Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

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They ruin everything so......

but why

Huh, ain't it the truth. Just don't let anyone who's got the President's ear hear that. You'll be making cattle-runs to New Reno 'til the end of time, pal.

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holy shit lol cry moar feggit

Because conservatives are ruining the world.

What the fuck is a "feggit"? You old enough for this site kid?

It's what a gay frog sounds like.

So you're not old enough, got it. Get out and come back when you're 18.

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So you're double posting with your phone? Kid, you need to fuck out alright?

because fuck your feelings, that's why.

lurk more, newfag.

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You okay bud, or do you need a safe space?

>double posting with your phon
lol you truly are crescent fresh

Never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones

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>n-no u!

i fucking love you

>gets called out for double posting with his phone
>gets triggered
Sorry kid, we don't have safe spaces on 4chinz

loooooooooooooool cringe

Says the guy bitching about libtards changing his favorite fantasy show.

calm down there bitch boy


no! they put a girl in my tv show!


you being a giant bitch here dude

>samefagging this hard
You having a good time kiddo?

Make me, bitch boy

To fuck specifically with you op. They know you always need to blame others for the shit you feel inside so they happily obliged this one time.

>Because conservatives are ruining the world

You're fucking retarded

Triggered much?


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>wut is count post
>wat is poster count
>wot is time reference
confirmed for turbo newqueer

Not at all, I pity how fucking dumb you are

lol mad

Because you're double posting with your fucking phone. Now get out you're not old enough to be here. Where are you fucking parents?

woah.. powerful

pity urself for having to hear it

Says a faggot upset by a tv show

Like i said, triggered.

three different anons are trolling you, and you keep sperging out about "double posting with phone", holy shit it's hilarious.

im double fisting ur mum sonny boy

Nobody is upset here except you and your nigger boyfriend who are double posting with your phones

No it's one guy and his nigger boyfriend with phones

Why do libtards make it illegal for me to fuck my sister!?

Why do libtards say it's wrong to hate niggers and jews?!

Why won't the libtards let me fly the flags of traitors to the US!?

Why do libtatds say it's wrong to grope the alter boys!?

Why why, why, damn you libtards!!!

sure kid

Ikr, when the baiter gets baited.


>Why won't the libtards let me fly the flags of traitors to the US!?
That's funny, because last time I checked the only people waving non-american flags these days are liberals and spics. Nice try though.

The post count of this thread exceeds the combined IQ of its participants (myself excluded, of course).

yeah, you seem nonplussed by all of it

liberals and spics waving the confederate flag? srsl?


Quick, somebody get this faggot a safe space!! He's triggered

not me, I'm an orangutan.

Says a nigger faggot

the joke


your head

Wheres the leak

Op you know it's true. The liberals are really doing it on purpose just for you. They knew how much you liked that show. They also know how much you hate how they ruin everything with their agenda. Trust me I know this as I used to go to their weekly meetings. I'm reformed now though and don't go. I do miss that fucking coffee they handed out though.

Holy fuck, where is that safe space? He's gonna cry any moment

How should I know?
Wrong >>?

Only "weekly meeting" your gay ass is having is to meet up with Jamal so he can fuck your asshole. Fag

Jamal is not even gay, retard.

So you know who all the gay niggers are? Figures

Revealing some of those secret inner feelings and desires op?

You seem to struggle with reading comprehension... Jamal is NOT gay. Geez.

>where is that safe space?
try reddit, prolly more your thing.

you just want his number, dont you

No I'm just exposing how fucking gay you are, does this trigger you? Do you need a safe space?

nigger dick lives rent free in your mind

you seem.. upset?

>n-no.. you're gay!

Nice to know you know where to find your safe space, feel free to head on over there. Take your nigger boyfriend with you.

You really see the world through gay glasses don't you?

>m-m-m-m-muh safespace!
go back to facebook, sweetheart.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaah, the post.

Because liberals love faggots and faggots ruin everything.

You seem incredibly fixated on gay black men. How much of your day do you spend thinks about these "gay niggers"?

Tell us more bout those strong inner feelings you have. Is it only about the gay niggers fucking or do the liberals cuck you too. Personally.

It was trash from the start. You were just too stupid to realize it.

>Not liking fun stuff makes me smart!
Why do people like you exist


you have summoned us

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found the retard


If you had to read that far down the thread to find the retard, I hate to tell you but you might be retarded yourself.

let me know when you finish crying

To push an agenda. I'd say lazy writing killed it. They just copy pasted lord of the rings and that's episode 3.

This show is nothing like lord of the rings. How fucking stupid are you?


>n-no u!

>but why
Same reason they do everything, to piss off the white man.

did you finish crying yet faggot? we're trying to have a discussion here


the white man sure is one fragile little bitch

You are such a fucking pussy.
All you fucking do is bitch and whine and complain and act EXACTLY like the people you supposedly hate.
Stop acting like a little bitch all the time.

>s-s-s-stop p-p-icking on m-m-m-me
It's okay son, we'll find you a safe space


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Any chads want to link me a stream for episode 4??

>I'll type "safespace" again.. maybe it'll work this time

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There is a disgusting level of newfaggery happening rn and i gotta say I'm disappointed

Also fuck newfags

Last time i checked , nazis and confederates lost. We had two wars over this, get over it. You lost . You don't like the U.S., leave. We also beat mexico, england, korea , you don't see them trying bitching and crying......muh muh muh heritage. Go find an island you can fuck ur mom without anyone bothing you.

they didn't. you're just a snowflake faggot.

Did it leak yet you massive faggot?

Vietnam kicked our ass though...

The British Isles?

I love America, it's the liberals that hate it and want to turn it into a tranny and spic infested dump

In the show, no one got to passionately suck the dragon's dick.
Simply put, not enough dragon disk, and not enough of the other desirable dragon goods.

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i cri evritiem

they didn't, had nothing to do with politics, it's just the GRRM is a great writer and they ran out of his source material

when left to their own devices they come up with lazy 1 dimensional character writing and inconsistent non-coherent story telling

it makes the show suck dick, and not cause of ''muh feminism''

because if you noticed by now, GRRM wrote a pretty pro-feminist story to begin with, the difference was his characters had depth and flaws, where as when they ran out of source material the fucking HBO writers started to just shit on paper and call it art

it's just plain old shitty fucking writing that has the goal of ending the show instead of keeping up with consistency and following and completing the story arcs naturally

That's pretty funny man, did you go to funny man university?

>plebbit spacing
go back

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stfu faggot, I've been here all summer and I have a severe disdain for redditors and stormfaggots as they are the cancer that killed Yea Forums and flooded in after the fappening

I've never visited reddit in my life, it's called making paragraphs you fucking roody poo candy assed bitch

Yawn, didn't read your fucking shit. Go back to plebbit with the other snowflakes ITT.

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Why, did something happen?

Basically in the series, around 9 groups are fighting over some dragons, as everyone is desperate to perform fellatio on the dragons. But since there are not enough dragons, a war soon happens.

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