What's the best way to live life ?

what's the best way to live life ?

Attached: ApatheticPurpleAthletePeepingFuckToy.gif (340x480, 896K)

Get a regular job.
Party every weekend.
Get a loving partner to cuddle with and do drugs with.

Become rich

I concur.

I'm a bartender.
I get drunk for free on the weekends.
Tip money goes into weed and cocaine.
Wages go into rent and food and such.
Tinder takes care of partner. Just mention that you've got Charlie in your profile and they come in like flies.

easy life.


The best way to live life varies from person to person, but one way that will drastically improve most peoples' lives is:

minimize your time on the fucking internet. Ditch the smartphone, get a cheap flipphone that you only use for calls and texts, as phones are supposed to be. Actually experience life, don't view everything through a lens like "i want to go here so i can get some sweet pictures and grow my instagram fanbase" etc. If they even exist, find a woman that also likes to live like that. If she doesn't exist, just fuck people when you feel like it and stay single. It's not worth being with someone whose face is buried in her phone the majority of her day.

So how you mention it?

>crush your enemies
>see them driven before you
>hear the lamentations of their women

Also, love it hoe you keep it vague if you refer to guys or girls,

Almost quads mate.
Charlie = Cocaine

"Always up for a party with my friend Charlie. [Winkey Face]."
Most who're on it know what I'm on about.

I give no shits. I'll fuck anything.

>Get a regular job
>do drugs

yeah but what happens when they show up and you have no cocaine? Trick them with some flour?

rape them

don't know how I didn't think about that. Thanks for the tip, user

the modern hypersexual pig "hoink hoink fucks pussy hoink hoink fucks gayass hoink hoink sucks tranny cock hoink hoink"

I've always got some around.
€60 for 3 grams. The benefits of living near a harbor. :D

I'll eat pussy, suck cock, eat ass, get fucked, and whatever else I feel like doing.
See how many fucks I give.

rape is always the answer bro.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women

>hypersexual pig

I have an 8 inch dick and I cum close to a full tablespoon every time. Often, my cock won't even go soft after cumming and I'm good to fuck again in a few minutes.

I know something is wrong with me. It's fun, but sometimes I wish I were more "normal" too. I highly suspect that whatever it is probably makes me sterile too, but I'm too chickenshit to find out for sure.

Anyway, there's no reason to be rude. :(

>8 inch dick

rip user


Nah this is a good thing. Now he can live as one of the lucky ones without passing his big dick genes to undeserving bastards. If he feels his child should have a big dick he can just do some generic modification with some donor sperm

Live your life by crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and listening to the lamentations of their women.

Duh, This is like basic life 101 right here

Why so little? There's either something very wrong with your balls or I'm producing entirely to much ejactulate. My spank n pay donation was just shy of 125 ml

I'll actually try to take advice from you. Fag.