Just a reminder that anyone who likes this does not deserve to call themselves a fan. That is all.
Just a reminder that anyone who likes this does not deserve to call themselves a fan. That is all
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Oh and if anyone defends this you are literally and objectively retarded.
Nobody cares newfag
Fuck you, you don't get to decide how I feel about a fucking movie.
we do get to laugh at your bad taste you formed out of pure superficiality tho
To be fair to dubs
Guy, that movie franchise really sucks now
based on what?
deserve is a selfish, emotionally based term that has little bearing on reality.
go pound sand, OP.
Simple, your shit taste and utter rape of George Lucas' creation, not to mention our childhoods.
the fans of the original trilogy are all grown up now and they're raising a whole new generation of kiddie pool star wars fans that disney has to appeal to. stop wasting pixels on my screen with this bullshit
did i mention i was or wasnt a star wars fan? no.
i was simply taking shots at your silly terms you were using to berate other's tastes... star wars has little to do with what im talking about.
It was broken beyond repair by TLJ, but remember how TFA seriously cracked it first.
Still better than the entirety of the prequels.
Dr. Spooky dies in that movie
anyone who likes star wars is a certified incel
Oh fuck you.
Can't believe Iron Man died
A shitty example of gatekeeping. I hate people who say "if you like something, you are not a real fan". Not that I like the new trilogy. It is shit. I just hate your attitude.
certified by who tho?
and what weight does that carry regarding the term?
I'm willing to bet that OP is a fan of the new trilogy and is just trying to make bait.
Fuck yo mama
Implying the prequels didn't already completely fuck up the lore.
That movie was the equivalent of a log poster making a movie
Pretty shitty movie, but no Disney star wars movies were good
This pretty much sums up how I feel about mouse wars now. The new trilogy legitimately is shit, but it's not half as bad as listening to all the "REAL fans" bitching about how their whole lives have been ruined by a stupid movie.