Sad gay things thread

Sad gay things thread

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i dont have a boner

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That's pretty sad.

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The thing I learned was that it was mostly companies with HR departments that had the worst communication or rejected me right-away, even though I was qualified for the position I applied for (and that is for regular jobs, apprenticeships and internships).

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Also just use disposable plates and stuff, it's what i did

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Seriously do

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That just generates trash

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Which reminds me i have a mcdonalds cup on my computer table and i haven't had mcdonalds in months.

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It took me over 100 apps to get someone to respond and that was well after I had gone down this career path

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I'm approaching 24 hours of being awake, and it's starting to hit me pretty fast.

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Trash is easier than dishes

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Isn't that normal for you

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Hey big boy

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I dont drink my water out of cups.
I have a glass water bottle that is a crystal skull vodka bottle. I have to vinigar and rice clean it out every once in a while.
I would look at my (former) dog, and see how he would licks his bowl clean so we would never have to wash it. It's so efficient, so i picked up the same tactic.
I do neither!

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Wash your dishes or use paper plates

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Gross, what you are saying makes me want to put you in a cage and treat you like an animal.

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im out of this thread then

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I mean, maybe like once a week or two, but my sleeping in general has been really bad the last couple weeks. I've been exhausted.

You know I kinda respect that even if I'm an OCD germaphobe neat freak. Not many people would do that keep shit out of landfills, so I can appreciate you not polluting this already fucked up planet. I'm too much of a misanthrope to care because I'll probably die within the next decade anyway.

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we're just looking out for you man

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I mean I get where he's coming from and why he does it. I don't like polluting shit either, so I can understand why he'd go to such lengths, even if it's just one person.

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I ride my bike, thinking im saving the world one bike ride at a time.
Just to see 10000 cars pass me before i see another biker.
why do i even try.

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If you actually want to change anything you are going to have to do it by force because most people don't actually care about anything, dead inside.

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People just don't give a fuck, living out their daily lives, ignorant to the disasters humanity is creating, living without a care in the world, glued to their phones and social media just to rant about inane bullshit. But adrenaline and going fast are the only thing interesting to me, but at least ethanol is harvested from corn and not fossil fuels. If only people and the oil industries cared enough to switch to a renewable, clean, and more efficient source of energy.

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Just stay up as long as you can until you fall asleep that will be a coma lol

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I feel like landfills are mostly an american thing, here there would probably be violent action taken if they tried to bury trash

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God I wish.

Perhaps, but pollution is most definitely not limited to the United States. It's all about money, money, money. Who cares about others' health and the life on this planet which created us after billions of years of evolution, am I right?

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Just talking about it does almost nothing, or it would have been enough with all of the hippie fucks.
I hear that China is looking pretty hard into Thorium tho

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Hey, so, how do I meet guys? I attend college in a smallish town, about 25k people. I've heard Tinder/Grindr aren't great, but am yet to try them.

Happy with hookups for now, but will probably want something more long term in a year or so.

theres a dildo in the form of the dick of the dog in this pic?

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Okay, and what is anyone going to do about it? What would anyone to do make even the slightest difference? Nobody gives a fuck because everyone is brainwashed and taught to be ignorant, and just work for a bullshit piece of paper with zero value to buy bullshit items with zero value, and spend all their time arguing about politics like fucking children instead of contributing something valuable to society, and being decent human beings. That's why I'm a NEET, I'm not going to contribute to this sick society full of idiots to get money I hate, and to not even spend it because I don't give a shit about the latest iPhone, shoes, or whatever the hell people buy because of stupid trends. I'd rather live alone with my thoughts, and not thinking about the state of this planet everyone is destroying.

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find a guy you're hooking up with more than once but for reasons that are more than just sex

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If you're not going to do anything about it you kind lose your say in things/right to complain, like people complaining about politics when they don't vote. like put up or shut up. If you are going to piss away your life anyways you might as well try to do something with it.

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You know shit can actually change if people care. There was a massive hole in the ozone layer because of fucking hair spray in the 80s, and finally it's starting to recover. If people gave a shit, and the corporations and conglomerates weren't sick greedy fucks then maybe we could start changing things. But no, let's just slowly kill our mother in a span of 150 years when everyone was fine for a billion years. Let's brainwash everyone into thinking they're free, working miserable 9-5 jobs, coming home and getting drunk to keep their mind off the real problems of the world, living like fucking robots because nobody is taught to think or question anything anymore. Let's kill all the animals on this earth, and raise them in prisons to slaughter them, filling them with hormones, and all the food with pesticides and literal poisons, and destroying forests, and industrializing everything because money and power is the only thing that matters.

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Not trying to be mean or anything just tired of hearing people complain about things and then they sit back and expect others to fix shit

I don't give a fuck because I'm going to die soon anyway. Let people be stupid fucks, it won't be my problem when I'm dead. At least I have a god damn brain, and that's why I won't do anything. That's why I'm miserable.

And what are you doing to change anything and make the world a better place?

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Is wicked weasels website not working for anyone, or just me?

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I'm not gonna do shit, but i'm also not the one complaining about it.
If you don't give a fuck because you're going to die then you have nothing to lose in doing everything in your power right?

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I want that dragon to pull his cum balloon out of my ass after he's had his way with me.

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Exactly, nobody is going to do shit. I won't either, I'm just going to do drugs until I die because that's the only thing that makes me feel good, and can escape this fucked up reality. Again, I'm not even going to get a job or go to school to further my misery, and contribute to this society. Doing nothing is better than supporting the monsters who control everything, the ones with all the power that are really destroying everything. By doing nothing, I'm doing something. By doing something that people call "living" I'd be furthering the destruction of this world. I'll choose the lesser of two evils, and lessen my already crippling depression, thanks.

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Used condoms are pretty hot ye

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You'll probably find a way out of it if you survive the drug use, i was where you are many years ago too smart and too much empathy for my own good. 7 years of drug use later here i am, almost completely uncaring and probably semi retarded. I scored 147 verbal iq on a state given iq test in my youth, i fear what it has fallen to by now. Things will probably get better for you with time.

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They probably won't, and I don't care. I'm just another dumbfuck human living amongst billions of other dumbfuck humans. I'm nobody, and don't want to be somebody. I'd rather die and be free from this nightmare.

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Consider trying a small amount of mushrooms out in nature, i think you will enjoy the experience, small, as in low enough that you do not get any strong hallucinations but so it affects your mind.
Helped me feel better for about a week. Do it when you are feeling good tho and not as down.
Life is an every day struggle as Biggie put it

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I'm on an antipsychotic for bipolar disorder, and klonopin for anxiety, both of which kill trips. I'd have to taper off both for about two months, and quitting an antipsychotic is what puts people in the mental wards. My stepsister just got out a few days ago, she's been in the hospital something like 10 times in the last few years because she's bipolar too, and that's what happens when you stop. Not to mention I have no friends and no way of getting shrooms, and even then I know it'll just lead to a bad trip and make my life worse. There's no point. The only drug I'd get if I had the choice is heroin so I can shoot up, overdose, and die.

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I need all dem butts.

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Yeah don't try mushrooms. You sound really fucked up, maybe too fucked up.

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I still think about packing up my clothes and all the essentials, leaving everything behind, and just living in the woods until I inevitably die. I don't want to live around people. I'd rather be in nature as intended.

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There's been so many times that I wish humanity could revert back to how it was like thousands of years ago where we just had to live off the land in small little tribes. Fuck all this work bullshit. Life was probably harder back then, but I'd take that over all the mental stress and shit that comes with life nowadays.

So fuck off and go do that. Literally nothing's stopping you.

My plan is to lose enough weight, save up enough money and buy a house in the middle of nowhere so i can grow and raise my own food. Also get a dog down the line.

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Gib me your butt.

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I'm not as fucked up as I make myself out to be. I say that so people avoid me. Neither of these meds do shit. Obviously the lamotrigine I'm on doesn't make me less depressed, and I only have the klonopin to abuse, and get high and forget everything. I'm just the same as I was 2.5 years ago when I first started on the medications, which I was forced to take, and have been on 15. All but the two I'm on made me much worse. I just lie to my family so they don't have to suffer because of me, the same reason I don't kill myself. Part of me wants to be something, to do something with myself, to make my family proud, to have friends, a partner; a life. But I don't want to contribute to the evils of this world. I care too much about everyone, everything. And my heart is too sensitive to hurt anyone.

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How are you going to indulge your perversions?

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And when I start crying is when I know I speak the truth about myself, my true feelings. Because god damn it hurts.

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As long as you stay alive there is always a chance that things will get better. The sensitive heart might fade with time and drugs, mine did.
I've put all of that behind just recently and decided on my goal in life.
Find some over the internet or i'll stay a kissless virgin til the day i die, could be worse.

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It is a sad day, isn't it?

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Yes, Snarf has no butts, nor tiny plastic kitties.


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I don't have goals in life. I don't want any items, technology, none of that stupid bullshit. Call me a faggot hippie or whatever, but I just want peace, love, and happiness. I want this world to be right, I want people to be right, have respect for one another, and this planet, everything. But nobody does, so I hide behind this wall I've built for myself, around my heart so nothing and no one can hurt me, as so many have before. My love and sensitivity will never fade. And that's why I can't make myself do that, because I'll only be hurting myself and making things worse.

It is.

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015231871892 call meee

No butts in an issue. No tiny plastic animals though, now that's just a tragedy.

What makes today sad for you?

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Times changes everything, if you life long enough you might find some goals for yourself. Those goals will probably be related to "Peace, love and happiness" as you say you want.

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Everything. Every day is a sad day for me because my mind never forgets its own awareness, and awareness of this fucked up world full of fucked up people.

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This will sound retarded but try meditation.

Hi hi

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Hey y'all, I need some money for shit. Like child support? Can I borrow $200?

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4chanX seems fubar'd

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Sure, give your credit card number and the security code and I'll reverse charge some cash right over...

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I've noticed that's happened with a few people. Unfortunately.

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Sell your butt

Mine seems to be working fine. What's going on with yours?

Good to see ya, Choke. Hope all is well.

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My only real goal is to find love, true love. And that won't happen. Beyond that I just do what I can to make people happy, to put myself out there for the people who need it, and show that I truly care about everyone. Even people like Nibi despite him being a total dickhead to everyone because it's people like him who have gone through some rough shit, and I know exactly why he is the way he is. I just understand people on a level I don't think many others can relate, I'm just a natural psychologist. So that's why I try to help people at my own expense. And the only other thing I want to do is race, to live fast and enjoy the adrenaline rush because I don't find joy in anything. No games, no TV or movies, nothing. None of that shit matters to me.

I tried it about a week ago. It helped for all of 30 minutes, then I went right back to my usual depression.


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Sometimes you have to out fuck the fuckers.

And be doubly fucked up to counter balance their fucked upness, see?

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Won't post... goes into a posting error loop.

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Well I'm pretty good at being an asshole to people, so yeah.

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Nah fam
I was joking homie. Thanks for the offer though.

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Well, other than talking my wife down from a ledge and all that stuff. Things are better, at least for her.

And then some sweet soul will come around and crack that outer shell.

And then lick your penis.

Oh, I know and I TOTALLY wasn't gonna max your card out on booze and hookers

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I can only hope.

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Well, you're in my thoughts... hoping for lots of happiness in your world!

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Shiiddd might as well do that myself

All for me! Thanks, stranger!

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I'm sorry about your wife, and that whole situation, I know that must be hard for the both of you. If I could give you a hug and make everything right I would.

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True love is hard to find, and you most likely won't find it in here. Adrenaline is nice, i used to chase it when i was younger and not as fat.
30 min is better than nothing right? If you have nothing betyer to do you can just try to do it over and over again. Could have some interesting results tho it will be hard.
Being a butt merchant is good business

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You all have a great night. I'll try to get namesync and stuff working and pop back some time.

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Nah fam I'm gonna spend that money on hard drugs

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I'll probably never find it anywhere. On the very slim chance I ever find a bf or gf, I doubt it would even work out. I'd just get heartbroken and not want to bother again. So I just don't bother at all.

Later Leto.

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The fuck is a butt merchant? Do I just sell ass pics?


I hope the same for you, friend!

Well, the main issue is the fact that I'm probably just gay, and after having discussed that with her she had a massive melt down, obviously. She self harmed and threatened suicide, basically holding herself hostage.

It's a really long story. But anyway, it's a little too late in my life now to pursue that and now someone's life is on the line, so we're just gunna wing it until I feel confident enough to eat a bullet.

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You're a big boy?

hey fags, your favorite mexican lion gay boi is back but probably no one remember me, so, how is everyone today? :3

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I'm so sorry to hear that. I have hope for you and her, I think it'll all work out in time. It's just rough now, but I'm sure it'll be alright. Don't think about that kind of stuff and hurt yourself even more. If you ever want to talk in private, I always have my Discord in my email field, and I'd be more than happy to listen.

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No risk no reward as they say.
You buy and sell butts, even your own if you want to.
157kg, but i'm also tall and a lot of it is on my legs and leg muscles so i don't look the part.

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Thanks, I don't use discord much anymore but I'll keep that in mind.

Really it delves into a bunch of deep stuff that's difficult to get into.It's just a big clusterfuck.

Although, I hope you start feeling better yourself, always sucks to see you down too.

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I totally understand. I just don't want others hurting either, and I feel it's only right that I put it out there just in case.

Thanks, but I'm used to it.

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I've been up for 24 hours now, I can barely keep my eyes open. But I really need to shower too, I hate to say I don't even know how long it's been, like 4 or 5 days because I've been too depressed to give a shit.

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I bet your penis and balls smells great right now, i did not think i was into this kind of stuff as much as i feel i am right now. Also take a nap. Being awake is bad for you

Yeah probably not. I'll sleep after I shower.

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well... i guess everyone's fine :3

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I tend to do the same thing. I'll go a week without showering.

No one seems to notice.

I vuegly remember some mexican d00d who liked lions?

How are you?

Go for it, gonna take a nap as well.


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im.... fine? i dont really know :3

how about you? :3
(this is my fursona btw)

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I'm doing alright.

I don't do fursona's, but I like to avatarfag as an ostrich.

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cool, ostriches are.... weird but cool!

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They are certainly very expressive, I'll tell you that much. I love these birds.

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yeah, they are cool!

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Crystal skull bottle thing is super fucking autistic

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Aykroyd is crazy.

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Chill Kik group for anyone who still uses Kik

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But who will satiate Snarf's butt-lust?

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i will :3

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Spread dem cheeks.

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its the coolest fuckin water bottle i could find