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did the heroes win?

>the reason comic books and the movies they spawn are just eye candy and have no depth or progression is the fact in the end the heroes always win.

TONY robins is my god

I liked Infinity war as it presented two different sides of a ethical dilemmas. A dilemma we're soon to face. This fucking movie was just about to stop the fucking bad guy. Thanos is so much more

YOU SIR are entitled to your opinion.

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Well, no. It’s modern day mythology

You’re my hero! Even if you never win...

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the second they introduce time travel you know its retarded

Captain marvel not being in the movie and then being an ex machina...stupid...
That one shot of all the lady super heros...

Costumed comic book hero superhero movies are, by definition, fucking stupid, inane, pointless, base drivel enjoyed by people with terminally low IQs and an attention span the length of a gnat. Shame on all of you, society, for perpetuating this blight on the cinematic universe by continuing to fucking buy tickets to these celluloid abortions like the mindless sheep that you are.

Fuck you all.

I didn't like it as much as well because they shifted their main storyline from a comic book movie to food for thought. Also they kinda asspulled Tony's death as if they killed cap, it would be too obvious.

Smug cunt language is one of the biggest signifiers of an insecure retard.

Thanos was the good guy all along.

Same could be said about pretty much any movie bud

OP here. I finished the money one hour ago at the cinema. Some girl actually cried at Tony's death. I was feeling a little emotional too until Tony's fucking stupid wife was like "it's okay Tony we're all okay now". What? That's what you say at your loved ones final moment? You cunt he wanted to live with you and his daughter. How about saying " I love you and always will" u bitch. Sorry for bad language I'm venting rn for wasting 3 hours of time

I meant this post for this post fuck

Thanos sacrificed his daughter for what he believed would be a better existence for all life. As a father I wouldn’t do that I would genocide other before giving up my child so Thanos is actually a better person than I

Don't pretend Hollywood dreck is War and Peace, there, Roger Ebert.

Iron man 2 and 3.
Thor. Thor dark world. Blanchett bad guy in ragnorak : 0/10.
Age of Ultron
Guardians 2 has 3 main stories.
Black panther.
Captain Marvel
First Cap America is mediocre.

Half the MCU is unwatchable carnage even the die hard fans attack these stinkers.

"MCU is so consistent!"
"MCU main power is consistent films"
"Consistency is why MCU beats DC"

>All movies are, by definition, fucking stupid, inane, pointless, base drivel enjoyed by people with terminally low IQs and an attention span the length of a gnat. Shame on all of you, society, for perpetuating this blight on the universe by continuing to fucking buy tickets to these celluloid abortions like the mindless sheep that you are.

That was such a powerful moment in the movie. Movies that makes you think are always the best


If only society spent more time on important activities!

It's also one of the biggest signifiers of someone with an advanced education, greater cognitive abilities & not only a substantially increased capacity for cogent arguments and thought processes but the larger vernacular to articulate those arguments & thought processes.

In other words, call me stupid playground names all you like. Doesn't make them true. But the subjective comparison of your relative intellect compared to mine is, conversely, very much true.

QED beeotch.

I'm the guy you adjusted the quote from. Don't want you to think I didn't see your comment or am too big of a pussy to respond.

In a very nihlistic paradigm, yes, you're absolutely right. I'll concede that.

Problem is, "art" is subjective. It's why I hate costumed comic book movies & Rudolph Giuliani hates Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ". We all like what we like & don't like what we don't.

I happen to have a low opinion of these types of movies. Don't like it? So what? My opinion is just that: my opinion. In the grand scheme it doesn't matter, so why should you or anyone else get upset over it?

You're not the only one who can nihlism.

It would be true if you could use your words to frame anything close to a coherent argument.

Criticising movies as entertainment for lthose of low IQ displays your lack of knowledge on how narrative structures following archetypes are as old as civilisation and will continue to be retold in this manner.

Are they the best? No. Could they be better!? Of course.

But most people watching these know what they are and like it. To attribute stupidity to those when you for sure enjoy your fare share of trash entertainment (like shit posting on message boards for example) shows your absolute hypocrisy, more so than your lack of understanding on the human mind.

Here's what you DON'T know: my degree is in cinematic studies. If there is anyone on this thread qualified to opine with any sense of coherency or understanding, that would fucking be ME.

Costumed superhero movies are fucking stupid. My opinion and, as evidenced by my advanced education on this topic, more than relevant and quite informed.

Don't like it? Who cares? I'm not Roger Ebert, nobody else is gonna see what I write. But it won't change my opinion any more than your defending your precious superhero movies.

I'll play fair with you, just so you know it's not me throwing rocks from behind a wall: one of my favorite movies is the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I have that thing memorized but I also know it's not everyone's cup of tea. So by all means, feel free to rag all over Rocky if it'll make you feel better because I shit all over Iron Man.

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Yet we all shitpost on Yea Forums

Nice job not addressing what he said so that you could instead fellate yourself. Try to pull your head out of your ass.

what did you expect? i mean its marvel. even the comics are shit. you want some decent material go to dc

Except I did. He accused me of not knowing wtf I was talking about. All I did was inform him that, actually, I DO know wtf I'm talking about.

I didn't reply to the rest because
>don't care
>wasn't interesting enough to warrant a response
>by ignoring it, I don't give it any more attention

Why would you straw man me as a super hero fanatic.

I haven’t even watched the new one and half of the old ones.

My fav was infinity war for the action scenes alone and found the story mostly not engaging.

You degree maybe me unearned as you are unable to format an argument for your statement is all in saying, and when challenged you continued NOT to form an argument.

I couldn’t care less about your degree as you seem to think that grants you a validation of your comment. It doesn’t.

This isn’t about what we do or don’t like, this is about your understanding of what makes stuff appealing, which you do not understand.

If that degree is true in anyway feel free to prove it by making a comment on what makes super hero movies so low brow and for idiots only?

Again not a die hard fan of hero films but I can see a place in modern society for them. As I’m sure many with a degree in film can too.

>I know what I’m talking about
>too good to prove it.

Imagine being this insecure aha

Is this the good old

My argument goes to another school?

>>wasn't interesting enough to warrant a response
You responded tho

>this is about your understanding of what makes stuff appealing, which you do not understand.

I will grant you that: I do NOT understand what makes costumed superhero movies appealing. Nor will I ever.

I saw all 3 of the Sam Raimi Spider Man movies & I enjoyed them, knowing the whole time they were pointless entertainment. But they were still good. Then for some reason they got disowned by the hardcore comic book movie fans. I didn't understand why until a few years later when I saw the pattern.

The only reason they disowned the Sam Raimi movies is because they had a 10+yr gameplan for these stupid Avenger movies and to do that they needed a slew of individual movies establishing "X actor = Y character" (the only example I know is Robert Downey Jr = Iron Man but the formula works for everyone else). Problem is, the Sam Raimi films came out too long ago to apply to this, plus none of the principals were interested in remaking movies that, quite frankly, didn't need to be remade. Plus, Peter Parker is a teenager & Tobey MacGuire is NOT a teenager.

Better to completely redo the whole thing, pretend the other ones don't exist, and now everyone's on board for this experiment in gross capitalism: making a shit-ton of stupid movies so we can tie them all in to a couple ensemble stupid movies starring all the people in the individual movies.

>If that degree is true in anyway feel free to prove it by making a comment on what makes super hero movies so low brow and for idiots only?

With pleasure.

These movies are geared for summer, which in the industry is characterized by "0% plot, 1% exposition, 1% denoument, 98% big explosions & loud noises". Using industry terms, of course. Look at any movie characterized as "summer blockbuster" and this formula will apply to it.

None of which do I see any value in whatsoever. I hate summer for a few reasons, and movie season is one of them. Fortunately, unlike the shitty weather in the Dirty Souf, the movies I can avoid.

Subjective? You bet your ass. But seriously, take away the explosions, the bullshit super powers & the flashy costumes and what do you have with these costumed superhero films? A few bad episodes of Big Bang Theory with splashes of CSI & Law & Order thrown in for good measure.

>seeing someone educated talking about something within their discipline
>not having an education at all

Imagine being this ignorant

Possibly. But the fact remains: at least mine WENT to school.

Just not to the parts he/you wanted me to.



Five of those eight were me.

The other three were someone else.

What the fuck is "reddit spacing"?

More importantly, why the fuck do you care?

If you are admitting lack of self knowledge then that’s an example of why you should not speak with authority on the matter.

Also that is all so so wrong, again.

Spider mans movie rights were owned by Sony so marvel could not use the character at the time anyway.

It was not a full plan to make the mcu as iron man was not expected to do as well as it did, it slowly evolved into that.

You call it gross capitalism when I say peak capitalism. Building on a project that is loved by many and a ladino project for others.

I’m not sure what you consider good quality films but let’s say a director like Tarantino or someone of that regard is.

If you can’t accept different levels of entertainment, like an art film vs a blockbuster for the family then why not compare and Adam sander film to 12 angry men?

The answer? It’s stupid to as those creators have different goals and their audience does too.

Your method of judgment and assessment does not really show any level of worthwhile critical thinking.

But any way I’m looking forward to a decent reply justifying all this. As you’d aid earlier

At no point do you reffrence the movie making nods to mythological tropes that, by extension allude to the oldest stories that lasted in human civilisation.

And again you referencing a degree with this level of argument is frankly embarrassing.

You don’t need to mention a qualification as if you had one you could come up with a better argument that this.

You literally argue like a guy who saw a Film noir piece in school and had to write an article about how the direction eclipses anything in modern Hollywood. Completely ignoring the fact that contextual time periods and the fucking aim of the creators are more relevant than the final product.

To claim that these films succeed on imbecile like behaviour and you are one of the few educated to see through this facade is like watching a 13 year old atheist say why religion states all wars.

I already said it was subjective. Meaning everyone's tastes are different. I happen to have a very poor opinion of superhero movies as a genre. Doesn't make me necessarily "right" or "wrong," but all I was saying is please don't make the mistake of assuming that response is strictly a matter of taste for me. It's not.

Let's look at a different paradigm, shall we? My ex wife LOVED the LOTR movies and hated Dumb and Dumber.

Yes, I know LOTR is a visual depiction of a story by Tolkein, but it's held to such a high standard as one of the few movies that "stays true" to the book to that level of detail.

I saw the LOTR trilogy once, as a result of losing a bet, like 7 years ago. It was drudgery. Hated every moment of it, forced myself not to fall asleep, remember bits & pieces of it but don't give two shits about the storyline.

OTOH, the storyline for Dumb and Dumber is about as base as you can get. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out. But no matter how many times I watch it, I CANNOT to this day see Jeff Daniels on the throne w/ explosive diarrhea and not convulse on the floor laughing. Never once made it through that scene with so much as just a chuckle, much less a straight face. That movie is pure comedy gold, and that scene is, literally and figuratively, the shit.

As you see, my ex & I had opposing viewpoints on each other's favorite movies. Who's right? Who's wrong? Does it matter?

I appreciate the level of detail that went into LOTR, without question. But the story bored me to tears, and nothing in the films resonated with me. But everyone can relate to someone with explosive shit. Lowest hanging fruit? Perhaps.

But it was still funny as shit. Pun intended.

Last time I was this disappointed I watched Thor 3.

But religion DOES start all wars. Well, most of them anyways.

Yea Forums in a nutshell.

But you didn’t not start by stating your opinion, it was stated as people who watch those films have low IQ

A statement not an opinion and if you cannot back it up, which you can’t, then you seem foolish.

More so after trying so hard to prove your ‘high intelligence’

Confirmed troll or big yikes?

Find out next time in dragon ball z