No shota bread

No shota bread

Attached: 155568128922.jpg (1086x1060, 500K)

Other urls found in this thread:


story bump

Attached: truthordare.png (476x363, 55K)


Attached: 155558625728.png (900x1252, 310K)


Attached: 72068427_p0.png (1020x884, 343K)

The creator of Made in Abyss actually retweeted this.

Attached: 74371556_p0.jpg (1000x750, 257K)

Shota / loli server



Attached: 59340124_p1.png (526x762, 391K)

Attached: 74474754_p0.jpg (885x1355, 528K)

Attached: 74501908_p17.png (700x1000, 174K)

Pls be don't be real, it's a really good show, and was on thin ice as is

Link for confirmation?
All but confirmed to be his alt account, and it's bookmarked on his confirmed Pixiv account.

Where are Reg's feet?

Are you blind or something

Oh right i was hoping to see some delicious brown sweaty feet.

Attached: DtF6EnXU4AAg0ly reg.jpg (1536x2048, 245K)

Lan Hikari is a hot shota

Attached: (4).jpg (727x1200, 245K)

Attached: DmS4opYUwAIx-HA reg.jpg (724x1024, 81K)

Attached: 2603754 - Enookie Made_in_Abyss Reg.png (4000x3215, 1.46M)

another story bump

Attached: bestday.png (1225x150, 75K)

Attached: 3043970 - Faputa Made_in_Abyss Reg.png (1200x850, 741K)

Always a bummer when they sockblock you like that.

Attached: asura1.jpg (777x900, 357K)

Attached: DMB94W7V4AAj1A9 reg.jpg (1150x1250, 143K)


> XXX imgeboards i created. ))
>Your opinion please

Socks are great tho

Attached: 30dd20092147cab4ab7f499d3c344ec2.png (1200x806, 704K)

Attached: 1555769660073.png (749x1024, 530K)

>tfw was abused as a shota

Not the first time I've woken up to a barely/not dressed shota above me

Attached: D0A2-CcU8AIQ61v.jpg (1430x2048, 188K)

>Tfw was not sexually abused as a shota

>Tfw sexually abused other shotas as a shota

s-story? was it really abuse or did everyone enjoy it?

There were a lot of boys

Jockstraped shotas are the best shotas.

Attached: 70555596_p0.png (567x800, 138K)

tell us some stories, did you mess around with shotas on sleepovers, ever more than one at the same time?

Agreed. Perfect for easy access with your tongue and nose.

Guys don't you think liking Loli is pretty fucking disgusting enough already? On top of that what makes it even worse is the fact you faggots love lewding little boys makes it a whole lot fucking gay

You fags need an appointment with your doctor to fix up your incredible autism for liking this kind of fuck up shit

Better yet kill yourselves you degenerate fucking nigger faggots reeee

My shota brother sent me a pic of his friends dick. Weird but ok

Cringe cope

But there are some shotas that everyone likes, I bet even you can't resist a shota like this (character from an old obscure game called League of Legends).

Attached: 1448329241 gnar.png (1280x1280, 1.22M)