This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything.

Attached: 21312321312.jpg (1206x674, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How does it feel to know you'll never be as powerful as me? Age: 44. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bow before my power!

Why did they kill Dr. Fraiser?

Attached: fraiser.jpg (198x254, 6K)

Tell me your secrets, oh grand wizard!

Never watched this shit.

What's the deal with airline food?

Because it was supposed to be the last season and they wanted to be dramatic about it.

It sucks.

I'm 42 and kissless virgin - anyway 23 years ago I once held hands with a girl and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
See ya virgins.

Look at fucking Don Juan here.

Would you let a dude blow you?