Can we get a Gook/Nip/Chink Hate Thread going...

Can we get a Gook/Nip/Chink Hate Thread going? Those coin-slot-eyed motherfuckers need to learn their place and go back to the rice fields. There's plenty of hate for niggers, spics and kikes here, but where is the hate for those yellow-skinned subhumans?

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you forgot zipperhead, ya spook

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hey now you have to pick a side you shouldn't lump them all together

Fuck Asians!

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Koreans don't have B.O. Unlike you, Doritos.

Your average Asian woman in a nutshell.

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Literally the only thing that Asian women will ever be good for.

this asian food place at the mall sells large styrofoam cups of water for 75 cents. today the bitch rang it up as a soft drink and tried to charge me 2.50. her face got all contorted and sour when i called her out.


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slap that bitch with your dick

Asians are basically Jews with slits for eyes.

Asians are the true masterrace its a fact. Whites are inferior to asians and they know it. All these white refugees living in asia have to gtfo

i agree 100%

Asians will unite and side with china. China build the biggest mass production of drones including the comm system. Chinks are so good at producing there will be 6 million drones controlled by 6 million soldiers sitting in their deep bunkers bombing the fucking degenerate cancer USA into oblivion.

All asians come home!

All whites gtfo or get lynched you inferior scumlife

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>all foiled by a couple of emp placements or radio jammers if necessary
boy, we're reallll scared of those basement dwelling manlet zipperheads, let me tell you.

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When western dominance, imperialism and culture is slowly falling apart and you still are angry with the yellow man

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I fuck asian bitches everyday and i spread me superior white genes in asia. Fucking slant eyes must be annihilated and their culture removed. Fucking buddhist rice eating scum


>defeated the commies
are you retarded bro? the commies and kikes are the ones who won ww2

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Militant buddhist here AMA

I plan to contribute to the removal of western culture in asia.

asian tourists are seriously the worst. Americans get a lot of (sometimes deserved) flack, but it's the fucking chinks that ruin every popular tourist destination.

They take selfies in front of the stupidest shit. I've seen one do it in front of a bus stop. Nothing special about it, just the bus stop I was waiting at to go to work in germany. They also have no respect for personal space. They get up in your face when they're talking to you, like 5 inches from your face, and will actually shove you out of the way to get a better picture of something.

and they don't respect the local culture either. You will NEVER see a group of them go to an authentic german restaurant, they will either flock to the mcdonalds or the korean/chinese place.

and what's the deal with the umbrellas when it's sunny out. Ever hear of fucking sun screen?

Fuck them.

Aww, look at white fedora faggot over here being all sad cause an Asian girl rejected him 15 years ago. Don't worry, you can still jack off to her pictures in your rented 1 room apartment.

go for it, but stay on your side of the world. don't try bringing that to the west. do something about the mudscum on your continent as well.

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Your hands don't count as women, fat boy

Based and redpilled. And I have seen Asian fuck-nuggets with umbrellas in sunny weather too. Why do they do that?

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i've been told they do it to protect their skin and keep it smooth or whatever. I actually worked with a student from china who would literally sprint from shade spot to shade when she forgot her umbrella, like she was a damn vampire and could feel the sun destroying her "perfect" skin.

All it accomplishes is makes them be in the fucking way even more than when they have their selfie sticks out taking pics in front of trash cans or the local CVS.

Look at these fucking white tourists getting drunk and piss at the chinese great wall.


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bro when i say nigger it applys to all none whites

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yeah well you fuckers shit on the sidewalk at disney. At least piss will evaporate, some poor faggot has to clean up your child's shit because you couldn't wait until you got to a shitter. And when you do have the courtesy to use a toilet, you fucking break them by trying to squat on them.

I never mentioned ww2; I meant that the US "outlived" these empires and their ideologies (at first glance)

Christ almighty. Are Asian women really that paranoid about their skin? I can understand the average woman caring about their skin, but the whole umbrella thing is taking it too far. Next time you see this happen, blind her with dental floss.

>defeated the commies and nazis
are you retarded as fuck or did you not read the picture you posted?

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Imagine endless supply of drones controlled by chinks and you already fear them in online games theyre fucking hardcore and fucking pro in every game. Holy shit we got no chance man game over man game over

Its a 50/50 look at them behind the wheel of a car

Cause every race knows they are needed to maintain everyone else

Chingchong dingdong

Me luv you longtime fucky sucky

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stay away from my coke motherfucker.

I'll take an Asian over a dumbfuck redneck any day f the week.

How does this skinny white guy look alpha as fuck?

Trips of truth! That Asian woman knows her place.

And she enjoys her place

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Hahaha ive been there and i pissed and puked onto the great wall of china lulz. First i thought i will be a boring shitty trip but then we just had a gangbang party and college friends of mine vandalized a buddhist shrine nearby. Shit was cash lmao

Dank, bro. Dank.

at least you can talk to a redneck, maybe drive around in some mud and have some beers. Chinks are impossible to talk to, they are just so fucking weird and socially awkward unless they are talking about work.

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Things that never happened for $500, please.

>where is the hate for those yellow-skinned subhumans

Seen any anti-Trump threads lately? Before anyone says anything about "he's not yellow, he's orange", remember:


And which one of your liberal heroes served in the military?

you libtards can't make up your mind. If someone dodges the draft, they are a coward traitor etc. If someone goes to war, they are a babykiller nationalist thug.

Which one is it? Do you hate the military or worship it? You can't do both.

I'm liberal.
I served in the 82nd Airborne Division.
In Iraq and Haiti.

I don't have any "liberal heroes" because I'm secure enough in myself that I don't NEED fucking "heroes". But off the top of my head, since you asked, I seem to recall Al Gore going to Vietnam to do his duty to his country.

Just as long as you remember that Gore is not my hero because I don't have any. He just happens to be a liberal that served in the military.

Your point again?

>you conservacucks can't make up your mind. If someone dodges the draft, they are a coward traitor etc.
Conservative attitude to Bill Clinton

>If someone goes to war, they are a babykiller nationalist thug
Conservative attitude to John McCain.

If it seems contradictory, that's because it is. And since, by the right's screaming for Clinton's head for having the audacity to be CinC of the military when he never served a day in his life, I would think you would recognize & appreciate a page out of your own playbook when it's used against you.

Fucking retards.

By the way:

>you libtards

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I really don't give a shit whether clinton went to vietnam or not. Or anyone for that matter. We still won without their help. Do you honestly think some soft-hands rich guy like trump or clinton would have helped the war effort? No, they'd just hold the real men back.

i'd take living in a trailer in the forest over a shitty roach-infested studio apartment surrounded by niggers in a city any day.

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Make sure you breed with her. She needs to pop out at least five kids.

half white half asians are some of the hottest people on earth. Usually I despise interbreeding with the lesser races but at least with the slants i'll allow it on a limited basis.

>be me
>in trailer
>hurr traylerh trehsh

>be me in a trailer
>only one in a large grass lot
>foliage surrounding the property lines
>privacy from neighbors

Seconded. Best neighbor is no neighbor.

Will you allow me to go to asia and fucky fucky em all? I bring them love from the white race.

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was their ever a doubt dude fuck living side by side with niggers

as a half asian half white person this is really interesting to read lol

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Most of you white folks probably have asian kids yourself

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>having kids

do you know where you are? the vast majority of us have never seen a vagina that wasn't inside a computer screen.

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How many of you are dating/fucking/married to a chink?

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Well, since Asian women hate us asian and half asian guys, and idolize your whiteness, I don't get why the vast majority of you haven't seen a vagina yet.

I'm dating/fucking another filipino, but only because i'm half filipino as well, I can still benefit from half of my genes due that majority of filipinos like halfies better than white folks

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