Ok, so this bitch teacher has some nude photos according to media, but there is almost none online

Ok, so this bitch teacher has some nude photos according to media, but there is almost none online.

Does anyone here have some of her nude photos?

Attached: 33.jpg (778x788, 67K)

Attached: 7.jpg (747x960, 62K)


Yeah, very fuckable. That is why someone need to deliver.

Attached: 10.jpg (873x960, 79K)

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This is the only half nude photo from the newspapers.

Attached: 000.jpg (362x554, 26K)

This is the only half nude photo from the newspapers.

Attached: 000.jpg (362x554, 26K)

Attached: 3.jpg (600x800, 63K)

Attached: 4.jpg (547x960, 118K)

Attached: 8.jpg (801x806, 204K)

Attached: 12.jpg (840x960, 65K)

If no one can find her nude pics that means that she is possibly some kind of attention whore, if i can remeber good those info from the media on her nudes was 3 or 4 weeks ago

So you think she set-up herself?

Could be,

Attached: 13.jpg (811x960, 84K)

womans do that stuff all the time, remember Severina you know what am i writing about?

Yup, I surely do.

But celebs got something to gain with popularity. What could a teacher gain by this kind of fame?

Do you think she is working as a prostitute?

I don't know that if she is a prostitute or something else, but if i'm parent of some kid i would certainly sign my kid to her class=school proftit.So this could only be for some commercial stuff, it doesen't have to be, but that's only my opinion

correction *profit