YLYL racist edition
YLYL racist edition
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the niggler
anyone have the black panther niggers chanting and then it cuts to a movie with guys shooting and killing african tribesmen?
The CGI in Episode 1 definitely aged a little, but considering the film is from 1999, it's amazing.
Jar Jar is awesome, he serves as a pillar of the wacky over the top action fire work approach.
yeah right, europeans have no foodculture at all...
fuck off amerimutt
filename is lol
I’ve never understood these. Pic related.
you cant be this retarded
why are white people so weak and sensitive?
why are minorities so painfully insecure that they have to make up falsehoods against the Master Race?
Yeah sorry. Most white people grow up eating food with natural flavor. We dont have to eat nothing but spicy hot Cheetos for dinner. Every night. Nigger
I don’t know if it makes me weak or sensitive. But I’ve just never understood this stereotype. Pic also related.
Reminds me...
>live in michigan
>be 6 credits behind senior year
>in credit recovery program
>working on the computer, we have assigned seating
>hood rat white chick sits next to me
>ironically we lived on the same street but she was ghetto as fuck
>one morning she brings in flaming hot cheetos
>styrofoam cup of ranch
>not good homemade ranch
>like sour smellin cheap diner ranch
>everytime she dipped the smell of flaming hot and sour ranch filled my nostrils
>got fuck all done during first hour that day because it smelled so fucking bad
Actually Europe has large parts where only a few spices grow, so the Europeans used a lot more salt to preserve food. That's reflected in their common recipes which partly carry through to the present. That said, the spice trade reduced this effect massively.
Your spaghetti and cheese cannot compete with american food culture. We did more in 300 years than you in many millennia. Get real.
I'm American and I fucking love burgers. Fuck the world, give me a nicely grilled patty with a fresh bun with everything on it.
Haha le funi random HAHA
yeesh. sounds gross. hope youre in a better situation now
Niggers cover their food in hot sauce and spices because they eat literal garbage that whites throw away. Pig feet, the intestines. Literally half the world's major "religions" can't eat the animal but they eat the shit part due to retarded nigger brains and also no money from buying drugs with their welfare money.
Why spin for momentum, then stop and release?
why are the colonies always acting up
Why don't you control them?
Why do the britbongs think they can compete?
Well they still have royalty and all that ancient society BS. Its very likely they can't get over the fact they are nothing now. Just take a look at the Brexit, they thought they were the shit but now they are regretting it lmfao.
OI you take that back mate.
fucking lost
Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that he's been to jail for having sex with a baby.
Because niggers
Also swag mug fugga
you're showing your teenager :^/
shut it boomer and leave the board for the cool new cats
Kecky Becky.
No you.
Not to mention i eat hotter food than all the mexicans at my work. My spice cabinet gets more use than a louis farrakkkhan quote by a radical darkie.
youre a lil cunt samefagging and replying to your own shitposts. you´re the saddest lil bastard roaming here.
This is what the waste of sperm said to the ray pist poster yesterday
Just take your meds paki freak
Stfu faggot. Internet drama
everyone knows youre the same fucking guy you retarded cunt. nobody cares about your raypist shit.
For how long have you been samefagging with your bullshit? No one give a fuck just kys already or seek psychiatrist help
You do realise there are multiple Ray posters don't you? Retard.
discord..gg/4DRAEa ((remove the extra dot.))
Shitposting Yea Forums autistic server with no rules. Post whatever you want!
It's the same retard always, you can tell by his stupids "comebacks"
Why would you save a random thread you sad fuck?
You are not in a position to call someone "sad fuck"
And you are?
Got me, not only this but how butt hurt everyone got
You drink cum from and aids ridden asshole
What the fuck are you going to do nigel? Haha ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Are you even allowed to be on the internet?
If you say so, FREAK.
You'll always be garbage, just like your family.
This, we coordinate on the Ray Pist discord to make sure all our responses are in line. Top becky!
Top Becky indeed mate.
Dubs had to do it to em
Drink up homosexual
Can we stop with this racist shit? B could be so beautiful without it
We need more Ray Pist memes.
We left America because it expedites racial discrimination. Signed The Mexican President
Hurr Durr The Wall.
Eat a turd.
Drink an asshole chocolate
Lost but you should have changed the tranny to be more realistic.
Cucked by migrants in your own country, cucked by a country of migrants. Europoors just can’t win.
4 eyes.
I’m all of Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia’s culture. I’m better than you. You think people want to be just European? Lmao cling to your ethnicity Cuz it’s probly the best thing about your worthless life. NEXT!
Four eyes
I see my ship.
Navyfag here
If you eat processed meat it is a fact that you eat that shit too.
nigs gonna nig
Good God. Wtf is wrong with some people
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
British cuisine has been the joke of Europe for centuries. Now that the mutts branded themselves as the "whites" of the world you get darkies doing mental gymnastics by making fun of "white" food while spending their rent money on Italian restaurants because they don't accept foodstamps
overspicing tasteless food is culture
Burgers are German, invented in Hamburg
There's nothing wrong with eating offal. What do you think real sausage casing is made out of? I am a white dude and don't necessarily eat it regularly but combination pho with tripe is great. Lengua tacos are fantastic. The parts of the animal you're talking shit on are part of tradition European cuisines in any case.
>black guy
>Mr. Black
Checkmate faggot
People being so triggered.