Imagine having your parents tattoo trans flags on their bodies just because you need/want validation

Imagine having your parents tattoo trans flags on their bodies just because you need/want validation.

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>mom, dad, I'm sorry but it was just a phase
>at least the tattoos are pretty :)

In a few years they can get new tattoos of a gravestone with the trans flag colors on it. Cause... you know...

Well, I mean, his parents just probably did it of their own accord to show how important he was to them and that they are willing to accept any and all of his choices and unique characteristics.

Cause, you know, they love him and stuff.

It's not like they tattooed their faces. If they want to in the future they can change it. But, it doesn't really matter. It just shows that they love their child, regardless of anything. It will always mean that no matter what the kid does or doesn't do.

god i hate the world i live in wtf

>just because you need/want validation
I don't think they were forced into it, they just wanted to show their support to their kid.
I don't like tatoos, but i think it's nice that the parents are trying to be supportive.
Many people on Yea Forums didn't have supportive parents, some people here didn't even have parents present in their lives at all, and that's one reason why they grow up to be mass shooters.

No one here understands the concept of someone loving them enough to go out of their way to support them and show they care about them.

This. I think the real issue here is Yea Forums having no idea what it's like to have somebody love and care about you for who you are

It's their own fault for being shitty parents

is it DIY? Because those are some shit lines.
Good knews, though, those colours will fade pretty quickly, and will be easy to colour over when 'he' inevitably an heros

Of course not, when you spend all of your free time on the echo chamber that is 4chen, your reality becomes absolutely fucking delusional

Ya as usual the jokes on OP. Imagine being so pathetic, sad, and depressed that seeing some loving parents triggers you enough to hate post about it on /b. OP probably takes people like Stephen Crowder or Jordan Peterson seriously.

That's what your parents hope about your Nazi fascination.

what are you talking about? these tattoos look like the typical quality you get at any shop that does walk ins. also even if the colors fade they can get a touch up. try getting a tattoo before you start acting like you know anything about them faggot

>imagine being such a vapid and one dimensional person that your whole personality is being trans

Conservatives hate when people enjoy their lives

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Pretty sure my parents love me and they can do it without having to tattoo my face on their wrists, or the gay flag because I'm gay, or whatever else.
Delusional cunts... If your personality revolves around "muh gender" and nothing else, you're fucking mentally ill and should get shot.

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Look at the thickness of the lines and how shaky they are. It was clearly done by an amateur. By that guy has some other pretty shit tattoos so he probably doesn't care.
I know they can get it touched up, but that isn't the point, you fucking mong, the point is that it is useful how bad the tattoo is, in the case they get it covered.

Here's a tip, don't agree with someone (ie, when you implicitly agreed with me about the colour fading), then say they don't know anything, it makes you look like a child who can't spot their glaring flaws in logic. You should probably just lurk more, kid


>you can't have an opinion on something unless you own it
Shit bait, but ok

i'd legit cyanide milkshake them both

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if they enjoy there lives so much why are their suicide rates so fucking high?

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You're the one posting about it. You are obsessed with it it seems.

Rest assured the people's child is has more aspects to their life than w/e gender they want be. The fact you are so obsessed with assuming you know so much about these people from a single tattoo to show support for their child is fucking pathetic. Like go do something with your life rather than pissing on others.

I guess they are the same guys that have huge stashes of scat, gore and Alt-right propaganda to derail any thread that they don't like.

And they have lives so shitty that spending time searching for scat is a genuine improvement on their daily routine

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