It's impossible to be buff without steroids

>It's impossible to be buff without steroids

How do guys in prison do it then? They don't have access to steroids, HGH, supplements, food plans, or even weights.

Attached: prison.jpg (800x500, 72K)

For me it's mostly genetic

They have food and weights. They literally do nothing all day except eat, shit, labor, and free time exercising

Those guys are not even in the same galaxy as 'steroid ripped'. They are also third world goblinos, so the tallest one is only about 5'6".

Went to prison. Easier to get roids there than outside to be fair.
Though to look like they do , you do need roids.
Others in prison won't touch roids or any other drug, and believe me, they're powerful fuckers. They look big, but not balloon roid big. True what they say, people on roids look powerful but they definitely aren't compared to the none roid power lifters.

yes because these prison inmates certainly have hollywood bodies

Steroids are pretty easy to get in prison.

Something something about increased testosterone from being in an environment where you are constantly completing for dominance.

you're a fucking idiot. With power and money, even in prison, the possibilities are ENDLESS, you can do roids, you can rape, you can have someone murdered, buy off cops, and get away with it

These guys aren't buff

Genetics, but roids make in in every prison hell even in psych wards. But genetics and drugs aside, eat well, train your metabolism, as well with training regularly not just intensely but like do a bunch of pushups every hour every day even if it’s not a lot you will see the difference. Plus most institutionalized men get that fit out of fear of the bigger fish.

This! PA correctional block D reporting in.

All that butt rape works about the same as steroids

All those guys posted are fat, literally bordering obese. What the fuck do you mean they are buff? Open your fucking eyes

D-block is faggots. I'm in the psych wing, we eat guards daily. The tender flesh sustains us.


So basically you pretend to be "crazy" because you're a gigantic pussy who would get jumped by other inmates.

>need roids to look like that
You're the dumbest mother fucker on this board.

Get a job you dumb nigger

Notice something: People with truly 'buff' bodies (not these pudgy criminals) get paid to look like that.

Did 5 years for tax evasion and inside trading. Was let out early on good behavior. I can agree getting buff in your cell is easy i used to do push ups everyday tell i could no longer get up. It was hard to go to the weight area at first but after a year i was let in as a pisa to work out

Fuck that place i made a joke that when i get out im going to drink and fuck myself to death. Suicide watch sucked ass

Fucking retard. Roids are freely available in all prisons. Practically currency in some.

but they look fat. Their shitty diet shows