Lately this bitch has been really distant and cold. We used to have sex everyday and now she doesn't want to at all...

Lately this bitch has been really distant and cold. We used to have sex everyday and now she doesn't want to at all. She looks visibly upset and when she's around me she doesn't talk much. I keep asking her if something's up but she says everything is fine and that shes not upset with me. Does that mean she doesn't find me attractive anymore and she secretly wants to bang some other nigger. I'm not afraid of being Cucked or anything since she broke up with her ex to be with me, but how can I make her spread her legs for me again and wtf is up with this bitch?

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dogs only want sex when they're in heat. Find another female dog to have sex with frend

yeah but i like my bitch better

she's mad at you because you can't read her mind
quit being a thirsty bitch and cut all contact until she calls after a few days of the silent treatment

ill try this then. I owe her a shit ton of money too and she always pays me for food even tho she isnt really all that wealthy. You think that might be a factor?

She's cheating on you already. She's just waiting for a time to blame it on you so she doesn't feel guilty. You're fucked.

Lol we've only been dating for 2 months. If she wanted to break it off she could have just told me. I cheated on her a couple of times myself

Break it off with her. Wait. Dont reply the first or second time she texts. She will text. Same with calls. 3rd times the charm.

she's mentally breaking up with you already, it's over bud

It was good while it lasted I guess

I asked her if she wanted us to stop seeing each other and she said no. So I'm confused?

>I owe her a shit ton of money too and she always pays me for food even tho she isnt really all that wealthy. You think that might be a factor?

well YEAH bruh no wonder she's pissed, you're the gold digging cunt in the relationship and she probably thinks you're culturally appropriating her methods

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she wants her fucking money back first

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But she insists on paying everytime, I always suggest we split but she refuses

Some women are down for taking care of their man. Especially a mother

I tried paying her back she doesn't wanna take the money. She thinks I'm really poor cuz I'm black the racist bitch

you said you owe her money. which is it? is she offering to pay or is she offering to cover your half until you are able to pay her back?

Nah she always offers to pay. I keep trying to pay her back she says to keep my money

ooohhh you're black

obviously she's either using you to show all her friends how woke and progressive she is or she hates her father

I've never met any of her friends or her family. I really thought we were in love. And she was really into me in the start, I've never had girl be this attached to me that fast

How old is she? What was her relationship Ike with her previous man?

Abusive from what I've heard, she doesn't seem that experienced and she just briefly dated a bunch of losers before who seemed like complete brainlets. I'm the only faggot she dated with a college degree. And she's kind-of a normie, but I like being around her because she's a nice contrast to the degenerate apes I chat with online, ie this thread

She's 19

>I've never met any of her friends or family.

Dude she just wanted to see what that black dick was like, or she did it to piss of her ex that she left for you. You're fucked, squeeze all the free shit out of her that you can while it lasts.

I'm pretty sure her previous boyfriend was black too. She's really into black dudes. I think she has a fetish for niggers. I don't mind tho

Is she black?

i guess you're just a stupid faggot for dating a chick who left someone for you. if they'll do it for you, they'll do it on you.

No she's half Mexican

Yeh but it made sense, her previous ex was abusive. I'm really nice to her and I act all beta and it worked fine, until now.
I'm not beta irl I just do that to bang white girls

Maybe she's on her period

Half Mexican and what’s her other half?


maybe she was shot by atticus finch

No I mean? Like half Mexican and what? Half white/ half black/half Asian?

Post a photo OP and I’ll give you advice

>duh period make wo-man mad and not do sexy sex

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She probably has something else going on in her life that doesn't involve you. Just press her on the matters and talk to her about them

Normal means white

99% of women don't want to pay for a broke ass man
especially when high paying dick would be easy for her to get
either start paying for some dinners or just accept that she's about to fuck off somewhere

Tried that, she says everything is fine.

Have some news for you, OP. She has already fucked someone else. She is distant because the object of her desire has moved to other person. And is upset cuz she's feeling being stuck with you. Won't take long for her to break up with you for someone else like she did in first place.

Women don't act upon logic. Golden rule, OP, never to be forgotten. They base their actions on emotional bullshit.

Yeah maybe. Now how can I find that nigger and kill him?

Well everything is obviously not fine so she's lying. Sounds like you ask one question then fuck off.

>I've never had girl be this attached to me that fast
Never stick your dick in crazies ones.

That's where I can't help you no more, kek.
What I'd do in your place is applying all my psychological pressure for her to confess whatever is heppening on her mind. The "its all fine" bullshit is clearly a lie.

niggas always say that but can't live up to that rule. The truth is we'll stick our dicks in anything

How big is your dick OP?

Well. I speak for myself when I say, I've become wise enough that when you do it, the consequences in the long term will overcome the benefits of busting a wrong nut.

She found another man that has convinced her to leave her current relationship for him and she just doesnt know how to break it to you yet.

I'll break it to you. Sounds like that girl's a bee, flying from flower to flower to collect her pollen. So yeah, she's done with you as she was with her boyfriend when she met you. Had 2 or 3 of that type in my life. Not a big deal. Get over it and move on and don't blame her. It's just how these girls are.

above average, but compared average white penis i would say pretty big. I don't think the issue is sex, she always initiated sex

She's pregonante!

i'll try, but i feel bad for her, Her dad was an abusive, probably sexually too and she got ditched by both her parents and lived with her grandparents. I wouldn't have fallen for her that easily if she was another spoiled white girl. I think i pity her more than anything, and i feel super protective about her

Abortion time

Dude when she say "everything is fine" she obviously means "talk to me user I have issues going on, show interest in my problems, nag me to get talking" do you literally just ask "yo something up?" And when she declines once just piss off elsewhere?

dump her, get a new one

Yes, I thought that's what she wanted. Maybe she's pissed because I asked for the new fortnite skin

"she broke up with her ex to be with me"
and such will happen to you too frend
once a slut always a slut

The writing is on the wall user. You know what to do.

i don't senpai

Just talk to her more and get down to the bottom of her problems retard, regardless of what she says

You sound like a bitch to be honest.
I know people of Yea Forums usually joke around by telling you to stay off Yea Forums, but seriously in this case this applies: The first step is to stop whining on Yea Forums. Women wan men, not bitches.

Alright whatever anonfag

If she left her former BF for you, she will leave you for the next guy. Your descriptions seems that she cannot look you into the eyes due to guilt. She probably already has decided to leave you or to "take a break user, this is better for both of us". Aka, fuck other guys while having the option to come back to you.

Force the issue, directly accuse her of it and see what happens. Specifically tell her she left the other guy for you and you are worried she is doing the same to you. Then go on from there.

This whole story is literally what happens before she cheats or more likely, she has already cheated on you. She is likely waiting for some situation in which you screw up so she can blame it all on you and end the relationship without feeling bad. It is bullshit of course, but that is likely her tought process.

>tl:dr cheating women will cheat again as soon as someone "better" becomes available.

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