Complete honesty here Yea Forums... would you smash? No shame here but 100% would

Complete honesty here Yea Forums... would you smash? No shame here but 100% would.

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She's a nigger minus that fine nigger thick ass but I'd still wreck her because she acts the whore

Respect for your honesty. I’d ruin that bitch with no need to ask me twice.

Naw, I'm not into bestiality.

I’d happily be shunned for the rest of my life from society for taking her to pound town. Gotta wear that lingerie though or it’s a deal breaker.

Smells chlamydia 1000 miles away. I still bang her of course.

only a faggot wouldnt

Nothing a good old shot of Penicillin can’t fix. Worst case scenario you have a treatment-resistant bacteria that takes a fuck tonne of time to shift.

Worth the nut and glory.

Oh man, I'd disappoint her so hard


Yea but rather Nicki

Nah bro, too much fake ass. Rihanna’s got that natural thickness that you could just ruin. Plus Nicki’s too Hollywood... imagine Riri all up on your Disco Stick. That’s a wild ride to remember.

Not only would I smash & give her the most disappointing 30 seconds of her life, I’d brag about it for the rest of my days

black girls are queens

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No shame, user. 30 seconds is enough to pump and dump. She’d be satisfied with a pussy full of cum anyway.

No, I wouldn't. I don't like her hoodrat behavior and the other thing that I find disgusting about her are the tattoos.

>not wanting to fuck the manifestation of sex

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She's a queen looking for her white boi

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you would though

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I heard she has the herp. so, I will pass, unless she had some sort of medical test showing she was herpes free since '88

probably got it from Leo

Only if she keeps the leggings.

pretend she isn't famous and rich, you you realize how fucking ugly she actually is.


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she's average. I don't even like blacks girls and i have scene prettier ones in college campus and in public. Wealth and fame does funny thing to the brain.

>Wealth and fame does funny thing to the brain.
Oh yeah I don't deny that that affects us, this is Yea Forums where half the users think swift is a goddess. But she's certainly not average

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you have the ultimate gay