I'm very fucking sad, Yea Forums

I'm very fucking sad, Yea Forums
Can we get a ylyl or something going?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I suppose i should get things moving

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ylyl died friend


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ylyl will never die. If you spoke truth you would of got the quads.

This made me chuckle, thanks Yea Forumsro

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very few will get this one

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Did the dad eat the bacon?

Hopefully, Greg is gonna need all the support he can get.

true, the fat land whales will always orbit you in bars etc but the rest.. you don't even exist

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From another thread today

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This remind me of mass immigration.

The far left one. Isn't that the lil' nigga from Everybody Hates Chris? What the fuck?

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Why you sad user?

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You mean 300K ?

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Fuck ya it is!

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I decide to finally go outside after a month of hiding away in my cave of a bedroom and when i'm at the shop i see my ex and her new boyfriend. It made me so angry to see her happy with someone else other than me. I know it's selfish but i miss her so much.

Tbh bagel dogs are fye

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immigrants are hawks now

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Bacon is not, never has been, and never will be bananas.

I don't think its selfish tho, you being envious doesn't make you selfish, cant control ones feelings

It'll pass. Just be glad you're not the one now putting up with her shit.

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it's not about getting laid, it's about doing the right thing

I got you, famalam. I dare you not to giggle at this shit.

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Found the homosexual

Or being ghey

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You got me

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“The right thing” doesn’t exist anymore. Find a better purpose in life.

That's a hell of a bad bait there, young nigga.


This plus the Soniclight should be enough for your faget pleasures teeth or no

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No blojob water glass deny you cannot

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meh. I don't know what dystopian city you live but where I come from kindness does you well.


>doing the right thing
Well two things wrong with this statement.
>It's not worth it
>Sometimes doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing.

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Smart milf

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Nice MSPaint you have there.

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But why though?

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In celebration of Cinco De Mayo, I broke into my neighbor's house and refused to leave.

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ergonomics. Same reason your car's gear stick is shaped like a dick

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story? she looked like she deserved it

Any more fight webms?

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Thats impressive but what's the point in joint military if you can't hold a rifle?

Ahh the ol drunken belly bump technique

Dude, the women are needed for non-combat roles, not everyone has to carry a rifle even though they have to go through basic training.

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Here's one.

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military? dude it's a tough mudder. it's a race for people whose parents didn't love them so they have to fucking kill themselves everyday to be as physically fit as possible in order to make themselves feel superior to others. they run through ice water and mud, climb hills and walls and get dirty and fucking go through a lot of pain so they can get a little medal at the end and take pictures and put it on social media so they can brag to their friends. we're at this point in America where people do literally pointless amounts of exercise and self punishment just to try and make themselves feel like they are better than their neighbors. we're so bored.

I was talking about the dude with one arm

I'm quite confident the man in that clip can hold and shoot a rifle effectively. And I bet he shoots 40/40.

Nah you can't bring a gun(s) to a proper fight

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I can fix thisyoutube.com/watch?v=F9ajbpTjiv8&t=6s

Found the fat guy.

Oh, he joined the military with two arms and two legs, now he's a trainer.

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>scream as hard as I can
>wake up
>scream even harder
good kek

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i'm 5'11 192 pounds and very lean. i work out 4 days a week. tough mudders are fucking gay though. it's one thing to be healthy and then another to be a fucking extreme weirdo about it for absolutely no reason other than "look at me look at me i did it i did it" when they haven't really 'done' anything

this reminds me of considering conservatives' view points

we need to manage this for them

"Non combat roles" you mean cooking and cleaninig or prostitution? Because they can do that pretty much anywhere and not get paid well to do so.

Such a good song

These are gold. You got anymore?

Is this from a movie?

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>literally angry at people who enjoy a challenge
lol nope

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Only oldfags recognise this guy.

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When I was in, they started integrating females into combat roles.

Honestly one of the worst ylyl I’ve ever seen
Sage in all fields

Movie name is in the filename

it's a challenge for no reason other than to gloat

i have a valid point here. there are reasons to take on challenges, but when it's just to say "look i got through that obstacle course" and brag, and not to actually improve your life in any way, then you're a retard who is wasting time on personal masturbation and not self improvement. if you don't believe me go hang out at one of these things and you will instantly realize what i mean. there are people being taken out in ambulances dude

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This is the correct answer

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Well i'm having a good time

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You were the only one looking for a homosexual so you win! Enjoy your homosexual

i literally do not have the fucking time to sit and read through this bullshit. someone sum up what it says.




Christchurch was a mossad organized false flag to distract all the media from Gaza strip bombing. The evidence indicated is that the mossad were active in Christchurch for many years.


Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

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that's dumb and probably not true

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>I don't want to read the evidence
>forms an opinion with no knowledge of what transpired
Playing right into their hands goyboi

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Is this bait or r u new

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England is the rectum of the first world

You're the only one looking for a fat guy so you win! Enjoy your fat guy Faggot


lol ok and I bet you think 9/11 was a hoax

i love watching conspiracy theorists fucking sperg out

Alright i'm going to go sleep, thank you to all the Anons who posted and made me chuckle. This actually made me feel better. I'll see you lot tomorrow, as always.

Yo, that entire circle on YouTube is best trash fire to watch. Medokur, Ralph, zoom, Andy, cog, dame, flaminco, etc.

Don't forget to aim aim aim.

No one wants to hear your frickin Vietnam stories grandpa

Steel jets can't melt fuel beams


You have time to whine about it and deal with the captcha to post that whine so just read the shit lazy fucking boomer

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I don't think it was a hoax. I think it was a carefully planned and expertly carried out false flag event that allowed the United states to carry out natural resource motivated ambitions in the middle east with very little backlash from the general public.

No one is sperging out friend, just conversation. The "nose out" video shows clear evidence that media trickery was involved to pull the event off, and is quite honestly the only nail the coffin needs. The collapse of building 7, and the complete lack of evidence of a plane being anywhere near the Pentagon just further add to this.

That said, take in all the information available and form your own opinion. Why let individuals with power over you shape your perception of reality?

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This thread is awful

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So people committed suicide for a false flag?

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i'm dead

Why did I lose to this?

Cool story faggit.

Found the faggot chubby chaser. You like bears faggot?

Kek. So did you get your ass licked at one of those races faggot?

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Which people are you talking about? The individuals in question had no knowledge of the event. They thought it was real. And it was real. It really did happen. The perpetrators and motives are what is being called into question.
The people jumping off the building? Yes. Their loss of life was very real and very tragic. They were sacrificed by their government for financial gain and to sway the opinion of the general population.
The muslim extremists hijacking the planes? I don't think this ever actually occurred. It's a matter of debate what methods were used to carry out the incident. Some have suggested missiles, thermite, or even very powerful military implements such as D.E.W. we simply don't know, and may never have sufficient evidence to prove how exactly it was carried out.

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Fucking lol

virgin spotted

dat virgin

if answer is ergonomics then why do straight men not like plastic dick

>we're at this point in America where people do literally still exercise. we're so fat

Imagine being this upset that 1/10 of your population still exercises. Calm down porky

imagine being this triggered because you're fat. of course this user has to bring fags into. always gotta have something in your mouth don't you porky?

Did he hurt your feelings? Fat men are as whiny as women

kecked and chekked

Maybe the planes we saw were holograms?

Damnit I was hoping that was real. Perfect for weeb gf.


>using tricks to hide your /pol/ chat on Discord so it won't get shut down

Are you actually fucking clinically retarded

What the fuck is IRC for

I mean, yeah everyone hates overly "tough" guy bullshit. That's why even major gyms kick them out. But they're a minority and it's no reason to rant about the majority of other people who do one or a few mudders to see if they can. It's far better to push yourself physically and mentally than exist as one of the flabby, overeating, deppressed population. The West can't be safeguarded by meme NEETs

That's ok I keep reporting it.

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I've heard this as well. Holograms to fool the onlookers and explosives to commit the act.
The technology isn't all that farfetched either. Pic related is just one of many examples of its effective implementation.

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Interesting but the force of the plane caused this

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the red head has the facial features of the grinch in that newer grinch movie

>Force doesn't matter if the material is proportionally weaker.

Aluminum a shit

>make themselves feel superior to others
Everyone who at least had the balls to go there and try to do that are superior to your unmotivated, self pitying, basement dwelling, tranny fapping ass by every possible measure.

I somehow haven't seen this until now. Pretty gay.

Good. Morons too young/stupid to use IRC for the exact thing that IRC is for deserve it.

>It's far better
What the fuck are u basing this on? Should everybody live their lives to your standards? What a fucking loser

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only a faggot american would be pissed that another america told them to exercise. kek your whole nation is a fucking jok

>be mentally and physically healthy
>this triggers the land whale
this isn't tumblr newfag fatty

>someone online suggests that people should exercise
>fatty spegord gets triggered and gives a tumblr rant
>on fucking Yea Forums
The sad part is I know this isn't b8

>Tumblr rant on Yea Forums
kys newfag

Two Best Friends? What's the joke?

>American/10 response

What standards did he even mention? Contribute or fuck off

Yes. Earth will be your perfect Utopia when everybody exercises.
Lmao. Fucking morons


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manson convinced hippie girls to kill some whities and blame it on blackers to start a race war or something like that

Yeah and maybe aliens gave the technology and they used chemtrails to fool the onlookers

I don't get it either.

Jesus. Am I on Yea Forums or a pro-fat reddit board?

If your logic holds you should be able to safely jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and have a lovely swim

>everyone's stupid but me
>sips from bucket of soda

Yes that's what everyone was saying by making fun of your obesity.

dis nigga dead right

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What's wrong with being obese?

oof. still responding with autism fatty?



weak and predictable

>centrists irl

Fuck centrists


So it's wrong to be obese but nobody can tell me why. Why are humans so fucking stupid? Seriously.

i feel bad coming here knowing there was a serious brain-drain from B and most of the good posters and content are long gone, just its just recycled discord 'memes' (pointless, punchlineless writing over nonfunny images)
jew fluoride movie makers with no creativity brainwashed the latest gen of kiddtards

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What is that stance?

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Fuck off and never return cunt

i hope these are just signs of the times that kids are more into sub-culture and now we got actual 11 year olds trying to meme with no actual previous comedy experience, and didnt ever watch funny movies from the 90s, just loser disney minecraft kids typing first fluoridated thought. hope its just that and not all of the B ruined by this memecraft/discordcraft generation of 12 year olds

im here for other threads but YLYL threads archived from eh 2014ish was around the time it started getting low iq, i mean just look at your feminine response. sign of the times. your generation has half the testosterone and sperm count as mine lol. i was born in 85. you know women authors write less good books right, and arent comedians? just signs of the estrogen times my little bros. your meme folder is trash to me.. im a real B tard man.. bye fag

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Yeah cuz those aluminum wings were in one piece after this collision


The left can't meemee

almost chuckled


>thinks he’s old and wise
Mega faggot

Tactical cheat death to make the students stop laughing

Yeah female comedians are terrible



Oh shit, are you really THAT fat?

Probable a pedophile scat furry hentai server

Got me.

Where is the rest of the bus????

Lost it to this :D

I too am a memespert born in 85

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why is that?

imagine being this fucking dumb and flat-thinking, imagine not understanding physics at all, and going about your daily life thinking you know more than other people

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kid's lucky he didn't get cut to ribbons.
it's behind the building, on the left. windows at that angle mimic a mirror.

I know this is bait, but kill yourself


How about you kill yourself old-timer?

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I'm gonna go with 2.
1 is smol
3 is green
4 has no border
5 is round
2 is the only one that doesn't have some characteristic that sets it apart from the others, and in that way it is the odd one out.

hey I'm out of corn starch can I use flour as a substitute?

I bet you think your currency is valuable too ha?

Bird memes can't cut steel beams

Bullet: small and lightweight
Human body: larger, denser, heavier
You have to consider velocity too.

>i have a valid point here
This is when you know you do not, in fact, have a valid point

Got me Gud

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I don't get it.
Why doesn't the fish have a baseball bat and a long history of violence?

...Yes, exactly.

See /fph/ over on /fit/. They'll give you plenty of reasons. If that's too harsh for your sensitive ass, I'm sure /fat/ will help you out, too.


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Nice schitzo post, bro

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Serious question. Are u retarded?

Owie bruisie

does half drunk count as retarded?

The cope in the replies is what made me lose.

That teacher musta played soccer in college
>>/10 flop

Haha! What a fag.

Captain Disillusion busted this shit years ago

did it dieed?

>when you nut but she keeps sucking


It is real
Google kashimashi kanji

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Those are two ugly bitches.

Go pet your cat Karen no one cares

trips of truth



Nice image macro my friend

Found the faggot

This reminds me of the absurdity of existence

>chaotic level: 8
I got the zozzle, well played

Fat fucking pathetic piece of shit. Either that or a skinny faggot that only lower spectrum girls would date. KILL YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY TO ENSURE NOTHING LIKE YOU BREEDS AGAIN

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This is the dumbest post in the thread

Bullshit nigger


That's not even the twin towers idiot.

that's the point:
its the other tower

i hope you're just trolling user....

Damn it was an actual decent ylyl and ya’ll had to sperg out and ruin it with your conspiracy autism.

This is why we can’t have nice things

I can’t believe I miss the damn bananas

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Unironically this.

Why does every thread here have to end in absolute aspergers 99% of the time

Fucking kek!

>Implying you cant mount a goddamn bazooka to that dude's arm
Mech-Warriors are the future of the military. That dude's a Darpa cyborg.

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Watch kitty history

kek dumb cunts no upper body strength dude with 1 arm and leg needs no help

I think it looks like a truly badass hobby. Probably very fulfilling too.

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LMAAAOO legend

It is real.

Although the meaning of "noisy" is a Japanese-only usage. The original, Chinese meaning is "immoral, immorality".

She's faking to get him in trouble so everyone will overlook the fact that she started it.


also my dick is confused r8 now

Wrong audience here mate.

This is my way

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what the fuck is this?

a new movie?


too graphic for me

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5'11 192 isnt fit lol

whats that mean?

drunk man in Albanian?


the googles says dad drink or granpa drink in croatian

No, because water has surface tension which is definitely stronger than your bones and flesh.

Except most small bullets don't make parts of you explode off. In fact even rifle rounds tumble through your body if entered at an angle.


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is this supposed to be funny a cripple being laughed at by lazy cunts

Because penis feels good to them. They just don't like the rest of your ugly ass.

KE = (1/2) m v^2

"Real strength lies in homogeneity," Alan "Cooter" Delmont thought confidently to himself before clicking Post and pushing himself off from his cluttered bed. Hoisting himself comfortably into his wheelchair, Alan wondered - not for the first time - if the amputation of his fused legs might have been the result of his sister-mother's tendency to get drunk around his uncle-grandfather in her youth. Well, no point in speculating upon the past now, especially as Alan's rumbling stomach set his mind on dinner. Annabelle, his sister-aunt, would prepare his favorite tonight: sliced white bread with ketchup and a glass of milk! Alan smiled at the thought of his sister's cooking, and reflected fondly on the time his uncle-grandfather invited him to feel his sister-aunt's slimy place. Perhaps the family would huff gasoline together tonight before passing out on the couch in front of their VHS copy of Birth of a Nation. "Life is perfect", Alan thought wistfully as a discarded meth pipe cracked under his wheelchair, "without those niggers, spics, and kikes."

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