Can anyone tell if a girl is leading you on?

Can anyone tell if a girl is leading you on?
There's this girl I've been talking to and half the times I ask her out she agrees but when the time comes she texts me saying she's sick or has some type of emergency. She always apologises and says she wishes she could make it but it feels fake.

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how many times has this happened?

4 cancelled, and 3 that she showed up

eh just keep going with it
just dont use it as your only option and dont come off as needy, if she is taking it casual so should you

This is where I'm at but I already told her I wanted to try a relationship when we were still going to school. She told me we should go out a while to see if it would work now I'm dealing with this bullshit.

Go back to redddit with this faggotry, boomer

either keep your cool or, if you notice yourself getting anxious because of it, end your ambitions
you probably know it yourself that there is no definite solution and she doesnt owe you shit

I did, and they kept telling me to rape her
She shows interest herself every couple of days. I've kept it friendzony for a while which makes me think I'm not being aggressive enough. And the mixed signals are annoying as fuck

>Talks to girls
Normie gtfo

Cute pupper!

Think of me as a cyborg
Doggo thread if there's interest

Racist thread time

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This bitch is keeping you around as a just in case date. She is more interested in someone else. No doubt about it. Lose touch with her, make her make a move and she will answer your question for you without even asking

Have a life that you enjoy. Don't prioritize her. Prioritize yourself. Have interests. Exercise. Study the masculine a bit and become it (not imitate, BE). She might be monkey-barring between you and other(s). Date others ffs. She's not the only one in the universe. Be a genuine person. Don't be desparate. Do guy stuff (firing range, fishing, hunting, survival shit, weapons, building, whatever). Have as full a life as possible and shit like her will either fall away or come after you desparately because you have and feel a power that she wants to be a part of. Right now, sounds like she has the power, which she's "not all that into you but sort of maybe, oh I don't know, there's this other thing, oh but wait maybe I want to talk to you, oh nevermind cancel, oh but wait.... No...."

honestly, seems like a fun party (minus the kids)

probably some good weed, good music, and some good pussy.

have you ever been to a party, user? there are lots of partys with weed, music and pussy, even ones that dont take place in an suburban living room next to a christmas tree

That sasquatch bugger needs to shave his chest.

Attached: Sasquatch.jpg (381x575, 46K)

You come across as a marcy darcy bitch from married with children.

Already been there. This girl is super virgin tho so sge's pretty awkward when it comes to getting her to talk about where she wants to go with it
Is this mgtow? It's not like I think about her everyday just wanted the virgin perspective.

Btw I'm not against the racist memes, but I've seen most of them 1000 times

chicks dig it man
at least thicc 30+ chicks, if you are into that

Do they have a bush?

define bush
most of the times there certainly was some pubic hair, but in an updated, modern way (just long enough to not be scratchy but certainly no afro)

It’s possible but many girls are simply flaky.

No, I'm not mgtow. I'm married and over 40. Just trying to give you a somewhat good direction to go for yourself (develop into an attractive person).

There's no racist meme there. Monkey bars refers to a thing we had in school that we swung on, like a jungle gym (don't tell me that's going to be interpreted as racist too). Like she's swinging from one bar (man) to another (metal bars not alcohol). I'm surprised you thought it was a race thing. But then again, I've watched American culture become fucking deranged with this race baiting crap turning everything into 'racist' and an outrage when there's nothing there.

Trust your gut. People are usually right with those things. If you feel shes acting fake then thats probably the case. Stop giving her attention and wasting your time.

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I was about to say, develop your ability to feel and follow your gut instincts. It's survival, self preservation etc. Hopefully you're not so disconnected that you don't have good gut instincts. Something doesn't feel right, use caution

Also, you prob don't want virgin perspectives. They don't know anything. If the girl is young, confused, or whatever, be patient. Maybe it's her family that's hampering her freedom causing her to have to cancel.

I have plenty of shit going on so it's a little late for the fatherly advice. As for dating others, that's pretty easy but sluts are everywhere in my campus and they all suck dick the same way. This girl never had her first kiss and isn't a church girl which is why I ran after her at all.
Chill with the monkeybars sensitivity. I was talking about the images.
These two are the only new ones to me.
It's a little hard to tell over text, and she writes like an esl student. What bothers me is how the timing for shit to go wr9ng is just too perfect.

She's a virgin so I'm looking for their perspectives. It's hard to explain it without showing walls of text but she has slipped up afew times. It's like she wants to hide all interest she has for me.

she's super vigin. she peony has daddy love. take it. then get the fuck out.
i took it a few times. the last one im still with.
so im 50 and she 29.
cant say im upset.....

tell her you don't like that, and that you will not ask again if she denies you any further. if she says 'i don't care,' find the next pussy down the road

You said yourself something is off. Thats all you need really, no need to read into it. If it was me that would be good enough to move on.