Had the best Saturday/Sunday of my life

Had the best Saturday/Sunday of my life

So on yesterday I meet up with my group for a class to study for a final. We studied for like 2 hours before others had to leave, it was me and this one chick in the end. She starts complaining how stressed she is and stuff. She starts to talk to
Me about “distressing”. 5 minutes later we are fucking on her bed. Later that day i went out with some friends to a bar and meet this one chick. Long story short, we fucked that night. Then in the morning I went to see my gf and at her place.
No body at home
Just us two.
We Fuck.

In about 24 hours I fucked 3 different girls. I have never done this before. I feel awesome. Anyone ever done this before?? I wasn’t planning on this at all it just all came to.

>>IB4 STDs

Attached: D7B6695E-96D2-4BF5-B2A4-595C0F0EBE53.jpg (1024x768, 72K)

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Is that dude vaping wearing a purse?

Looks like it, yeah

Yeah, I did

I usually don't really think about it either. It kinda just happens.

It does complement his sweater

So does everybody with a gf at some point.

Not gonna lie, that is some quality pussy right there.

What a legend

Ain't no Indiana Jones satchel.

I want more pics of her kind sir

Like we don't have enough autists already

Attached: yoda-car-be-like-hmmmmm-run-over-minoritiesi-must-left-47117206__01.png (500x515, 297K)

The joy of being in your early/mid twenties....the best pussy day I had was 3 and a blowjob. The worst I had was coming back after a blackout and being in bed with this way out of my league chick and not remembering shit. Enjoy!

It's always nice to hear your sex stories chad. yeah of course I've had 3 ways before and sex orgies, who hasn't pfft.

>fucking 2 other girls while you have a GF

You're a bad person and you don't deserve your girlfriend

His gf probably fucks other dudes.

Welcome to 2019

so proud of you for ruining someone's trust for your own sexual gratification

...... if they agreed on that, it's fine. i don't feel like they have, and the year has nothing to do with implied commitment.

You're a fucking moral-tard aren't you? You have one life, so best fill it with kicks. Fair play to OP, he's shagged 3 chicks more in one day than you'll have in your life.

and if they did not agree, it is also fine.
welcome to every year in history since the stone age

I've had sex with 36 women so far (at 22 years old), and none of them ever left with a broken sense of trust.


That’s awesome dude. Happy for you!


It doesn't count as sex if all they did was peg you with a strap on, faggot.

Congratulations on ruining some's sexual trust for your own moral gratification

It's great, I had 4 in one day...
My ex text me when she was on her lunch break, came by and fucked.
2 hrs later this chick I new from school wanted to "stop by" fucked her.
Took my gf out for dinner and fucked after.
Then spent the night at this girls house that had been wanting to date but I just made her a sidechick.

yep, did things like this when I was 18/19. My girlfriend had just broken up with me after all 4 years of high school but we were fucking just for fun, I was fucking her best friend behind her back, and had a super emo circa 2009 side bitch. none of them knew about each other. it's a marvelous feeling when your ex girlfriend doesn't know she's slurping two other girls off your cock.

I've fucked 3 different girls in one day. Fucked 2 different girls in one day many times. I've fucked a lot of girls

Nice book idea bro, let me know when you publish this novel

>girls are loyal
Yeah right. Never met a single loyal one.

Congrats man happy for you