Help me Yea Forums I’ve been fighting the urge to cheat on my wonderful girlfriend for a while now...

Help me Yea Forums I’ve been fighting the urge to cheat on my wonderful girlfriend for a while now. We’re in a committed long-term relationship and she’s practically an angel with how she looks and how she treats me. But I know a few good looking women in my personal life that I could bag easy. What do I do

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you don't

>Stroke my ego guise XD

Your narcissism is showing pal

Do some new shit in bed if you're bored, fuck her ass, fuck her in unusual place, whatever. Cuck her of she agrees,.

Yeah I guess so. Maybe I’ve just been watching too much porn.
Not an ego thing. I’m genuinely in distress over this. It’s been weighing on my mind for a while now. Temptation is hard to face

If I was you i'd leave her, no matter how well she treats you. if you can do better then fuck her.

on to better things

Fuck off jew shill

You ever cheated on someone who whole heartedly loves you before?

Save yourself the pain and inevitable self hate. You'll feel like lower than dirt, and if you don't then you're a sociopath and then you have a lot more to worry about

If you actually have a good girl, and you're thinking about cheating on are complete piece of shit and it's losers like you that give men bad names. I hope she leaves you miserable and alone you low-life bozo.

Leave her, get yourself some new pussy OP

GTFO with that cuck shit and fucking kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit, waste of a human.


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Don't listen to these faggots the quicker you leave her the better you'll feel

I could never suggest a consensual cuckold thing. I find it too pathetic. Guess I’m not in a place to grandstand though considering the topic of the thread.
Appreciate the input. Are you speaking from experience?
I think I deserve to be left also. I realize I’m a piece of shit.

If you're really not monogamous, be straightforward about it.
Don't pretend "aw babe, your'e so perfect I don't even wanna fuck other girls"
That's a road to unhappiness for both of you.
Don't force yourself into monogamy if it really doesn't suit you.

Yeah it's from experience unfortunately. I did it about 6 years ago now and I've felt like a piece of shit ever since. I feel like I'm not redeemable. Maybe it's just me, but betraying someone who has given you their heart just feels really foul. I just wish I hadn't done it. I'd go back in time if I could

Hes just RPing anyways.

Nah man, don't shame yourself for wanting to fuck more than 1 person. You'll be doing her more of a disservice if you pretend like you don't want to fuck other people, then you'll just end up resenting her.
Let's stop acting like "oh, boy meets girl and true love means they only want to fuck each other forever and ever".
Life's not a fairytale, or a rom-com. Monogamy isn't natural, fuck it, be open and honest.

I always interpreted monogamy as still loving the person despite falling out of infatuation. Like loving them as a person after the honeymoon phase because you like them and care for them.

Don't tell us about it, you retard. Tell *her* about it. Holy shit. Relationships are about C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N.

Hey OP

Someone just came to me for advice in the same dilemma.

But what I thought of later, and didn't get to mention to that person was:

It sounds like your either looking for permission, or for someone to talk you out of it.

You already know what you want to do, and you probably have somebody in mind too. You just want someone to say it's ok.

No one can tell you what to do, but if you do want to sleep around, you must break up with your girlfriend first.
Not just because it's the correct thing to do, but if you catch something nasty and pass it along to your gf, you will have wrecked her. It's just not respectful.
It's the #1 way a woman finds out you've been stepping out, if you leave no regular signs of cheating.

Literally, monogamy means having one mate at a time. I don't think this is natural to humans, but having a lifelong partner clearly has a ton of benefits.
So ideally, you'd have a lifelong partner you love deeply, still fuck, but they're also cool with you having casual physical flings with other people.
That's my ideal at least, makes sense to me, seems like it solves a lot of issues.

I've had many long term gfs, and have cheated on them all. I have been caught never.
The regret never goes away, especially if she doesn't deserve it.
Do with that what you will.

How does the regret not stop you from repeating it over and over again?

If you’re in your 20s do it

If you’re in your 30s 40s don’t do it and be happy with how great your gf is

>source, a single lonely faggot

Interested in this too.
Turning 20 next month. And no I’m not a typical zoomer faggot. I’ve been with this girl since junior year of high school and since then I’ve been put in situations where I could easily take home a handful of different women, but I’ve never taken that step. I started this thread because I was thinking with my dick, but if I’m ever placed in that situation IRL, I don’t think I could pull the trigger. Fuck I even get so desperate that I go onto video chat sites in attempts to talk to cute girls and jerk off to them but I can’t even do that. I always get too shy and guilty and click off

I've been with my current gf for over a decade now. She loves me, treats me well, and we even have a kid together. I cheat on her a lot. It's not because I'm unhappy with her, I just have a sexual need to satisfy.

Despite what society will shame you for, nature built you to spread your seed as much as you can. Don't leave evidence, use protection, and don't fall for new pussy (that shit will fade). Otherwise, get it as much as you can. Life is short.

There's nothing wrong with spreading your seed. There is a problem however when you spread your seed and you've told your partner that you wouldn't, or at least that's the mutual understanding.

It's the lieing that's the worst part.

This guy knows

Be open and honest, really. It makes life a lot simpler.
My wife for example, she's not down to do full on swinging, but once or twice a year we rent a nice hotel room with a jacuzzi and have an escort come dance for us/make out with us.
It's not sex, but it's enough to satisfy my wanting to be with other girls. Some lapdances for both of us, a hot new young thing nibbling my ear and sucking my neck. Fucking my wife's brains out when we pay the girl and send her home.
Find something that works for you, and your partner. It takes all sorts, just don't be dishonest about being monogamous or about cheating. Life's too short to live a lie, be straight up with your partner and don't be ashamed of your natural instincts.
That's my philosophy, I've found a compromise that works.

just do it, been in a relationship for 6 years now and every couple of months i'll cheat, its refreshing.

That's society trying to condition your mind to go against your nature. Do all the mental gymnastics you want to justify it, but it doesn't change thousands of years of evolution.

You’re fucking 19!? Go be with 100 other women you faggot. 19 is way too young to be in a serious committed relationship. No offense but you don’t know shit how relationships work and being with several different people is the only way you’re going to learn how they work. Spread your seed my nigga

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You are actually stupid. I said it's normal to spread your seed. It's not okay to lie about it to your partner

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based non monogamy

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>Monogamy isn't natural, fuck it, be open and honest.
monogamy is the most natural form of living together for humans. stop reading vice-tier pop-science.

>monogamy is the most natural form of living together for humans.
Lol, wrong you beta. Science and common sense proves you're a idiot.

>you're a idiot

What is oxytocin

Why do children benefit so much more from parents in a stable monogamous relationship

ofcourse its ego. and your moral point of view is fucking shite mate.

provide the science, im genuinely interested, ive heard about it but never seen it

>science and common sense
nice source you got there

common/culturally enforced =\= natural
Of all the married couples I've known, about half the "monogamous'" marriages fail, usually because of infidelity.
Swingers I know don't divorce, probably because they're not trying to conform to unnatural monogamy.
Most people don't actually want to fuck just 1 person for the rest of their lives.
Fear of social repercussions and hellfire and brimstone can scare some people into monogamy though, I suppose.

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Underrated response.

I love my wife and kids and have been put in bad situations where I could have cheated on them, but didn't because I knew the overall hurt would not be worth the 15 minutes of ecstasy. I would seek out ways to ease my guilt and justify making the selfish decision, thankfully never did anything I regretted.

Just jerk off and stay loyal to your woman, guys!

Nigga, a stable relationship doesn't have to be monogamous. That's my whole point, most people are so conditioned to believe that it's either: for all fuck fest, nothing long term
B. "true love" boy and girl live happily ever after and never want to sleep with anyone else ever.
Life's more complex and diverse than that.

TL;DR - Google "false dichotomy"

Listen I hate to trivialize your relationship, but you're a young guy, you want something different, you should likely end the relationship before you chat on your gf. 20 is too young to be committed for too long. Do yourself a favor and love your best life

anecdotal evidence =/= scientific evidence

humans have an abnormal long "larva-phase". if you look at dogs for example, the puppies would be able to care for themselves after a few weeks, so they dont need stable, longtime parental care.
whereas humans need at least 12 years or more before they reach that stage. to make sure as many humans as possible get to that stage so the species can grow, you need stable longtime parental care. in the past, women wouldnt be able to guarentee such a care all alone, so they needed a man to provide for her and the child. the man would want his own seed to thrive, so he would only provide for the woman and her child if he could be sure it is his. so for the woman and her own offspring to survive, she must make it absolutely clear that she isnt sleeping with other men, so her caretaker wouldnt wander off because he would have doubts about his parentage, thus gaves birth to the concept of monogamy.
that was an evolutional process over thousands of years and is ingrained in human DNA, so its natural

don't mind me, just doing my workout.

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I never said a stable relationship has to be monogamous. You're saying that monogamy in humans is unnatural when it is clearly not. It's just not the right thing for everyone.

why would that bitch wear platforms. why.

To flex on manlets

If your current situation is at the " I know a few good looking women in my personal life that I could bag easy " stage, you're not even close to fighting the urge to cheat on your gf.

You're literally just bored of your gf, and want to fuck other people. That's all.

I'm pretty sure your gf would also love to suck some other men's good hard giant dicks and sit on hot teenage girls' faces every once in a while, only if she could stop re-inventing herself a virtual construction of self-guilt and pseudo-sexual responsibilities; articifially fixated on you, always-already lacking a total sense of fulfillment.

Just like you yourself is inventing your own self-guilt by fixating your libidinal aggression on her, and ultimately profiting from the good ol' patriarchal oppression by flaunting your own sexual vitality while very obnoxiously disguising your own actions as fighting an urge to cheat your gf.

Break the system, brake the chain.

Move on. Sex is okay.

Hello Yea Forums.

You are a beta. Alpha's don't have those problems. Enjoy being a manlet your whole life.

rub one out and think of it again, weak pathetic child

alpha's dont cheat, they're dedicated and loyal.

Tell me your fantasy of cheating on her. I get off to the idea of dudes cheating on me.

so many big words, so little meaning. stop smoking weed and maybe someday you will have a thought that is acutally making sense