Black people should get reparations for slavery...

Black people should get reparations for slavery, and it's probably going to happen soon because the idea is getting more popular.

Prove me wrong.

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Sure, show me a nigger who was a slave 150 years ago and I'll give him my spare change....

yea, lets, on the condition that you guys from then on agree that the score is settled and that no more positive discrimination will be tolerated.

Heck, id even agree to give more then needed to get this, lets just draw a line, settle the score and move on from racism from there on and start treating people like people, and not like what race you are a part of.

Ex Post Facto

Yeah no...OP is a faggot

They received reparations from the Civil War already.

The idea is that because of what white people did to them long time ago, they still suffer today. It's basically hereditary.

Did europeans get money for ww2 no they didnt

Fucking op is a nigger faggot

mate, they kinda did, and so did they for ww1.

Kinda but still its a bad idea to get money for basicly being black

The only thing hereditary is that their still niggers

Sure, I'll gladly pay for a return boat ticket to the African country of their choce.

Reparations in the form of a one way ticket back to Africa, would be wildly popular. Try that angle!

black people were the ones who enslaved them in the first place and sold them off.
i'm pretty sure being a slave in savage Africa is far worse than in the west. so it's like when you save a caged chicken an let it roam around your garden in return for eggs.

I actually think they do deserve a little something. Let’s be real the last time America was great was when every nigger had a job.

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I'm white and I've never owned a slave. Shit, I'm 21 years old and my grandparents who were born in the USA never owned a slave. How are you going to tell a white person who's ancestors immigrated after WWI to the USA that they must pay reparations?

If anything, I should be getting reparations because my great grandparents came from Croatia, which basically puts them on the same level as niggers.

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You must only watch cnn lmao, get a life liberal faggot