Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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because its good for capitalism

How the fuck is open borders good for capitalism?

>Why do the democrats want open borders?
Voters to keep them in office

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>post what's-her-mutt-face
>guaranteed replies
Yea Forums just bites too easily these days I think


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because flow of labor? imagine being this retarded

But it's a serious question

go read /pol/

>trying to bait me
I am too old for your games fren. Here is your (You) and one in every field, I hope you find better ways to spend your life soon. Just keep telling yourself 'I can stop,' 'It's just for fun,' etc.

The global free market doesnt care about capitalists, a nation like the US which is run by a consumer machine wont survive if it becomes full on protectionist, and attempts to battle the new powerhouse economies. In order for the capitalist consumer economy to continue to thrive you sort of need slack border regulations. Especially cheap labor.

>I am old and you are kid
>I have better things to do
>I still replied to you
>I'm fucking stupid

ALL of this is you right now

It's good for increasing GDP which helps pay for large scale projects that have a large impact. However GDP/capita is the more important once you've already reached the size of the US. These migrants are overwhelmingly poor. They and their children lack the education and cultural sophistication to fit in. They are parasites on our public services and social programs.

I'm not opposed to immigration. I tremendously support merit based immigration. My college roommate (PhD Mechanical Engineering) couldn't get a visa to stay in the US after he graduated. He went abroad and is now competing against our economy. However for some reason we needed 50000 mexicans last year.

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>because flow of labor?
And that means what, dick face?

the democrats don't want open borders, they just don't support baby cages

>Why do the democrats want open borders?
Democrats want cheap voters and republicans don't stop democrats because they want cheap labor.

so they can have underpaid Mexicans. its soft slavery


It is you too
And it was never a serious question, you're just the type of person who has to troll Yea Forums because you're beyond yourself

It's not about being a kid, it's about you never graduating past high school mentally, and that's assuming you've even done so physically at all-- which I would doubt has happened if you didn't strike me as homeschooled and thus bereft of the chance at all

Sure, I'm wasting my time on Yea Forums... but at least I'm not you

Because you're apparently a biggot racist piece of unloving shit if you dont accept everyone into your country.

Because all the people they let in are poor, and gonna need extreme social programs to get on their feet here in America.
That gurentees they vote democrat, which keeps them in power.
It isn't about doing the "right" thing, it's about swelling voter registration in favor of democrats. That's also why they oppose voter ID laws (even after complaining how vulnerable our elections are to interference from outsiders - like Russia) and they want to make dreamers and other illegals actual citizens.

much easier to buy the vote of dumb barbarians that will suck a dick just to be here with empty promises rather than actually legislating to improve the conditions of their current constituents

>Foreign invaders can't vote!

>Yeah but their kids will, and they already can in Cali.

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Pretty much, i live 45 minutes from the border. Ive seen these people come through in groups, a lot of them are very sick and have nothing. They wont be able to get in their feet without social welfare you're right

>he STILL keeps replying
>STILL acting like a gay little bitch
>thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion

I didn't even bother reading your fucking shit. Let me know when you're done crying.

>>Takes a hard-line opinion and assumes the same opinion of everyone.
How's Donalds boot tasting?

because all those spics will vote democrat

Right, because companies can't and do not build factories in Mexico to avoid paying high labor prices to Americans and then ship their goods across the border.

>what is international trade

>illegals go to country illegally
>work for next to nothing
>massive profits for big businesses and the wealthy
>cant ever unionize in fear for deportation
>cant ever seek to improve conditions

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Everything you said applies to literally everybody. If you weren't in fucking high school you would've known that.

They have almost no schooling, very little speak English, they have no money, no property, lots of medical issues, live by a different culture and yet the democrats think we can just assimilate them right into our society and that no cost is to high. While we have people living in the streets, our schools could use more cash, and ordinary American tax payers are getting fucked everyday. But lets keep spending money on the immigrants.

Did you head in NJ they "marched" onto the governors mansion and demanded they get drivers licenses faster. The Governor is a cuck and has already said it will happen, but they marched because it isn't happening as fast as they'd like. Imagine the balls and sense of entitlement that takes.


Cheap labor, they will win all elections and can do what they want and control and soon take over the country. 1st and 2nd amendments gone. Just wait.

>work for next to nothing
Hell of a lot more than they'd make back in shithole Tijuana you moron.
>They work willing for the "big businesses". Both sides benefit. That's fair.
>Can't ever unionize
In the sense of benefits and time off? Sure. In terms of pay us all a dollar more or we collectively walk off the job site? Yes they can. That's the same as a union.
>cant ever seek to improve conditions
They weren't willing to do that in their own countries, why should they have a say here?


That's why I don't feel sorry for those fucking spics. They do nothing but make life worse for everyone else.

Ok send them away. You do the shitty manual labor and work like a dog because the boss wont hire more than they can afford and hire a production engineer later on to install automated robots and you lose your monkey brain job.

Why are gringa women so ugly? I mean, look at this thing...


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This girl is a spic, friend. Try to keep up.

She is from America, that makes her a gringa.

Yeah, no. She's a fucking beaner. Thanks for playing.

Ocasio-Cortez was born in The Bronx, New York City, on October 13,

She is one of your abominations.

>She is from America, that makes her a gringa.

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Give it up kid, you lost this one. Now back to playing fortnite for you.

to import low iq types who will trade their vote for gibs

that's why republicans want open borders

Yes, it makes her a gringa. She is an american style liberal. We don't want her.

because immigrants vote dem

Infinite votes

>that's why republicans want open borders

Common sense

>shitty manual labor
Well if we didn't have Mexicans to fill that labor gap then these employers would have to increase the pay / benefits in order to attract Americans. Which is good for Americans.

>boss wont hire more than they can afford
Well if you want reinvent accounting and numbers then maybe we can change this. Or the business can sign new contracts and increase their cash flow, or get a loan in order to increase their production which in the long run solves said problem.

> hire a production engineer later
If they can't afford an additional employee at $8-10 an hour which is what most "monkey brain jobs" pay than I doubt they can afford to contract an engineer and install "automated robots".
Can a robot do every single job we can do now? Who will man the robots? Better yet - who will build the robots? Why hasn't Mcdonalds done this already? Or all of Walmart?
>what is frictional unemployment.

So no sauce then? How disappointing, you ALMOST got away with spreading that fake news you liberals love so much

Still got them Mexican genes, shes not white bruh

Daily reminder that Reagan granted amnesty for 3 million Hispanics.
Capitalists used to understand immigration.

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I don’t know many lawn services I would count as a big business.

Most gringos are not white anymore, bruh.

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Big business for that user is any company that makes more money than his mommy gives him for porn and McDonalds. Excuse him.

>Daily reminder that Reagan granted amnesty for 3 million Hispanics.
And look what happened as a result, those spics turned California into a leftist hell hole. And you faggots expect us to do this again for your spic pets, so they can do it to Texas? I don't think so.

They aren't even capitalists at this point, they are just being assholes.

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So gringo and gringa means Americans overall? k cool.

Yes. Europeans don't count as gringos, they are cool.

Rofl yeah dude you totally got me, nice job haha XD. You can fuck out now, this thread is for adults.

Vete a la mierda, gringo.

Sorry, I don't speak beaner

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>thinking the dems want open borders

I'm not even american and I know they don't.

Take notes USA. German Newspaper article from today. The headline reads.
>Traumatized Refugees -Voices in the head

Guess who pays for that bullshit

And what is a better idea? Making a big walled off city?
Maybe we could get the mexicans to submit children to the hunger games.

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Here u go Demofags


Virtually all of the violence and conflict at the border was caused by the gradual militarization of it in the 1980s up through to day.

You can look it up. There have been a bunch of studies on the subject that essentially reflect the same truth: migrants didn't stop staying in America until border security tightened to the point where it was too dangerous to go back home. At that point, people started putting down roots and staying here.

>And what is a better idea?
How about deporting them all? Making a wall to keep them out? CRAZY ideas, I know.

Niggers have a hard time learning second languages.

Cartels also started to control the migration paths too.

Keep trying Ivan... don't give up.

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Building the wall in the first place is what led to them staying dumbass.

That would be fucking awesome.

They never said the want open borders. Why conservatives lie to each other?

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I know 3 languages, actually, but I don't waste my time learning monkey languages. Why would I do that, so I can talk to beaners? No thanks

I don't think there's a fucking single article I can link that would explain it.

But the spics they let in will work for very cheap because they will accept a much lower standard of living than the native americans. More permapoor wageslaves like this is good for big business.

You going to volunteer for the domestic unit charged with hunting down illegals? Why don't you just take the constitution with you.
Also stop with the wall meme, we all know walls have never worked.

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Same fagging In this thread

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thats not good for capitalism, its bad, it drives down wages and puts regular citizens at the bottom end of the payscale out of work.

you should check out california's homeless population sometime and then wonder why its like that... because of what i just stated.

So deporting them will keep them out? Alright great, lets do it.

So, Alt-righters presents themselves as clowns now? Can someone explain this new brain fart to me?

Yeah, unfortunately Democrats are pretty conservative when it comes to border issues. Even AOC is pretty "I don't give a shit about the subject" which why would she? She's a house rep from NYC...the southern border is not really on her radar.

Why the fuck would anyone want to back to that shithole country except to run from the law after posting bail

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Not really cost effective at all. You'd basically have to build another military force to actually do it, and ICE isn't exactly filled with top shelf police material.

Lol, yeah sure you do.

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>I don't think there's a fucking single article I can link that would explain it.
Right because it's fake news. Thanks for letting us know.

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Yeah except the part where the rich people lost

Because it's their home. Why do you want to go back home for the holidays to see your family?

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>we all know walls have never worked
Except for all the places around the wall that has them?

No she don’t want open borders and she never said that. No democrat want open borders. This is a fucking lie like trump lies

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Right, because it was entirely one sided. OFC it was the white Americans that "made it to dangerous to go back home", lol they could've just dropped by and police or ICE station and turned themselves in for deportation.

Do you know cartels have very big guns too right user? They do shoot at US border patrol. They do kill people in the desert. They do rape women in the desert. They do smuggle a shit ton of drugs.

>employers would have to increase the pay / benefits in order to attract Americans

>actually believing this in the current year

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you dont have to deport, they will self-deport if labor was cracked down on and enforced by e-verify.

mental issue

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You're a couple weeks behind friend, conservatives moved over to abortion because the brainlets got tired of hearing about immigration and stopped caring.

Don't Amerifats have already have a border wall since, like, mid '90s? Are their brain too clogged with fat to remember?

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And you keep peddling the same point over and over again. People like you keep saying the same shit for centuries, so tell me how USA the greatest (probably) country on earth, where every single person is a son/daughter of an immigrant family is getting destroyed by the same people that fucking built it, improved it and got it to where it is?
Yes keep spending money on immigrants, because it fucking works, it got you where you fucking are, it got you engeeners, cheap labor, scientists.

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Based on your emotions

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>unfortunately Democrats are pretty conservative when it comes to border issues

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Dems don'd want open borders. That large fence that they just replaced in California was authorised by Obama.
So clearly Dems like fences, but they need to be seen to disagree with Fences when Trump says they need fences.
...while still putting up fences

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And Obama said he'd shut down GITMO and didn't.
Then he said you could keep your own private health plan under the ACA, that was a lie.
Hillary said she didn't know shit about emails and that there wasn't any, then she deleted 40k of them after being subpoenaed by Congress.

LOL...your a fucking idiot. That shit didn't start until AFTER we militarized the border. It's like claiming the mafia was big into booze before prohibition. It ignores the government policy that created the black market to begin with.

But hey, keep living in your xenophobic fantasy where Mexico and the US was always at odds on the border.

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No, they dissagree with building an expensive fucking border wall, when a fence will be just as fucking effective, it's a waste of fucking resources.

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LOL. This is NAIVE as fuck. Employers don't want to bear the cost of a government policy nobody wants to begin with.

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As if the money would actually go to a border wall and not into the pockets of Trump lackeys.

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This is good.
less money given to the leeches of society

Good luck finding the truth if you will only accept it from whatever your favorite news source is

Get this goy out of here if you want to fix the jew problem

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>no one wants

there is the lie right there.
you are naive as fuck.

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Conservatives hate real life

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>Why do the democrats want open borders?

Long game - get as many in now with the hope that there will be a future amnesty later. To test this, consider what the democrat position would be if the horde of invaders were not poor, unskilled, desperate people but were educated and skilled people coming from Canada.

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>the same people that fucking built it, improved it and got it to where it is?
Sure thing, Juan, as if spics know how to build a first world country on their own. Everywhere they live is a violent third world dump.

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>Long game - get as many in now with the hope that there will be a future amnesty later. To test this, consider what the democrat position would be if the horde of invaders were not poor, unskilled, desperate people but were educated and skilled people coming from Canada.


It's sold to the peasantry as a feel-good issue. "It's the right thing to do." "They just want a new life." "The republicans are against it because they are racist." etc. Liberal plebs eat that kind of shit up.

Fence/Wall, it's semantics. Trump is happy with that high fence, he even commented that it's good to be able to see through it
The problem now is that Obama and the Dems put that fence up (Trump, as per, took credit).
So Dems and Trump agree the fence is a good idea.
Politics has become fucking retarded. Two sides agree, but they're lying to you because they have to be seen to disagree.

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Sure thin John, how many civilizations have you personally built?
You are not your ancestors you inflated turd, and neither am I.

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Do you understand that labor is a market, just like any commodity?
There is supply and demand. If demand outweighs supply then the cost of said available supply increases. Now I know you are to stupid to follow so I'll explain. Demand is the businesses looking for people to do a certain task for a certain amount of time and at a certain level of efficiency and quality.The supply are people who are capable of meeting that demand.

The thing that brings demanders and suppliers together is exchange of value, which is money and job benefits in America. And there is an equilibrium price point for the two.

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Name me 3 that want open borders

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Like you guys give a shit about Christianity

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>Why do the democrats want open borders?
An example of creating a strawman.

Discussing the policy would be, should we open or close the borders.

That sounds stupid doesn't it.

Yea that's because no party or fucking country has the policy to fucking open borders completely because that would mean you aren't a seperate country.

You baited me, or I'm just killing time and using Yea Forums to try and increase my typing speed.

Still kill yourself fag, mostly because you are you, and that's wrong.

Hope somebody cries for you tonight,

although I don't expect it.

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The like their borders like they like their ass - open to all brown people.

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>The thing that brings demanders and suppliers together is exchange of value, which is money and job benefits in America. And there is an equilibrium price point for the two.

You're naive to think the companies will change their policies. If, somehow, all hispanics that work in these conditions would be deported (lol), they would just be replaced by other people in poverty who would take literally any job to provide for themselves. It's admirable that you have hope in the companies that employ these people, but you're fooling yourself.

>Democrats want open borders
Well why do you think that, Jimmy? Have any come out and advocated for open borders?
>W-well no, they haven't, but I just know they do, they opposed the wall so they must!
Having the opinion that the wall would be ineffective doesn't mean someone supports open borders, just that they don't think the wall would work. None of them have advocated for open borders, so saying that they want open borders is fake news and literally conspiracy level retarded.

Not sure if your sarcastic or just being a idiot.

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Most Jews hate these fuckers, you know that right.

Funny thing is most jews hate other jews as much or even more than you do. Although since you never speek with them, you'd never know.

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hahahahaha, americunt thinks he owns his country while whining government too big.

One or the other fucker.

I'm not familiar with them, could you please post links to public organizations ran by Jews that openly call out other Jews?

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Oh look, a brilliant idea from an 11 year old.

Most jews are not religious. Zionism is simply jewish ultranationalism. And many jews profoundly disagree with it.
Doesn't really matter none of this does really, merging of cultures is inevitable as the ability of people to travel is increasing, the only way to stop it is to go north korea crazy, good luck with that scum.

>where every single person is a son/daughter of an immigrant
>You are not your ancestors you inflated turd, and neither am I.

So then stop saying you have some entitlement or are deserving of something simply because your people are brown. Make your own way in this world you fucking faggot.

googling kaplan test prep. Cannot find anything incriminating.

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You seem angry, did your handles tell you to shill harder, you can always fall back on your Gender Studies Degree.

Too complex, imo. Just shoot them all. Bounties on dead only.

>Yes keep spending money on immigrants, because it fucking works
Works in what way? Why not improve what we have instead of trying to do something new. Why spend money on new families coming into this country when we already got American families in need of aid? And if we let him some people, don't we have to let them all in to be fair?
In fact why don't we just evacuate all of South America, Africa, and SW Asia to America and let everyone prosper.
How many are you letting stay at your home buddy?

That expense tho

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Only the most insane far left retards want “open borders”. Its a strawman, except for like 6 misguided college chicks

>So then stop saying you have some entitlement or are deserving of something simply because your people are brown.
Where did I say that? Stop saying you have entitlement for this planet, people go where they wish, and they always will, you will never stop it, as history has shown. You're the only one iliterate and entitled. Your ancestors came to america and took it by force and trade, it was inevitable.
They are making their own way. If you want north korea, go there.

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They fight Muslim animals who not only rape anyone but kills them. They not going to get to be the British Empire and be all gentlemanly doing this.

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Literally no one is saying you have to choose between the one or the other (help immigrants integrate to society and help americans in poverty). I'm sure you could do both by reducing military funding for example.

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Where is any of your proof of that? What basis do you have to say that there wasn't always violence on the border on both sides committed by drug cartels prior to the shitty wall being build in the late 1970's?

How does a wall influence women being raped on the Mexican side by people smugglers? How did the America building half a wall (half of the border doesn't have a wall. It literally just stops in the middle of the desert) cause people to smuggle drugs? This has always happened. A wall just made it a little harder for them and easier for BP to patrol.

Not at all, I love talking to people from around the world. I don't like people who skip their place in line and decide on their own they wanna fuck our laws and our system and do it their own way.

Are you saying we should just demolish our current rusting wall, dismantle ICE and the BP and just let people walk in as casually as they'd like?

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>Works in what way?
You're the number one country built on immigrants, that way.
>Why not improve what we have instead of trying to do something new.
New? Wat.
>Why spend money on new families coming into this country when we already got American families in need of aid?
Because we have enough money for both, tighten the buirocracy and lower military spending. We are beating the entire fucking world combined with the military we already fucking have. The only thing this is doing is fueling military contractors.
>And if we let him some people, don't we have to let them all in to be fair?
No. Keep the CRIMINALS out, nobody is arguing for letting fucking gangbangers in, most of them are running from the fuckers anyway.
>In fact why don't we just evacuate all of South America, Africa, and SW Asia to America and let everyone prosper.
Why? Not all of them are coming here. And your hyperboli is completely unfeasable compared to helping decent straglers that are coming here.
>How many are you letting stay at your home buddy?
If they're decent people I'd be willing to help, though completely pointless point you have there, I pay taxes to help people, not build 5 more tanks we have no drivers for.

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>Are you saying we should just demolish our current rusting wall, dismantle ICE and the BP and just let people walk in as casually as they'd like?
Nope, literally nobody saying that, next.

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What's wrong snowflake, run out of fucking imagines? Keep posting more like the little monkey faggot you are

My company just raised the minimum starting wage to $13 an hour from $10. Basically a 30% increase in wage, and in the next 4 years it'll be $15.50. No law or government needed. Just a shortage of labor and a need for labor.

Under the tax law over 500 of the countries large employers offered bonuses to employees.

I don't know what shit company you work for (if you work at all, probably a NEET) but no one put a gun to your head and make you work for them or not find a better job and that is why they don't raise their wages. Because they know you're a little bitch who is to scared to make some moves and that why you cry for government to do it.

shhh the baby is sleeping

>How many are you letting stay at your home buddy?
This is the part that annoys me the most about liberals. They want open borders and for everyone to "have a heart", but refuse to take them into their own homes or even their neightborhoods. They want them here so long as they stay in their containment zones and someone else pays for it.

>They are making their own way.
But they aren't, they are demanding increased pay and increase benefits that they are no entitled to. Shit actual citizens don't technically have to "right" to drive. It's a privilege.
And if you aren't even supposed to be in this country you shouldn't be shouting for more shit. You should enjoy what you have. Stop being greedy.

I want the spics to come up here, rape you and your family in the ass, and slit your throats, you retarded cocksucker

I just find it funny how he thinks spamming threads with jew bullshit does anything other than make him look retarded. Doesn't even have the common sense to sage either. I love it.

Calm down Pedro. Now back to work, that toilet ain't gonna clean itself

What a load of bullshit. Keep generalizing. Liberals pay taxes too turd and I want my money to go to people that need it instead of your compatriot's neet piece of shit ass.
I'd rather have a decent muslim, jew or mexican neighbor than a piece of shit inflated selfish uneducated ass like yorself.

And then countries like Russia and China and Iran and Venezuela, all countries that shit on human rights and progress of people prosper and dictate world order.
If we reduce military funding and give up portions of the world in terms of influence and control these countries will fill the void. And they are not good for freedom overall.

>But they aren't, they are demanding increased pay and increase benefits that they are no entitled to
They aren't. They're asking for the same treatment as other citizens. Are there bullshit people, yes but they're not a majority.
>And if you aren't even supposed to be in this country you shouldn't be shouting for more shit. You should enjoy what you have. Stop being greedy.
Equal rights, and no discrimination from xenophobic asswipes isn't being greedy.

No. They won't. We spend more money on the military than those countries combined. They will not fill the void, the only ones who are gonna lose is military contractors.

Why do they deserve any of that? These people are here illegally, take away jobs and seats in school, doctors and other resources away from citizens and legal immigrants, and now we're suppose to give them licenses and the right to vote? Where does it fucking end? These people aren't even suppose to be here this is ridiculous. And then they turn around and turn everywhere they live into the EXACT same shit hole they just came from, while shitting on our laws and demanding we learn their monkey language.

>New? Wat.
New families. I didn't think that would be hard for you to interpret. My fault I forgot I was on Yea Forums.

>tighten the buirocracy
I think that says enough.

>We are beating the entire fucking world combined with the military we already fucking have
Obama didn't increase military spending for 8 years and trust me they are catching up rapidly. Especially China. They are some ballsy fuckers with the money and manpower to challenge us. If they team up? Oh fuck. Look up One Belt One Road. China is already laying down the infrastructure to fight take us on. We cannot reduce the military budget.

>No. Keep the CRIMINALS out
And the other 1 billion people I've mentioned in the specified regions? I hope you're not implying they are all criminal user. That would be RaCiST.

> your hyperboli is completely unfeasable compared to helping decent straglers that are coming here.
That spelling again. Are you 12? Also Stragglers? You think over 418,000 people in the first fiscal quarter alone are "stragglers"? At that pace it'll be over 1.2m in 2019 alone coming from Mexico. Just Mexico.

>I'd be willing to help, though completely pointless point you have there, I pay taxes to help people,
So we'll say 4 to your house? And they are welcome to all of your property, food, and they will dictate what you watch on TV. You're whole family is cool with that? That's really nice. And you don't pay taxes to help people. You pay taxes because the government makes you. Do you think the only thing you taxes goes to is tanks? Have you ever read the budget?

But we should let them in right user? Because other than that what the fuck are you debating me for?

>Why do they deserve any of that?
They're human.
>These people are here illegally, take away jobs and seats in school
They don't take seats in school, it is mandatory.
>doctors and other resources away from citizens and legal immigrants
They have no medical insurance, they can't see a doctor.
>and now we're suppose to give them licenses and the right to vote
No, they should be forced to learn the language and get naturalized, and educated, if they refuse they get deported. That's how you make sure they prosper and weed out the wannabe gangsters, which I'll tackle a bit later.
>These people aren't even suppose to be here this is ridiculous.
They are, they don't just dissapear, you can't just will shit away, circumstances brought them there, 99% circumstances out of their control.
>Where does it fucking end?
Never, migration is natural.
>And then they turn around and turn everywhere they live into the EXACT same shit hole they just came from
If you keep them uneducated and without medical insurance, they turn to crime as an option, poverty and discrimination breeds crime.
> while shitting on our laws and demanding we learn their monkey language
Meh, you're just a xenophobe.

>Makes the point you are generalizing
>Proceeds to generalize the person who he is replying to and making person attacks and assumptions.

I don't give a fuck if liberals "pay taxes", you faggots need to start walking the walking and taking these beaners into your homes and neighborhoods since you love them so fucking much. I know that fucks up your master plan to turn red states into blue states, but the cat was let out of the bag when you faggots flipped your shit over spics being sent directly to you. Then you liberals assholes can see for yourself how spics turn every place they go into a third world hell hole.

>They're asking for the same treatment as other citizens.
But our citizens aren't entitled to drivers licenses. So why do they feel they are? To march openly when you aren't entitled to protest and then demand something that actual citizens don't necessarily get is greedy and self entitled.

They don't have equal rights because the America constitution covers American citizens. Of which they are not. How do you not understand this basic legal principle? It's not difficult.

I don't even understand how this is suppose to work. How are they getting licenses without any proof of who the fuck they are? Meanwhile I have to give 6 points of ID everytime I go to the fucking DMV. Then they wonder why people hate them so much and want them out of the country. I don't feel an ounce of pity for illegals or their disgusting, brain dead offspring.

I'm the OP you replied to, not the guy who commented but:

>They're human?
Okay, but they aren't our people. They don't pay taxes, they don't operate fairly (as demonstrated by the fact they don't feel the need to wait in line with all the other people trying to get into this country), they don't belong here.

>They don't take seats in school
They do, because as you said they go to school. Whether or not it's mandatory is irrelevant because they shouldn't be in America in the first place. They already broke several immigration laws, whats one more about education? I mean shit they are undocumented so the state will never know.

>They have no medical insurance, they can't see a doctor.
Hospitals have to treat you for life threatening situations and illnesses that takes money away from these businesses.
And the ones requesting asylum at the border? They are given medical care as part of in-take from the federal government which is paid for with our tax dollars. God forbid one dies in ICE custody there is a shit storm. Just like that little girl who was walked across the border by her father and collapsed during their initial contact with BP. BP and the hospital did everything they could to save her and were still blamed for her death. No one but her father forced her to walk over 100 miles during night in the scorching desert sun and freezing desert nights. They put themselves at risk.

>they should be forced to learn the language and get naturalized, and educated.
They are. When they go through the proper process dictated by our laws. Not by running through the border in the middle of the night.

>circumstances brought them there, 99% circumstances out of their control.
Running away from your country instead of trying to better it is cowardly and isn't our problem. Go to any other SA country. They can hold their own government accountable.

>And then they turn around and turn everywhere they live into the EXACT same shit hole they just came from
>If you keep them uneducated and without medical insurance, they turn to crime as an option, poverty and discrimination breeds crime.

Right so again it's our fault that the low class, act low class. What is the cutoff point for aid? Should we just buy them all houses and a few cars to get started with a bank account of say $50,000? Maybe a few ponies and some high class hookers too right? It's only fair.

>Meh, you're just a xenophobe.
And you're an anti-american. You don't care about your own country or your own people. If you want to help them so bad why not take a year of your pay and go build a school or some shit down there? Why aren't you helping them fix their homes?

All they have to do in order to get a drivers license is present one piece of paper with their name on it. It can even be a paper like a bill from another country (easily doctored). One piece of paper, from a foreign country. That's all. And I'm sure since they are so poor and unable to get job the fee will probably be waived. Guess whose fees are gonna go up to cover the costs then? Ours.

Man if my name was Ahmad and I wanted to fuck shit up in America I'd pose as a Mexican. To easy.

Therefore Democrats just want to take advantage of illegal immigrants. Democrats plantation: their new form of slavery, lol.

>He went abroad and is now competing against our economy.
Economy is not a zero sum game

It’s been that way since welfare, section 8, and gub’mint gibs me dats has been a way of life for the negroes.

I mean, it's so fucking obvious what the democrats are trying to do. They WANT spics to keep coming illegally so they can turn the whole country into a democrat-run shit hole. Watch, next they're gonna say these spics should be allowed to vote.

So America can be like all the euro/Asian countries that have such a high population that apartments are the size of work cubicles and cost $2800mth.

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For no other reason than because you wouldn't like it, and I don't like you.

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valid point
i can't imagine being as retarded as you

Can he wear boots? Might make his bone spurs return...

[SPOILER] both major american political parties have the same motives and take the same actions [/SPOILER]

Thanks to a corrupt campaign finance system that AOC is almost uniquely not a part of.

Well that's just a complete fucking lie but okay

so they will vote democrat
same to why they want 16 year olds to vote

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they dont tho, republicans sit around scared of their own shadow, or waste their time in power while dems keep the ball rolling, and because of that, theres no reason to vote for them.

Ssssssh HEY! Why would you post that we're trying to convince people that spics are (((conservative))) and don't vote democrat. Damn you!

so you're saying repubs keep everything as is and dems fuck it up and make it worse? you're right, no reason to vote dem in that case

They are all a bunch of donkey fuckers down there. They probably all vote democrat because they think they will get a free donkey to fuck.

could find an image to add that wouldn't get me banned. Their are too many images of actual Mexicans actually having sex with donkeys but not many drawn images.

Who's the chick in the pic? I wanna sit on that pretty face so bad.

no reason to vote for either, fighting for status quo while the other is pushing left means you are just wasting time and dems will eventually get everything they want.

right so you vote repub to keep the left from fucking up the country, got it


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nope, i vote for neither. get it?

Phfffttt.......Why else? To increase the permanent underclass dependent on government is their reasoning. However, most of the immigrants are decent people and see through the scam and will vote Republican. Life's funny that way.

i get that youre a faggot, is that what you meant?

Democrats want open borders for one main reason. The Hispanic vote. Millions of Hispanic people living in the US. Believe Democrats fight for their rights and in a sense they do. But not for their sake, it's to ensure they vote Democrat. They know any potential illegal alien will vote their way if they vote at all. And in regards to the Hispanic population that is in fact legally residing in the US, they will get their support for seeming sympathetic to their theoretical cousins, or in fact possibly their literal cousins! Educated Hispanics that work hard and pay taxes sometimes go against the grain and will vote against liberals. They had to go through a lot to get where they are if they emigrated to the US legitimately and why should someone else get the benefits that they didn't earn, so they think. Although this would makes them unpopular with the other Hispanic people. But it's not hard to understand how a mass migration of poverty stricken illiterate, uneducated, people would hurt the economy. But that obvious concern is always ignored and instead this drivel about equality and inclusion and multiculturalism is put forth. That it is America's duty to take in droves of immigrants that can leach off it's system and give nothing in return because they have zero gratitude. Working Americans can pay the tab. They're mainly evil White men anyway. So under this guise of compassion they secure the Hispanic vote with talk of open borders. On a side note the reason Democrats always try come against the notion that you need to be a citizen and have ID to vote is because they know it would be votes for themselves that would be lost. Why would this even be in question?! What other country could you go to a get to vote for members of their government without being a citizen? It's beyond me how this idea is even considered a real argument.

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So the Democrats in general try and appeal to minorities. They have done this with the black community as well by pandering to them, promising them the world and giving them nothing. They are going to do all these things to help their people. Just as long as they know which side to be on on election day. And all they have done is to keep them permanently oppressed themselves with their welfare state and their undermining of the nuclear family. I mean Jesus it's practically quaint now to have a family with both parents. Esp black families. Planned Parenthood is is responsible for much destruction as well. Liberal policies are behind much of oppression of minorities and the lower class in general. The welfare state has reaked havoc on communities enabling a stagnant listless existence in poverty to be perpetuated indefinitely. All under the guise of compassion. Like I said before. And borders are just one tactic in their broad scheme to undermine the whole system. NeoMarxist are trying to flip the whole system upside-down. To tear everything down and replace it with their shit model of socialism which fundamental opposes freedom of the individual. If they can create division by flooding the US with aliens that don't have any allegiance to the US and can be easily manipulated then so the better they think. So the short answer is they want votes but as I think I have also tried to convey, they are also looking to add to the dissolution of population. Also ever looking to undermine idea of an American identity with it's own self image in favor of a global ideology. Divide and conquer is the name of the game.

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I read all of it and it was fucking beautiful, now get out

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Yes, everyone. the alt left is this retarded.

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Go back to playing fortnite kid, men are talking in here

on Yea Forums?
like trying to hold a presidential rally at a chuck e cheese

Only in parts.

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You're joking right? Shes under investigation for a million dollars "missing" from her campaign. While also employing her cuck boyfriend for "consulting" even though he has no actual political or policy experience.

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It was going swimmingly until you showed up with your underaged bullshit. Does your daddy know you're looking at traps and nigger porn on Yea Forums?

>when you're an American and all you do is talk about raising or lowering taxes instead of looking at where the money goes

"how are we gonna get money to fix our infrastructure and education and stuff you guys there's just no money genie please be r a t i o n a l"

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na he's probably too busy fucking your mom

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crony capitalism needs to stop yesterday

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>crony capitalism

that's the same thing as capitalism

>haha look guys I'm so funny am I cool now =)
You done making an ass of yourself kiddo?

that is like saying socialism is the same as communism.

Sure. Robert Moses started with those idealistic thoughts too while fresh out of college. And we know how that turned out.

Also that meme of yours is amazingly misleadings and slightly wrong.

With all due respect: not even a little bit.

Cheap dumb labor that doesn't understand what's going on, they always vote Democrat. They also cause problems which give the government an excuse for more power & taxes (theft). More immigrants = more traffic, crime, poverty, third world problems, higher priced homes, rent, etc. There's no benefit to anyone except the leaches.

>Why do the democrats want open borders?
Browns and blacks vote for big-government left.

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>socialism is the same as communism
It is

The beauty of being an user is that I can shake as much ass as I wan't without real repercussions.

conflating corporatism and capitalism, standard leftist smear, god you all need to do some reading.

Not that it matters nether one works

>god you all need to do some reading.
They read of facebook. If its longer than a Fb headline then its boring.

everyone in this thread reads off Yea Forums

im ok with mexicans if they are limited to landscaping, sanitation, and culinary.
cause i'm sorry, mexicans make the best italian food, chinese food, indian food, french food, etc
i will say they cant run a decent mexican restaurant though...

That's because mexican food is shit, where as all of those other things you listed are not.

Yeah right, a swift return to you didn't build that and more of Venezuela's and Obama/Hillary approach of free this that and the other is needed to get this economy going and make our life better.

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You're right. I meant normal people.

my 32k$/year income must make me rich too, cuz im also a libertarian.

leftists and their old and stale class warfare.

they still make italian food better than italians do

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No they fucking do not. They just follow the recipe and do as they're told. All of the food they cook was invented by Italians. I get that you've never cooked a day in your fucking life, but it's still embarrassing you're this ignorant.


wrong. professional pastry chef here.
rather hire a mexican than anyone who went to CIA

lets discuss

So now you've switched over to larping huh? You know what forget it, I'm likely wasting my time on a fucking beaner anyway

wrong again.
hard to believe someone in the culinary world talks about mexicans in culinary?
maybe you should find a new thread