How do I get better at rolling? Do I just buy a pack of papers and keep trying until I get good? If they break...

How do I get better at rolling? Do I just buy a pack of papers and keep trying until I get good? If they break, just move onto the next one? Whenever I try to roll, I always end up breaking or tearing the paper.

Attached: dude weed lmao.jpg (708x708, 317K)

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pretty much

If i film a tutorial, will you watch it? I’ll post it on YT and take it down as soon as you tell me you’re good
Or if you want, i’ll keep it up for you to look back if you’re having issues
Rolling is just so easy and fun for me

dude just eat it instead

the key is to maintain tension in the paper while avoiding shear, you want to be pulling the paper tight and keeping the force in line to prevent tearing. easier said than done without practice but this is the mechanical basis for a tight roll

please do this. there are no decent rolling tutorials up its all a bunch of fat black guys with their giant gut blocking their rolling process just to have a jay the size of a millimeter peter in the end

And i have to say that you don’t even need to apply much pressure on either fingers when holding/rolling the paper
But whatever, everyone has their technique

Try using a smaller roach or tip. Might help

just keep practicing with tobacco , start small and work your way up , if that fails get a rolling mat their simple to use

i recommend using larger papers like wraps first

Blunt or joints? Just do what I did and just keep re-rolling the same weed over and over again. Until you perfect it. You will need a shit ton of papers/blunts though

Take a dollar bill.
Hold it long way.
Fold up the last quarter inch.
Fill with weed.
Insert paper against length of bill.
Use your thumbs and roll the bill up.

Perfect joint.

Alright, hold on
I’ll grind some and start filming
Keep the thread alive and i’ll report back when i’m about to upload

Turn yourself in to the authorities, skunk brain.

it's gentle tension through friction to prevent 'crinkles' which will invite a shear force into the paper causing a tear, since rolling paper is strong in tension but weak in shear. not too much 'pressure' ie squeezing with your fingers, maybe it's just my technique or maybe i'm not explaining well enough either way

Here ya go my dude, the 2 tutorials that helped me:

the important thing you must understand about rolling in general, be it tobacco or anything else, is that you must relax your hands, don't use force, play around with it, give it a nice even shape first before doing the sushi roll.

Practice makes perfect

I’m about to upload the video

Alright guys, trick tip is up

I’m leaving to smoke the joint i rolled in the video lol so enjoy

>"Vanilla face"
Guess the movie

Like other anons have said, practice. Or be lazy and buy a plastic roller liker the one here.

Just put "cigarette roller" in amazon

Attached: jointroller.jpg (300x155, 8K)

how to get scamed these things are pure shiit

Guys i’m
Tutorial is up see

They work great if you're not retarded

These work just fine. Don't pay more than 5-10$ for one though.

But hand rolling is not really that hard.

Just keep posting til you get dubs/trips

They'll always give you a skinny johnson. They're nice for quick tokens though.

i dare you using weed in that see how packed your weed gets.

Buy a pack, roll until perfect. If you fail, empty it out and try with another one

just buy raw cones like the faggot you are

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