I mean manipulating people is wrong and shit and he deserves a punishment but 10 years? come on...

I mean manipulating people is wrong and shit and he deserves a punishment but 10 years? come on. Why does everyone turn into mad animals when it comes to pedophiles? People want him to get raped, shot, locked up forever etc. Like wtf. He didn't rape anyone, he didn't really force anyone to do anything. 10 years is way too much

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Fuck him, I hoped he gets stabbed on arrival. Next to jail is that tranny Bilbo Eilish.

Dubs of pure truth.

Literally who?

Seriously, what is the story here, niggas?

he should have just had sex with a minor, would have gotten less time.
like the girls were minors but still generally teenagers right? in most of the US you have to fuck someone 12 or under to get 10 years, teenagers you'll get a lot less

It should've been life without parole. Pedos have no place in society.

Let me Google that for you

Some youtuber talked underaged girls into doing inappropriate shit.

>lives in capitalist society
>doesn't understand that private property is sacred

You lost faggot? We're talking about pedos not your politics shit.

literally kill yourself retard

10 years for soliciting videos from teenage girls is just ridiculous.

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It starts by searching for CP, then it get's to a point where the dude starts to groom a underage kid into sending him nudes. I'm sure you're familiar with To Catch a Predator. It's usually how it starts. Search up Ian Wattson.

hope you both get raped by giant black dicks. I also hope you like it, cheers.

Christ, you really are a bit slower, aren't you?

What's your point exactly?
What the dude did was ask some of his female fans for nude vids.
Think of that what you want but it certainly does not warrant a decade in prison.

Tru, too hard of a punishment, but he did make certain underaged users send pics of them twerking...

He sucked anyway. Why do you care?

You talk like you should be the one behind bars.
For the betterment of society.


I care about people.
Don't you?
Are you a sociopath?

I like fully grown women, thank you.

Not people who dig CP.

Not gonna be any of those in prison.

Why not?
Do you like to dehumanize people with issues?

Pedophilias only cure is death

So liking teenage girls is considered pedophilia now?

you ever had sex with a 17 yo?: KYS YOU RETARDED PEDO SCUM.
Was she 18 or above?: All fine my dude

simple as that

Because children are perfect and precious in the eyes of the normal

So sex makes you less perfect? Gtfo christfag

the guy is 26, he will be out when he's 36, his life is not ruined from the prison perspective, but he will have to register as a predator, was his sentence too short? not really, if you think about it from a broader perspective he's going to prison for a decade over digital pixels that he received on his phone, 10 years is perfect for something like getting nudes from minors, he could've gotten way more than that, when i was 20 i got a lot of nudes from 15yo and 16yo girls, but i'm not famous and no one knows about those pictures and look at me, i'm still fine and dandy, this kind of bullshit is only an American thing, over here the age of consent is 14, and there's practically zero pedophilia because people aren't considered pedophiles if your dating a 15yo, if your dating a 10yo that's a different story, i wonder why girls who are 15 and are okay with dating older men is totally fine here, but in America it's treason against humanity, all in all bullshit story, this guy is an idiot for asking underage girls to twerk for him on camera, especially when you're famous

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It's because people LOVE to feel morally superior. Society has basically agreed to use pedos as a punching bag that nobody will defend. You can beat them down, mock them, hurt them, kill them...doesnt matter. Our society revolves around moral superiority. So pedos are easy to attack.

I'm just blown the fuck away at how people will support and cheer murderers, rapists, drug dealers that atrack pedos in prison. It really blows my mind. Some dude is in jail for taking a life, and your supporting this piece of shit?

I read an article about this loser convict that beat up Jared Fogel in prison, all the comments were cheering the guy lol the article never said what the dude was in there for (of course) cause that doesn't matter. It's absolute insanity.

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First you say it's fine then you say it's not. Choose a position dude


I have these 2 pics. Saw them posted here a few weeks ago.

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Well shit no Government, Churches, or Schools.

Anarchy anarchy!

You hit the nail on the head, user.
Sadly, when you bring that up in conversation most will just default to calling you a pedo-sympathizer or just pedo because they either never learned to think for themselves or are afraid of the wrath of their peers for agreeing with you.

Its not okay, it's wrong and should remain illegal but also it is totally overblown and people do love to use pedos as punching bags to deflect from their own depravity. We shouldnt accept pedophilia but we should think about it in a sober and critically reflective way

Holy fuck that house is filthy

He deserves 25 years

I wish it were legal to hunt them.

I'm glad he's in jail. Anyone who ever had that haircut deserves a fate worse than death.

Seriously, what the fuck was that? "hey lets sweep all our hair across our forehead" What kind of stupid shit was that?

God i hope he's beaten to death in the shower for that.

Yeah, you're right. Anytime you question how ruthless people are towards pedos, then your automatically a suspected pedo and on "their side".

Thats why I'll NEVER make this argument anywhere else.

And then?
Who benefits from harsher punishments?

On a side note, did you know that the US has 25% of the worlds prisoners despite only having 5% of the worlds population?

that's because incarceration is a business in America

So youre saying you want to murder people? You wish you could? What's worse? Fantisizing about killing people or jerkin it to anime or the disney channel? Frankly, i dont think either is in aplace to judge the other

If you murder someone, do you have to register as a murderer when you're released and let all your neighbours know you're a recently released human killer?

When the sun goes down, 13th aint very old...

Logan Paul... better watch out!

People are so overly emotionnal when it comes to this. Many people did worse things and got less jail time. Humans are bad by nature but their hypocrisy prevent them from openly enjoying anyone being hurt for the sake of it. So they lash out on pedos (not even child rapists, just people attracted to kids who never hurt anybody) because they can hate them and hurt them as much as they want without being persecuted for it.

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He's cute

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that first sentence user....that first sentence...

Read the chat logs. The dude's a world-class manipulator, and all signs point to him eventually doing it in real life to some poor kid. Hope he rots.

The Pope is a pedophile.
Vladimir Putin is a pedophile.
Chris Hansen is a pedophile.
You need to have power and money to be a pedophile.

10 years is excessive compared to other crimes but this being a high profile case i think it makes sense to set an example

If it was a woman who was grooming little boys then I'm sure nobody would give a single fuck, just like how female teachers can have sex with school kids and everyone will post comments of admiration on the Facebook news article, and yet the same people will post death threats in 'pedo hunter' livestreams.

Actual sex with actual kids = naaw, where was she when I was at school?

Talking to decoy who doesn't even exist = KILL IT NOW

This guy was convicted due to gender and idiocy.

This is why you manscape, boys. Thought that was an animal's tail for a second.