
>cheating with a few guys on the side who get I’m not emotionally available
>somewhat infrequent fwb tells me I’m wife material and that if I wasn’t already married he would marry me
>asks if he can take off condom and knock me up
>not sure why I agree to let him take off condom
>sex feels sooooo much better
>he cums on my face

How much of this is that he likes me and how much is “heat of the moment” sex talk. Yes there were a lot of kisses.

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Fucking faggot

I’m a female and the person I slept with is male. This is the definition of a straight relationship.

Time stamp cunt flaps or gtfo

There are no girls on Yea Forums newfag. Fuck outta here faggot queer

tales from the basement

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Jeez you guys are mean

Heat of the moment. Took condom off and, after considering the possibile consequences, nutted on your face instead of in your pussy.