My mom makes me go to curch everyday with her because she wants my to try to have some connection with god but I hate...

My mom makes me go to curch everyday with her because she wants my to try to have some connection with god but I hate this fucking place.

Every service ive been to has felt/been culty. I dont agree with most of what their fucking saying and on topbof all that the only reason I come here is because they have free internet.

What do Yea Forums (you can make this a bs relgions thread is)

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\v3HXgkt

stop going? Hang out at starbucks if you want internet.

Shes super religous and demanding. She wants to create a "Christian household"

>be op
>be massive faggot
Next time just wear your fedora there and let hem know how big of a faggot you are so they throw you off a building

So? The only reason you go is internet so stop going. OR maybe you're just a stupid teenager and only go because your mommy makes you.

its time to take out your mom

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I stopped going to church when I was 6 years old. I knew it was bullshit then, and I know it's bullshit now. Nobody can force you to go. I've been godless for 27 years, and it's great.

Tell her to fuck off. Just ignore her until you finish grade school.

On trust I go for the fucking free internet since I dont have internet at home. RN there chanting "I know it was the blood for me and died up on the cross for me." Over and over again while I'm sittinf behind the tech booth.

BCE? CE? Dont you mean BC and AD you fag. Next she killed her kids. Abraham was willing to for God. It was a test but you never read the good book so have no idea.

just meet some hot christian girl

Im 18 a senior and I'm about to serve my country this summer faggot

Take your Harry Potter shit somewhere else

He still killed his kids faggot

I don't know if I feel comfortable with a little bitch protecting our country

Says user kek

What serve the customers at McDonald's?

I'm not in the military

No fuck that id rather go to school

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*tips fedora* M'OP.

*tips fedora* M'user.

Cool. So just stop going.

Have a cry baby bitch who shit posts on Yea Forums because mommy takes him to church in the military. I don’t see what can go wrong you’ll make good cannon fodder

Can you read user. His mother is taking him to church before he leaves for the military. Probally to build some imaginary freind called god in his head which OP obviously doesn't want

Poor kid he has to go to church!! Op is fucking oppressed!

OP here hes spots on

*tips fedora* M'user.

>What do Yea Forums
Turn 18 and move out.

as for me and my house we will serve the Lord!!!! lol. Welcome to the club. Particapate. She just wants you to live a clean life, and hey maybe you'll be able to fuck a christian girl, huh? I mean you got that.

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everyday, ueah sure mohammed. Your mom is upset because you do not call it a mosque.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\v3HXgkt


I'm gay



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You can live a clean life without praise a sand nigger. Praise kek instead OP

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who's the sand nigger?
