Some finn is going to kill himself and is already cutting himself on stream

Some finn is going to kill himself and is already cutting himself on stream

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Happening aborted, that's just a known attention whore. No suicide is going to happen here.

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No contet there. He just fakes that case. Delete this shit post

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someone already called the police i think

either happens or then it doesnt happen. i'd call it a 50-50 if you know what i mean

He's barely bleeding and now he's just sitting there crying, lol. What a fucking pussy

yeah I did

hes just trying to get views by attention whoring

No, he clearly is crazy

What an empty edgelord

faggot's faking the cutting wtf

Reported. Hopefully the YouTube moderators will act in time.

Pray for it to slip by the jug

Ew, don't be a phaggot

Waste of time.

>Yea Forums in 2019
we've gone a long way mates

faggot kys

Full faggot.

>winner of the the worlds dullest knife competition

Lmfao some gamer chair led lights faggot role player pretending to cut himself while yelling and then pointer dog tier staring at the stream. You fins are really letting yourselves go. Fucking newfags.

so dull knife

He's just LARPing. Small tiny scratches. Knife seems insanely dull.

This is unacceptable. It's been going on for 70 minutes and youtube still hasnt taken it down

That's because he obviously isn't a threat to himself.

he is going to get some beer and piss

seems like he's only looking for attention

also he will get bigger knife

What kind of faggot would off himself listening to nu-metal?

hes been attention whoring on ylilauta for years
hes a turbo autist

Attached: asiapapyrys samnaks.jpg (657x527, 40K)

thats gospel metal

Lol, cause nothing is happening.
Go cry back to read dit. Phagg0t

Okay, listening to that would actually make me want to kill myself.

It's trash regardless

This guy if one of the end-bosses of Finnish chan scene.

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kys normfag

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Police is here.

He cant compete. You fucksticks need to get your heads out of your asses and bully this nerd until he tries to turn himself into a girl and gauges his gooch.


>tries to turn himself into a girl
He had that phase in 2017 already IIRC

Attached: 91731bcd.jpg (1225x1920, 268K)

This song is interminable wtf

nigger faggot lel

He was actually already crossdressing in 2017. After that he claimed that some medicine cured his gayness.



Definitively police

I think I saw a taser


Police already, Rip our entertainment.

He didn't even get chance to do it

He had fucking 80 minutes to do it.

police ended stream. F

cops came lmao

There are F's in the chat what's goin on???

gn streak

Attached: 8c6fedd6.jpg (1239x698, 130K)

Ambulance guys came to pick him up.


>watching for this long

Most pathetic suicide attempt ever

paying respects

It was the police, unless paramedics in Finnland wear blue/black uniforms and tasers.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-05 at 19.58.00.png (778x636, 615K)

Yeah someone called the cops

Red pants guy is paramedic and other guy is a cop

Cops are sent in first to make sure crazies don't stab anyone. Medics are outside.

>Red pants guy
That's the guy """"trying"""" to off himself.

Sounds plausible, but point was that it was the cops and the guy that interpreted the finnish yelling was right.

No it's not. Aito doesn't have tattoos and why the fuck would he have rubber gloves on?

>rubber gloves
That's the police man.

Open your fucking eyes, they both have rubber gloves. And the guy with red pants has whole right arm tattoo'd.

>blunt knife
>shit music
lets fucking hope he does