Israel is bombing Gaza again

Israel is bombing Gaza again

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Good. Fuck Palestine

It's their land, it's written somewhere in a book that God himself gave it to them.

There's nothing wrong to shred kids and/or their parents into meaty pieces if they're sitting on your land.

fake news

You’re right, there isn’t anything wrong with that. Fuck em, they can go live somewhere else

Picture looks surreal. Like something out of a movie

>Call the Nazis evil and condem their lebensraum plans and whine about muh holocaust

>Proceed to do the exact same things to the Palestinians

Fucking Jews man. I have yet to meet bigger hypocrites

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If people reported every time Palestine attacked Israel they'd stop thinking this is a bad thing

The word of ((((((((god))))))))) doesn't fucking matter when it comes to kicking people out of their homes. Who cares that some greedy faggot in the past wanted to make up reasons to keep more land than (((((they))))) actually deserve

Fuck Gaza. Just saying.

>be Jew
>Kebab bombed the neighbourhood
>process to remove Kebab

Religion is a pretentious gay waste of time just be ethical its not hard

You forgot the "for the first time in 4 years, even though hamas launches rockets over constantly" part

They started doing it first you fucking moron

israel should learn from the europeans on how to treat arab muslims...
religion of piss after all.


Sandniggers are not roaches you fucking retard.

Everyone needs a hobby i guess, even if it is a bit shit.

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Imagine stealing someone else land because your a bunch of homeless rats, the. Persistently killing the real owners

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This is sad why Israel is murdering people?

fuck you kike loving faggot

Boomers get out

FUCK the Palestinians. Dirty terrorist scum.



let the sandniggers burn

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Imagine being so pathetic you lose to homeless rats, sounds like they didn’t deserve the land anyways.

I honestly would have no problem with the Israeli's just wiping the whole population of Gaza out. I literally wouldnt even bat an eye lid about it.

Is this why Google has been acting retarded and giving me some errors

Good stuff. If only they had the balls to permanently remove them.

I don't give a fiddler's fuck. I don't give a fiddler's fuck as to what a fiddler's fuck means.

Why? You don't like Arabs?

Good goy. You can live

Folks this is how you should be like. Good example of a good goy, how are you my friend everything ok? Need anything?

"Israel is bombing Gaza"
>post pics of the rocket attack on Israel.

Fuck them both. Lets everyone else stay out of it and let them kill each other off.

I refuse to adhere to a story book written by a bunch of old guys with stories stolen from other people and call it theirs.

We should just drop a couple of nukes and solve both problems at once.

Who likes Arabs exactly? They obviously hate themselves with a passion.

Nothing to do with Religion. It doesnt matter to me if gaza was populated by Hindu's or Satanists. World would just be better off with them gone. Simple as that.

>t. retard

Praise be to him the holy one
Allah shall judge you all vehemently.

Praise be to him. Infidels perish


It's their hobby

Youre right palestine and iran needs to be depopulated for freedom and stability of israel

Good. I hope they go full Putin and just level the dump.

Found the israeli propaganda machine.

You’re right. Arabs should gtfo North Africa and levant and go back to the edges of their peninsula.

Learn from the Europeans?? Most of Western Europe is being invaded by Muslim "refugees" as we speak

Fuck kebabs

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Found the bitch.

Trips don't lie


It's been over 70 years these people are being persecuted by the jews.

nice try, Iranian

For a bunch of neck beards who constantly get all hellbent talking about white might you sure are quick to get all whiny about a technologically powerful nation cleaning up their own backyard. Get fucked Ahmed.

hell yea

call it the gonzo strip

the Israeli propaganda is so extreme i dont even know how to process it
its like satirically ridiculous

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Yep, and peaceful people at that. Just because your rabbi washes your brain doesn't mean we all go the uneducated way.

almost as extreme as islam

Good Fuck Palestine.
Eliminate the terrorist scum of the earth.
Denounce Hezbollah you faggots - before we turn you into glass.

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lol what the fuck does that have to do with israeli propaganda

Islam is fine, even when during the crusade turmoils, we europeans were considered the fanatical invader. You're just born in times were crusaders are jew knights mounted on their faithful american horses.

But anyway, enjoy being ignorant.

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Palestine bombed Israel with 200 missiles. Israel is fighting back obviously

you don't think Palestine has propaganda?

Fuck off, the jews and the muslims should just kill each other already. The rest of us will have more peace in the world.

.stabil brudi

ahahaahahahahahah you fucking faggot. You didnt reply to me, but the thought that anyone would defend palestinians is hilarious.
Theyd rip off of your head and shit down your neck in a second, you faggot.
You think muzzies would meet and greet you with open arms in palestine? Haha, youre a tool and a sandnigger lover.

Antisemit detected

i dont know or care it just doesnt have anything to do with the israeli propaganda being quite fking hilarious to see
its like they are trying to be subtle but it obviously reads as
>look at the fun were having killing these sandniggers :^)
where as the mozzie stuff looks more like
>allah hu akbar
>"booms in sandnigger"

seems like you ignoring extreme propaganda by both sides makes you ignorant

low iq southern American detected

Im not the guy but honestly, who teaches you such things about palestinians? I'm genuinely curious.

Fuck the entire Middle East. Fuckheads are always at war.

Found the obedient brain-washed sheep.

found the (((redpilled))) and brain-washed faggot


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>US imperialists pretending they're not entirely responsible for the situation in the whole region there
you know you are
why else wont you keep your military and agents out?
this is all for US corporations profits

>ITT jidf
sad that you guys are invading every space and shitting it up with your filthy, obvious agenda

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>it's another edit of peepee the green frog
the right is so awesome at maymays XD epic my friend
totally owned them now

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>itt Basij
sad that you guys are invading every space and shitting it up with your filthy, obvious agenda

You sound like you're on the edge of a school shooting friend.

that's the point


ITT: triggered jews (again) because they realise (again) that 90% of this world population knows they are in fact (again) the barbarians the evil deeds that we should eradicate for more peace.

You do realize that this is the fault of the far RIGHT WING government of Israel perpetrating these attacks on Palestinians. Right wing conservatism is the plague of our planet and we have to do everything to eradicate it

Good. I hope it bombs every inch.

>types out angry satirical outburst
>calm reply that is appropriate for 2019
sounds about right

>low IQ
>responding to a projecting reply
>its angry and satirical
sounds about right

angry Palestinian

SIX Million?

are you retarded or just paid to cause discourse lol

It does not look like a final solution to me.


Go Israel!

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damage control

what damage...?
i'd rather both jews and mozzies lost m8

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is it true the jews faked ww2 by putting hitler to power themselves and pretended to be killed so they can have a land?

>I'd rather they'z b0th l0st

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Didn't gaza send a shit ton of missiles first ?

jews are terrorist occupying a territory that doesn't belong to them.

I'm not defending the muslims but if something isn't yours, it isn't.

Jews are white


That’s a hell of a picture. Got more like it?

>Israel is bombing Gaza again

>suddenly /pol/tards care about muslims

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right let them fight over the "holy land"

fuck em, right?

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jews are sand niggers

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so what exactly is your definition of occupying a territory that does belong to you?

because I don't get the difference


Lots of non-muslim people care about muslims since 1948.

so what damage am i controlling...?

jeWs ARe tErr0rist beCAUse thEy STEal

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Israel is murdering people again? shocker.
I mean, I don't even like the Palestines but I sure hate the Isrealis.

Just erase that area completely. And I mean all the way from Turkey to Yemen. It's nothing but trouble.

Maybe the fact that the only valid reason comes from a book written by fanatics?

None, I suppose you're in the clear.
Thanks for sharing your far-right opinions with us.
You can leave now.

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I'm a spic so I can't relate
pic related is me
me and my cartel have been preparing for the race war, and once it starts, you faggot white bois are going to get destroyed

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user dont be antisemitic. This land belongs to jews its a fact.


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As opposed to any other group of people kicking out another group and settling there to live without a book?

Where are you from? I will be happy to explain the concept.

Yea Forums has gone jihad boys

They (the Palestine arabs)
Didn't lose shit to the jews, the British who owned the land said this bit is jew land, 1/3 of Jerusalem was for the Christians, jews, and muslims.
The fucking kikes then went out at night murdering muslims and Christians, and when ever a group went to smash them, they called on the British to protect them.

Even in the illegal wars the jews start, the MOMENT the other side starts to win, they call on Briton or America to come and clusterfuck their enemy claim 'oy vey they want to kill all jews, help us good goys'

The Palestinians launching rockets at Israel are just terrorists, same as ISIS. Izrael is simply defending themselves and yeah it's sad that during the bombing women and a child died, but these and many more deaths would never happen if it weren't for these islamists provoking and attacking them.

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you have to read more philosophers and historians from the 1st and 2nd century, where they explain that the jews expelled from Egypt and other places went to occupy Palestine illegally, without following their laws or traditions.

Calm down paulito, we have you unleashed for now because you kids causing turmoil in SA and the good deals on drugs are a blessing.

Don't start farting too high though, we could use actual modern weapons and trust me, you'd rather be tortured in one of your lovely jails.

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Me either.
That said. I wouldn't mine the Arabs just wiping out the jews either.
In fact that reminds me of a saying:
> They came for the blacks,
I wasn't a black so I did nothing.
> They came for the jews.
I wasn't a jew so I did nothing.
> Then, they realized all the problems had been solved and they stopped coming.
> They could probably even bring back the blacks, but w/e never mind.

> /pol/acks get btfo'd and start spamming BBC

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So true but the world will change the narrative to make the Muslims the hero.

They (the Palestinian arabs) have lost ever single war to the jews since 1948.

Most groups can take over a plot of land with just one war, Israel has won 8.

you its far right to think its hilarious that you reply to someone appropriately responding to you with "projecting" and then to respond to me with a mimic of my own post...?
it just comes back full circle to you obviously being either retarded or have an investment is causing discord which is just toplol tbh

ok sir thanks for buying

as opposed to who? which country has the "original" population?

You go there, you kick some ass and now it is yours. All over the world, every single country, ever.

What do you want us to do? our kikedgovernment either gave them the holy land we fought for for fucking centures and just handed it over, or protect the jews while they murder people.

I mean, other than a crusade and cleansing of every western government of the parasites, what can we do?

> TFW you have the most powerful army on the planet, a literal world crushing force.
> And your being eaten from within by parasites you protect.

So whats your problem? First dont compare jews to filthy muslims and christians you stupid goy. Jews are the chosen ones thats why we literally own and rule america. You are just a angry goy with a low iq. Otherwise you would know that being a good complying goy enriches your life and mind

>Israel has won 8
lol israhell hasnt won shiieet... without america they would of been holohoaxed

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Wait wait wait wait wait.
> assuming not trolling.
Are you seriously fucking telling me you latino's don't want to be on the -winning- white side?
I thought you guys where honorary whites like the Japanese?

lower than roaches

embarrassing post

>being a good complying goy enriches your life and mind
where does it begin or end
am i the troll or the trollee?
am i a jew or am i a soul?
are you a dog or a man?

protip: the first of each list means the first of the second

Pleasure doing business gringo.

lmao jew logic

Exactly this.

People act like Israel going conservative was a trick by the right to win Israeli politics. No one mentions that Israel went full red pill after the handover of Gaza and the Infitada. Palestine did this to themselves.

kikeroaches are the niggest roaches lol

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> Israel won 8.
Every time I pick a fight, when I start to lose Mike Tyson comes and rekts them.
> hurr durr they win, once America fucks up their foe.
jews are parasites. weak as shit and worthless in all matters.

That part always get left out.

sure, kid

By which you mean bend over, get on your knees and pull open your butt cheeks and beg to get anal raped?

It is seriously embarrassing, they have been kicking ass and chewing gum, but they are all out of gum

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just like you're jewish penis

Gringo is what we use for white bois like yo, not me
yo soy un indio de yutacan gueeeyyy

care to mention which country you are from, or does your imam not let you?

fucking shills

To prevent their people from being murdered? If the Palestinians could "Finger snap" Israel out of existence, they would.

I like white bois, so we'll let some of them live but they can't be allowed to rule over us
this is a war for independence


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Na und?

Me neither. That's pretty much the perfect solution. Its sort of a final solution.

Yeah, google is sympathetic to sandniggers. It wants to hide anything that could hurt their fee-fees

jews butcher palistinians everyday

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yeah exactly. now you get it.

Israel won, they are a bunch of pussies and let the palestinians keep making trouble for some unknown reason. We keep telling to wipe their asses and stabilize the region, hopefully some day they will listen

yeah as long as every kike is wiped out as well

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War is the ultimate arbitrar of human differences. If they fought a full on war against each other, the Palestinians wouldn't last a week.

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Can't the U.S. just nuke the whole fucking middle east to get rid of all problems there once and for all?

i welcome you to try faggot your god is dead kek and your penis is futile

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thats why we need a real holocaust for the jews

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Would you rather breed more QT jew goddesses or more godforsaken sandniggers?

The future becomes whoever fucks more often, I vote more jew goddesses and fewer disgusting sandniggers.

>your god is dead kek
faggot loser laughing at his own joke

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tfw no qt anne frank gf

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the images are all part of the "starter pack" they get at their mosque. Normally I don't mind them but they get retarded some times.

stop posting pics of you and your dad faggot

jew bitches are ugly niggers

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Islam's propaganda machine is so extreme and effectual that world leaders think the Myanmar Buddhists are the bad guys.

This thread is completely full of seething Basij and its embarrassing

lol thats your sandnigger god

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The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

undercooked jew has no sense of humour

Seething Muslim
Its obvious now
Stop exposing the Basij posters here


jews are the devils children

lol kikeroach is trggered

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>implying I would laugh at your low IQ joke

The real world does. That's why Israel votes conservative now. The gaza handover was a disaster and the infintadas made things a million times worse.

Israel learned a valuable lesson in 2005: they learned what happens when you give a single fucking inch to sandniggers.

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oh that one wasnt a joke though
your god is dead! ill show you when i herald you into hell! just remember my name, Maharba.

Perhaps the Palis should reexamine the utility of behaving like Fucking Savages.
IOW if you don't randomly mortar noncombatants it lowers the odds of you taking return fire...

lol your granny

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Looks like what I can find on the ground in an average Muslim country

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Imagine being born somewhere. You're an infant that grows up surrounded by fences. You witness your friends dying all around you and they are getting shot, beaten or jailed at an early age. You are told that an aggressive people are taking your land from you because of the Balfour Declaration over 100 years ago. A document gave them a right to do so. You shoot "600" rockets at them (which is like throwing snowballs at the sun) and they rebuttle with a ground invasion finally taking their land because they were "there first".

Now imagine again...that you were simply born there. A literal roll of the dice and accidental unfortunate reality.

You say 'Fuck em', because you aren't getting killed by their overlord's, you're owned by them...

>if they hate me they must love the muslims

That's what you jews are missing, you're number 1 top hated race/culture on this planet. Maybe if you'd have shown some honor or even an inch of empathy towards others at least ONCE in history.. i dunno man. You do you. The sad part is all the money you stole from others help you convincing the sheeps that you did not.


The Israeli government is only hard-right because the Israeli people learned what happens when you give sandniggers anything. If the Gaza handover in 2005 hadn't just created a new area for the launch of missiles into Israel, if the sandniggers would just stop niggering up the whole fucking thing, there would be a will for peace.

Israel is doing what you should do to ignorant ass niggers that just don't want peace: blow them the fuck up.

The world would be better off if the greedy hook nosed dick choppers and the nasty pedo dick chopping mudslimes both killed each other to the point of extinction, the world would be so much more peaceful

yeah you can find burned up jews in any trash dump lol

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Your house probably smells like shit then, faggot

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always left out. Also always left out: Gaza only sends a shit-ton of missiles, because the last liberal government of Israel announce a universal withdrawal of all Israeli citizens from the land in 2005.

That's why Israel doesn't have a left-wing party anymore, and why no one votes liberal. Only safe and weak normies in western countries who have never known hardship or suffering could vote for democrats.

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>I'm not defending the muslims but if something isn't yours, it isn't.

If something is yours', take it back. If you can't, then its not yours' anymore.

No they are not!

Proof is that they will still be there tomorrow, they need to toughen up and wipe their own asses.

muslims are shit

you laugh now but i will usher you through the gates of hell to suffer for eternity! you know not who you speak with! have a nice life, dog!

typical thieving kike

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your kitchen looks like shit

>Muslims is murdering people again? shocker.I mean, I don't even like Israel but I sure fucking hate Sandniggers.


fuck israhell & fuck kikes

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So, the Koran?

Imagine if Israel did the right thing and just wiped out the palestines, no more problems

it will cook you real good lol

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>this is a war for independence
You could've just stayed in Mexico

Says the white with a record full of wars throughout history. Whites are the worst

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>pic shows you and your 600 sandnigger brothers being gassed by chad me
what are you trying to prove?

Mexico is not Independent from the U.S


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Israel is an apartheid shithole and should be shunned like the pariah state it is. American jews are cool tho.

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holohoax was a jew lie

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I mean if i was a palestinian i'd say fuck to peace too?

Even being friend with someone who'd have had his house taken away, or his olive tree field stolen, would anger the fuck outta me. I can't even imagine watching my relatives being expelled from their own house because some fucking dudes claimed i'd have to share my land with someone who naturally hates me?

You could call my resistance act as niggering all you want, I'd dedicate my whole life to having you dead and gone. And i'd die for that if i can at least bring one of them with me.

man i wish one of those rocket explodes up your jew ass hehe

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You are retarded American jews are sjw fuckers that own the media and fuck my shit. They are guilty of everything these shills accuse Israel of.

Israel is keeping all muslim countries busy by itself and preventing the spilling of shit all over my back yard.

Also matzah balls is made with foreskin

exactly, that is why there is only one logical solution here. One of the two sides has to go into the sea.

Yeah, give into this Luciferian assault on Judaeo-Western culture and tell me how that works out? Oh wait, we already know how it works out, it's called the one world order of the apocalypse of Revelation and the book of Daniel. It's only calm because the Religions haven't been brought into one yet. When that happens? Totalitarian does not even begin to describe what's coming for the world.

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Israel works with the sunnis dumbfuck

you amerifags are so ignorant fuckinghell llike number 1- we didnt start it
numer 2- we sent nothing ccompared to the amount that hamas did
you all expect us to sit here and just let hamas bomb us without returning fire? maybe you should have just ignored 9/11 right?

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7 people died, let’s not overreact there buddy

lol Israel blew up 6 empty buildings, hamass sent over 600 rockets.

>Implying Israel is the bad guy

The funny thing is that it's leftist jews that keep setting people against Israel, what the fuck is wrong with shekelfags?

what part of keeping shit from my backyard don't you understand?

back to faggot


A wild sheep appears.

Agree with you. "Peace" is a complete and total lie. Let them fucking kill each other, let them fight a war. War will settle their differences.

The land then belongs to whoever is left alive. Trump is the only one who knows the truth: there can be no peace, let them fight it out. War is not an unhealthy reaction to intractable differences.

fucking Israel,

Grow a fucking pair and wipe your own ass. I don't care if you start it or not, it has been 70 fucking years, just wipe them out

I understand you livin' in a schlomo paradise.

Israel is a sandnigger magnet. They may want "death to America" but they want to send Israel to hell. Their hyper-focus on Israel saves lives in Europe and America. I'd want that magnet there for as long as possible if I was a western government.

thing is if we do that then all the eurofags attack us, i mean we could and we did take on the arab countries and win but the eurocucks are too stronk and if they attack then the us will probably join us and then russia and china will join the arabs and then BOOM WWIII!

It's way more complicated than that. Actually, Gnostic Jews and their blood lines make up the Jesuits, Illuminati, controlling the media, world banking, wars etc... They believe the bible is a deception and Lucifer was the true creator of humans and the garden of Eden is upside down, really complex to explain in a Yea Forums post. While what you say is somewhat true, there motivation had nothing to do with the Jews, just the Gnostic's who identify with the sumerians and annunaki, ie: the Fallen angels and giants of Genesis. Look into it if you are interested, it's fascinating and explains nearly everything if you see the evidence of the ancient battle raging around us.

Blow up more buildings so they have no reason to stay in gaza and go somewhere else. Israel needs more lebensraum and no filthy palestine rats will stop us

Now you are getting it.

If you can somehow convince american jews to move over there everything would be perfect

You just said it, user. Shekelfags care only about shekels. They would sell their own relatives into slavery for enough shekels, they would sell out their own people for enough shekels.

No one likes shekelfags, most jews have a limit to what they'll do for shekels. Not shekelfags.

So its like an employment program for jooz. Head east and grab some land schecky. We're doing it for the white guys this time.

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nice dubs also american jews arent real jews they are crossbreeds and should be killed just like the arabs

The rest of the world won't let them, because sandniggers may be shit, but they are people too.

No, they aren't. Let Israel wipe its own ass.


Everyday we stray further from God

So you are waiting to get nuked before you grow a pair? should work out well for everybody involved.

You know perfectly well that nobody would attack you. Once oil is no longer that important you create a false flag, you wipe them out and apologize for a few years.

rocket tennis

if you can't bomb them nor get raped by them,what other options you have?

the sand niggers make them out of street sign poles so i doubt they have much accuracy. think of it as israel is soldier with his ultimate and hamas is roadhog trying to snipe widow from the other side of the map

this is islam's world after all.

they aint nuking shit KEK ever heard of Stuxnet? well we are currently working on around 7 of those

I mean i've read/watch stuff around this. I'm having a hard time connecting the dots and honestly preferred sticking to somewhat more logical explanations.

I'm still a proto-history enthusiast and fascinated by this giants "myth".

Nukes wont come in flying. Then we will have to do clean up.

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You have to wonder why Gods chosen people would continually kill for a bit of bloody and desolate sand? MOVE! Just fucking leave!
This is the exact reason why Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 say what they do.

You have murdered and stolen to defend land that God promised you. Why have you not let God defend the land and YOU obey his laws?

If you had died on the land you would go to his Kingdom. Instead you have murdered to hold the land and will end up in hell.

How very sad.

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He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

Leave vengeance to God.

you're jewish right?

Yeah, I've spent a lot of time reading about how the Jesuits, who btw control a lot of the worlds intelligence agencies, including all the Jesuit educated ones in the USA, have with the help of the government ie: Google, Smithsonian, Academia, also controlled by the elite, etc... Scrub the giants very existence from history, when 150 years ago it was common accepted knowledge, evidence is everywhere still of six fingered giants even in the USA at archaeological sites like judaculla rock where I just went to see the writings myself recently. But, if you google the very idea of giants, you will find mostly stuff debunking it. It's really a complex denial of the true history of the world.

>It's way more complicated than that

In fact there are few true jews left most are as described in Revelation 2:9.

You too have been deceived.
By the descendants of Cain.

you see that would be great if eurofags wouldnt bomb the shit out of us after because they are salty af. israel has already conquered many times and gave it back to the arabs i mean you can look up an old map for yourself and see.

But according to murica Russia is the bad guy..


Italian American Christian.
(Not Catholic either)

all I hear is "cluck cluck cluck"

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why not both?

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Fair enough, i heard some anti-sionist jews speaking the exact same discourse hence i dare asking.

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Yep the Sons of Cain cover up the existence of Nephilum (Genesis 6:4) and Gheber (What you call Giants.) Steve Quayle has an interesting website on the topic.

Ok but then why does murica associate itself with Israel? Seems rather hypocritical given their “world police” reputation.

>Revelation 2:9.
I feel like we are saying the same thing. God knows who belongs to him. I am not questioning what God said.

this thread is making me woke so hard rn

They’re still trying to hide secrets from the past, that’s why the cia handlers instructed isis to destroy historic sites in Iraq.

Stupidity and ignorance?
Not having a real understanding of what is going on.

The Sons of Cain, Ismael, and Jacob do not for the most part even know who they really are.

nice ninegag meme
it is litterally suicide to go up against the UN unless the US doesnt pussy out. hey it may even be when i will be serving the army! israel already launched a counter operation.

and btw are we really gonna side with these terrorist motherfuckers or are we gonna make Brenton proud? I have publicly told people the real story of Brenton and i have succesfuly redpilled many.

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What is all your pronlem you fuckers? Israel got attacked and people died and you want them NOT to respond to that? Fucking idiots atleast be rational

if you wanna go that way we can easily argue that jews were there in the biblical era and then got driven away .

We probably do agree.

But folks always blame "the jews" and for accuracy sake they are not Jews. They are the Sons if Cain pretending to be jews.

Still, we are forbidden to harm either and are supposed to let this shit play out however it may.

Yes true, but knowing who "they" are is still rather important.

*ahem* pay attention to thread

It's funny, we had to wait 286th post for someone to mention isis is just a jewish/american tool to provoke turmoil around israel.

>we already knew

Jews are to pussy to fight muslims face to face.

>kebabs and juice fighting each other
>Typical Sunday

pay attention to my balls

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What about the bomb attack on Gaza?

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I want them not to respond to that.

Go be with God!
This place is horrific and murder after murder just leads to more bloody sand.

NOTE: I want Islam to do the same.
Murder for land is disgusting.

Actually isis was created by the cia to depose Assad, keeping the Middle East in perpetual anarchy is just icing on the cake.

You have no clue who really rules this planet.

ITT Ignorance.

I think the CIA servers has this book on their website as tongue in cheek. However, Jesus seems to indicate that the enemy can't do anything without telling us what they are doing. Sovereignty of God.

I agree, but it's pretty much the same thing since replacing bashar would open war preparation against iran?

i think?

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how about you dont respond to terrorists then?

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The Ancient Jewish Kingdom needed to be circumcised.


When in doubt, remove kebab

Exactly, the cia would ensure someone more America friendly was elected president and then use Syria as a staging area for a (possible) war with Iran.

Not bombing enough

I agree but not in charge.
Just watching.