Feeling bored, let’s fuck something up or start a raid. Pic unrelated

Feeling bored, let’s fuck something up or start a raid. Pic unrelated.

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Other urls found in this thread:



reporting for duty

Yea Forums not your personal army

who ya thinken

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Here is something we made earlier in an b raid. You cab help defending. We set up an discord server too for if threads get taken down too. just contact King69#6979

Lets go Mr.Negroid

He ask for people to do something with him, not for him, brainlet.

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based and redpilled

swastika is falling

can you respond on discord? or was it not you who send the reuquest

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Would tiktok work? they’re insecure shits

How bout raiding some YT account without many subs?

Twitch.tv is good place to start

Asking and Demanding


Your welcome.

Let's do it how about tumblr

sperg shut the fuck up, read the text again.

I suppose a lot of these people are going to have uncomfortable feelings when they find out they're the servants of Hitler's enemies: the untermensches who grabbed the flag of a defeated army.

What are we going raid ?


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Post boipucci


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Bump this shit chief

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Wow you cunts cant get anything done

/pol/fag here. Anything actually gonna get rolling? OP should've had a plan.

Rain world discord

I don't know when but we're tossing ideas and your right OP should've had a plan

Raid tumblr or a liberal twitch stream

so bored

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Lets just decide a course of action

we should raid livestream with a big Audience

Newfag spotted


Idk. Its better to make a big splash in a small pond. The Twitch Trannies and minecraft 8 yr olds are usually the easiest to fuck with.

oldfag here what is twitch?
Or shall I ask my daughter?

Wtf is with this jew?

Raid ninja

How about a gmod server they are an easy targert

I don't know if it will maybe you make a thread if you really want to do that cause I think OP is fucking with us

When is he streaming?

any retarded semi-big twitch streamer?

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Cmon and just pic a target im sick of waiting on you faggettes

Google Ezekiel Ox. Leftist cunt. Thinks his music is the best, often posts on Yea Forums, censors free speech

Right now

he's currently live. what do?

sub-only, though

I'm down for this

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hey its worth to give it a try plus I fucking hate fortnite just like I fucking hate airpods


so do we buy subs and then raid? im broke


wait the fucker really put a pay wall

I'm ready

There's 100k viewers, what's the point? It's already chaos, 30 Yea Forumstards won't make a difference.

Don't make this political, incel!


Do we have a plan?

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The man got dubs, and raiding is political, feggot

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right now, we're figuring out what to do about the pay wall

30 of us can cause a problem if we spam the shit out of him

nah chief we can still spam twitch.tv/Ninja

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there's no paywall just checked



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yes there is. i'm refreshing

Raid true instead he is playing fortnite to

I don't know my dumb ass but for me theres not pay wall

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He's away now anyway

well he's about to end stream im pretty sure. do we plan for tomorrow

Nevermind he also has sub only chat


no we have to figure who raid next Any ideas anons?


We could hop on Fortnite and stream-snipe him, but he might have protections against that too


I can smell the NYPA faggots already.

he has fucking anti raid system in place

Post pics of daughter



thats the thing we're not someones personal army we're fucking raiding like the great crusade

what about this guy instead? twitch.tv/weesterner

twitch.tv/quackityHQ is about to start streaming


try harder

this could work

not legal

twitch.tv/westerner WE GOT OUR BAIT BOYS

what do we do

I won't call the cops. You're good, bro. Now start posting

What we do best

quackity or weest?

What about this crazy-ass girl on chaturbate: donnapleasureme
She’s going mental and screaming because she’s got next to to tokens. Someone sympathy tipped her, what’s next?


so what do we say?



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newfag spotted

If this Thread gets 404'd someone continue this thread

What do we do

Go fuck yourself op

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Maybe we should just start looking around for channels on twitch see who's the easiest person to fuck with

Just spam what else

I'm retarded or something but the feed is saying offline.


it spelled wring twitch.tv/weesterner

Is she on now? I don't see her

we need something to spam as a group.

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on weest



This guy's perfect

>go chaturbate
>find autistic slut with less than 100/150 views

alright, we're getting somewhere.

what do we spam?

We should spam that he's a pedophile

Literally anything to get him pissed

what if we reference Yea Forums in some way

Im broke for donation


how though?

I would keep tweeting at randy pitchford but he blocked me


Rules 1/2 faggot, if anything we say we are from 9gag/plebbit

well is there a restriction on what type of link we can post, if there isn't we should spam trap threads at him.


Alright Comrades spam away

Spam this Horny Nigga Laundry Basket

letssss goooooo

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Nazis executed down's syndrome babies like this paedo. Which tampon recycler did you crawl out of? Worse than any Jew/Muslim/black/Cherokee/etc

aight lets go

Find someone that can't block



Who just linked the thread faggots, this is why we can’t have nice things anymore

we just failed. god dammit

i think you guys picked on one of your own

alright pack it up. this is 4/1/2019 all over again

Mission Failed, Well get em next time.

This. Fucking cancer. Let's just abuse a desperate camwhore instead.

If you actually think this faggot is one of us you have fucking down syndrome

the writers ruined it with bad writing. why are you such a dumbass conspiracy theorist?

b can't even raid properly anymore

I say raid the camwhore

Sssoooooaaaappppp! nnnoooo!

Playing Sims 2 with very few viewers. Engages with the chat. Is black. Let loose.

new here?

Any other options

you're right, you're obviously much more of an incel basement dweller than he is

this could work

This but the obvious children in the thread aren’t allowed on camsites that’s why the want twitch.

if you really want to go on cam site drop a link

OK, she might not have known what she was doing, but the producer/cameraman sure as hell did.


Just said trolls piss her off we really need to let it rip on this bitch

the cameraman is her fucking dad!
there are so many pigs out there
more followers mo money for them
fuck social media

im down

spam anything theres one mod

Facebook work? Get me info so I can get his stupid game. Pic related. facebook/ people/ ClockwarkGate-Dev /100010376566770

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Spam the Soviet Anthem

You have to put .com after facebook, by the way.

So fresh and sweet.

Ignore this hook nosed olive skinned shill

you guys can do whatever. but this is an official failed mission to me.

so that was more gay she left

>if it gets any worse we're just going to have to cut the stream and maybe restart it

Spam 13% of the population 50% of the crime

we just need to find a good target and see if they have a mod

This is the worst batch of raiders I have ever seen

So whats up?

WTF Yea Forums cannot even raid a nigger bitch with 12 viewers, shame.

then help us pull of this raid my guy We need to come together to pull shit off or we are just here wasting our time

And his email royluigi06@gmail com

Here is a good place to start, tell her she underage and we are reporting her.

chaturbate om/chloe_chloe/

SamPepper on DLive he doesnt have mods

>chaturbate om/chloe_chloe/

why cant we just spam the fuck out of it we already failed with this one chief

Send the link to everyone we wanna see

Gone private. Another one, uglier

dlive.tv/sampepper hes right back he said

Sorry Yea Forumsro late to the party. Try this one obviously a got fan, spam her with spoilers or some shit.

chaturbate com/genevacherry/

Convince him his gf has aids

the FUCK is 'dlive'
not worth the sign up

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Spam rape comments to the rapist

Alright we got links

Sam Pepper Or Pornstar

Wrong link.


Its a big crypto scam but also a streaming platform

Why are these genetic rejects always the ones that are pro-Nazi? They'd be the first Hitler would throw in the chamber.

"Angela, if I don't win the war, fuck them up with credits"

still offline

that hair is disgusting

nice rofl


I think I found one

big faggot

Hes streaming now and looks like a chernobilly

Say " Sory for the aids hannah" lol

This guy is a mega tard I say get him


go for it


She was at time of posting

Your a homophone

Finally something!

WE GOT A NEW TARGET DUDES twitch.tv/fortnite_nathantubeurlife

What do we spam

this is really going somewhere guys. keep it up.

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Sory for the aids

it is

nice bait

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Yore correct

wear a mask now normie!

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any ideas?

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SPAM >> Sory for the aids


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no dubs? no raid motherfucker!

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Get this cherno guy to strip

there is a raid

my pc is new raid me!

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"How is HRT going?"

guys what if we raided this website called "www.Yea Forums.org/b/"
its full of gay people and i think we really have a chance

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girl lover?


"sorry for the aids hannah"

twitch.tv/fortnite_nathantubeurlife Here it Is again

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BS is full of niggers

How about him

Based we should do this 9gag they are faggots over at Yea Forums.

Lets fuck something up guys im bored and its 3 am

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The aids thing on sam peppers stream is fun lol

Dubs chooses what we raid.

dlive.tv/Hampton_BrandonTTD Lest Goooo! Tell them about the aids!