My drugs are wearing off and I don't have more

My drugs are wearing off and I don't have more

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Go to bed I guess, maybe drink alcohol

What drugs?

I dont have any either. I dont know anyone here in texas

Molly and coke

And im supposed to care, why?

What are you a teenager?

stop damaging your brain.



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Fucking lame drugs. I've done molly at least 8 times and it's always disappointing as fuck. Coke is okay, but way too expensive for what you get out of it. Just stick to weed. If you like uppers, just do meth, it's the only one that's worthwhile.

Just buy more dumbass

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Im gonna smoke a fat bowl in some minutes to try and clear out my feelings
>wont work probably
>didnt work for the last few days
>will try anyway
>i dont see the way

I believe in u user

Heres some (sympathy)

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Nice reddit meme

At least im not sitting going "woe as me, i cant be happy so im going to go to anonymous image board to subtly seek pity from others"
We literally have this thread every day and people always show up to circlejerk about their garbage while they only waste more time... circlejerking about their garbage lives. Try some self awareness, who knows, you might like it.

>Twitter-style arguments

And? Sleep if off you nigger.

get sum heroin

Imagine my surprise when you unironically disregard helpful advice... so you can cry more about your garbage life. Have fun wishing for change without putting in any effort. Been there, done that. Probably did more hard drugs than you can fathom.
Ive got laundry to do. Best of luck growing out of the phase.

I know which real human i want to interact with
>thats my problem basically - no love -> no feels -> no worrys
Its just really hard and im not good with feelings