Where does Yea Forums go to hook up online

Where does Yea Forums go to hook up online.
Pick related, all girls are looking for relationships on tinder now

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Bumble is pretty good if you're attractive

Damn it!

You lost me faggot

Failing on all levels today.

What if you are old and wealthy? any options

Never had luck with Bumble yet. I've had a couple hook ups through Tinder though.

Wealth? What does that have to do with hookups?

Why not just get a fuckbuddy?

Beta, poor and 5/10 on a good day

>if you're attractive

exactly the problem I am trying to solve.

Oh. I prefer fwbs. I'm not good with strangers.

>get part time job
>go to the gym
>sign up for classes at local trade school
>be less beta
Women have the best of the best to choose from at their finger tips on these apps. Why not start investing your time in yourself, if not for any other reason than pumping sloots?

Honestly don’t want to know names don’t care. Plus fwb can get messy.

>if you’re attractive
So basically none of Yea Forums has a chance


Good advice.
Put yourself 1st, not pussy.

But my right hand is getting sore

30 male Norway. Horny sexy kind and smart etc. so whos up i wanna have a good time.'

Snap Janeral



instagram is the best place to get dates if you're at least average looking and don't post autistic shit

Yeah seriously what is up with those tinder bitches. Ive Like 160 matches by now and the ones I like the most just dont reply or unmatch ne after I text them. Even a super like that I got stopped texting back. Im certainly sure that im not that uninteresting. Even if they agree to meet up and shit. Why even bother to get match me. I dont get it. Also mostly fat whales on there that are desperate for dick.

>been with my gf for a year
>love the shit out of her
>constantly remember back to having 150+ matches on tinder and hooking up with a different girl every weekend
>debates redownloading tinder since current gf knows no one in this area

I miss it Yea Forumsros. I'm happy in my relationship, I just miss the new pussy and the validation of getting compliments from more than just one female.

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Dude I’m gonna be totally honest with you, Tinder is still the best place for hookups especially compared to stuff like Hinge (which is def now the place to be for relationships). You just gotta put the moves down right and be upfront. OkCupid also has an option for you to mark your profile as looking for hookups only.

I have e-hooked up with a few girls off of omegle, soc, and r9k by getting nudes and to fap with them.

had loads of luck with adultfriendfinder, but im couple seeking couple

Bud think no women are out there looking to get any.

No joke, the first girl I went on a date with from Hinge let me fuck her in the ass within three hours. Second Hinge date and the girl was more of the relationship type. Third Hinge date (last week) and I was fingering her in the bar parking lot. It's a zoo out there

Thanks man.

Also, I'd suggest using Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder if you're just looking to increase your volume of casual sex. I've found that the best girls usually aren't met on an app. And if you're trying to bag a ten but in reality you're less than an 8, it's going to be tough competing against the stallions out there.

Have a great wingman and be good at approaching real girls in real places, it's way more fulfilling.

Well I’m just trying to get it with 7s that won’t be blowing up my shit after we get together.

I feel you Yea Forumsro. Same Here

Have a 3some, EZ

Same here but I’d rather hang myself than sleep with another women. Though temptation does take its toll

Anybody else miss Craigslist?

Yes. Shit was good man.

I've never found anything like it. It was like a board in and of itself and way to easy to hook up, like dangerously easy.

Always had to wrap it crazies on there man

use that money
https :// www . richmeet beautiful . com/?CO= FR&CID=PaidSrch_NonBrand_Google_sugar&gclid= CjwKCAjwk7rmBRAaEiwAhDGhxDLzAo5N11RQ1zPIFJnx-gJwlp _tnEASBsHCyDzVGkvXesWGSae7CxoC __QQAvD_BwE

try doublelist craigslist replacement

i moved to vegas about a year ago.

best move i could have made for my sex life.