faggot

They're cute as fuck and you don't have to do shit to have them. You don't have to walk them or anything, just feed them once a day and they're happy. Perfect pet for lazy fucks like me, however I'd completely understand if people prefer dogs.

This post is based

Lel that turd is huge

Well, it is convenient if the alternative is having a pet that poops outside that you have to pick up after or in a cage in which it lives so that you have to change out the liner or litter box alternative within the cage.

You can tell he's just an asshole because there's no rice on that poopy, so he didn't try to cover it.

It is not convenient at all


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How so?? Honestly I would like to know. I mean, sure you can make it a hassle by being stupid about it, but it will never be as I convenient as walking a dog two or three times a day. Or cleaning a fish tank once or twice a month.

Maybe it's less inconvenient to clean out like a rat's cage or something, but not usually in my experience.

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Litter everywhere, shit on cats paws, needs extracting fan 24/7...
No, thanks. I would prefer having a roll of toilet paper handy and couple plastic scrapers.

True, litter everywhere is the worst part. By far. But, if you use the right box, right litter, right mat and right location, it's not so bad.
Still, if you sweep or vacume every day like a normal person it isn't unmanageable. Even sweeping more is less of a chore than one or two daily walks.

>But, if you use the right box, right litter, right mat and right location
you still will have same problem

Why? +127 and -127 is OK

Niggers are best pets, too bad they are illegal now


Good, your detector works perfectly

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I want to hurt dog people. Tell them a one liner or a zinger about the fucking lonely losers they are. Trash and the kind of people that can't have children or be trusted with them.

They are. I don't see anyone with a cool owl or bond villain tiger. The fuck you gonna get? Snakes or fish?

i give you props on reeling in the fish for your troll

Imagine being a dirty lazy American wanting a cat or dog.

So you like the cat but you don't like his poop?

What don't you like about the poop?

i had a snake. 12' Burmese
one day i came home, it was out of its cage, with a lump in it
i couldn't find my cat anywhere.
i was happy, wifey was not

You can definitely get an owl, if you're in Europe...

Cats are disgusting.

But without cats, how else are you suppose to get the cat poop?

Cat poop is disgusting

Any kind of bird. Mice, rabbits, hamsters, and other small mammals. Fish.

Any of the above would be far and away more cleanly than a cat spreading its parasite filled shit around your house. Cat shit is abut the worst kind of shit there is.

>Cats are disgusting
>If better pets existed, people would get those
>people still get cats
>better pets don't exist

People are retards in general.
>see people burning people for saying that earth is spherical

cats are worse retard i love watching cats get skinned alive, sick animals for fucking psychos

What about foxes,foxes are the best.

Consider this, foxes are at least 30 orders of magnitude more intelligent than your average politician, they also have a combination of the cutest aspects of both dogs and cats.

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Fuck, you got me. I can't argue that.

>alternative is having a pet that poops
everywhere, yet still is less disgusting, than dealing with cat litter boxes.

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>majority selects best
No. See apple

barely, does it hunt its own food when left on its own?

Yes. But you would regret doing it

Lost the pic


My cat is ridiculous affectionate. He demands to be cuddled like a teddy bear every night. He's sitting on me, purring, right now.

Here's the trick: get a male cat. They are so much friendlier than females.


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can confirm
cat learned to open my door just to sleep by my side
pretty loud when he does it tho

are they snipped?

obviously, thats kind of expected of owners once they're a few years old

>get a male cat.
To get everything sprayed
nein danke


