Brenton Tarrant appreciation thread, our semi god that showed we can battle these scums that invade Europe, rape,murder...

Brenton Tarrant appreciation thread, our semi god that showed we can battle these scums that invade Europe, rape,murder,steal and spread their supposedly religion of peace, wake up fellow Europeans

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Other urls found in this thread:

his manifesto, The Great Replacement
http ://

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The people that are beheaded by the muslims are not strangers, they are your blood.
The people that are raped by the muslims are not strangers, they are your kin.
The people that are exploited by the muslims are not strangers, they are your children.

Do not forget the lives they have taken. We are at war.
They are murdering your kin.
They are raping your kith
These people that were murdered are not strangers.
They spoke your language.
They shared your history.
They shared your DNA. They are murdering your children.

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Do your own research, take the redpills, realize the truth and wake up. Stand up for your country and fight the invaders trying to destroy the white race, spread the message

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Everyone is my family homie ^-^ all religions welcome. Violence encouraged during mosh pits.

Or you know anything else would be a better use of your time.

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Look at the state of the Europe, many countries who fought Hitler would rather not attack but join him if they saw what kind of a clownish jew controlled society we live in now. The jews are the most hated race people in the world, dating back to kings and even being referenced in the bible, its those people pushing out the immigration into Europe, anti-white propaganda through ads and on social media, the encouragment of not having white babies and not reproducing. Defending your race,culture, your own people is nothing racist, you should be proud to be white European. Muslims and Jews are the greatest threat to the white race, unity,diversity and knowledge are our weapons.

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very nice thank you

He was a total faggot who accomplished nothing

Man what a waste of cut and paste. Honestly, people like you are so transparent. Either you're butthurt because life doesn't turn out like you want it or you're trolling. You might fool the kids, but you dont fool me.

No amount of photoshop could make that look cool

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He totally fucked up our already shitty gun laws also he fucked up by making the internet a less free place. He shoulda wasted the muzzies in aussie..

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Your traitor government did that and you did nothing to stop them.

What a waste of dubs. That's the game bro. Rules do need to be made if dumbasses like this don't give them a reason to be made.

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checked and he saved your country user please break him out for us

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he wouldnt have to shoot up the mosque if those shitskins didnt invade europe and other countries and settled there like parasites

You know back in 2001 it was plain to see that Muslims would become the next scapegoats when the economy got bad.

The sad part is back then I thought Yea Forums would consist primarily of people who were against the neonazis. How foolish. This site has gone to shit.

All the memes used to come from here. What do you have now? Faggot threads (I mean literal faggots, not even joke faggots but literal faggots), pedophile threads (not new), and right wing cucks bitching about how brown people are responsible for the shit economy.

One day I'll be rich, and then people like me better watch their step, right comrades?

New zealander here. Our government is fucking retarded. They're doing exactly what Brenton wanted (so he's laughing away in prison) and claiming it was their idea. There's gonna be another incident soon, and the public won't be able to do shit because the government revoked most guns

Who sold their dictators the weapons?

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return to reddit

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Wouldn't want dissent in the ranks huh, fagboi?

Yo I gotta go back into work but sooner or later I want to start talking about the scientology raid. It seems as if that was the turning point for a lot of folk. Being a weirdo crusader was fun when it was against a pedophile or two but the moment they couldnt take down scientology a lot of people reverted to straight bully mode. They started becoming way more into cringe threads and idolizing school shooters. You don't have to make every change to make a change.

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Construction plans?

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Historically inaccurate.

17 seconds in your protagonist should get tackled like a bitch by a dude who had balls so big that it's a miracle he could move his legs around them.

That guy wasn't trying to tackle the shooter, he was just trying to escape

Don't try to correct me when it's clear you didn't even watch the video. You're a little bitch.

Baits expired
Time to upgrade

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Nigger, I don't even know what you're saying.

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Weak ppl need weak Gods i agree to that!

Your Video is Bullshit 90% of the People there where cowering on the Floor he just shot like 6 Standing People...If you want to show something at least show how it really was!

Sure kid

/he5cc7xbbf @ anonfiles dot com if any of you newfags are too dumb to find it