Saturday Night HG First 24
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Tron Bonne
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Nipple Man
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Kizuna AI
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what's with all the weeb shit?
>not liking cute anime girls
what are you, a fag?
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everyone else went to sleep
The Slav
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funny tv man
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Patrick Star
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Funny Ha Ha Skeleton Man
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Kawaii Miku
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Minecraft Stick
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what's looking good cooking,
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Welcome to Mexico. Vamanos, madre folladora!
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܂Goodluck Megumi!
District 3 got this!
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Good luck
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Share that hentai and we'll be a fine team, you and I. Good luck, you crazy bastard.
Whole lotta gangs n stuff.
>Now THIS is what the last game was supposed to be!
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Glad I was able to get his hentai before he bit the bullet. And now, I have some sex dolls to go along with it.
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Sad to see you die again so early. Maybe third time will be the charm, Megumi.
-Funny Ha Ha Skeleton Man
Based Molly man
>Jeez, there are ALOT of gangs here...
Looks like you're not the only idiot sandwich this time! ;-)
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fucking mexican
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Damn Brayans stole my hentai and sex dolls!
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does this look like a girl to you?
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Eat meals, get strangled by tacos, get killed by nipples. Yep, just another day in the Riviera.
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man all three of my tributes are dead already...
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People, STOP TRYING TO CROSS THE DAMN WALL! It was built for a reason!
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where do you get your collection of skeleton images?
That's for me to know and you to bone yourself over.
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Fucking mexican-manufactured guns, always jamming!
Poor slav, would rather starve to death than taste spice again.
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I'll sacrifice anime girls to ride a dragon-god of fertility.
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Ok, I can almost get nipple man, but penguin WTF?! Sorry Orin...
The rest just out doing their own thing.
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Lookie, guys! I caught one!
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How do you steal a museum?
Penguin's not taking shit from anybody right now!
Orin, that is such a lie...
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Good choice, Penguin. One wrong choice and Pic Related could've been you.
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My bad, penguin actually IS taking shit...
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Clovis really hate the Mexican goverment. Probably because he is the rightful king
Oh, nevermind Penguin. I guess 's pic related WAS you after all.
That's what happens when you don't read correctly lol.
When will mr. president learn not to leave his garage door open?
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Damn it, Skeleton man! You aren't even alive!
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See for an appropriate image.
It seems the Mexicans have taken a liking to me despite me not being one of them. Perhaps they think I'm a Pic Related?
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Well, it's been fun guys. But I guess I went fishin' a little too close to the edge.
I lo e how by accident Clovis is acting th exact way I would think he would irl in this situation
Jeez, was that because of the stolen limos? Or was it the gangs? One of the many, many gangs...
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>The sounds of gunfire in the air...
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i'm betting on orinrin!
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Betting time! Who's it going to be?
>Señor Clovis?
>Señor Molly?
>or Señorita Orinrin?
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Looks like you guys were ahead of me!
With the shootout!
>Why don't you guys just try getting a greencard or something!
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Hell yeah. Knew Clovis had it in 'em
Grats Clovis and thanks for the game Snow
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thanks for the game
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RIP Orinrin, so close
Thanks for hosting
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Placements, thanks for playing!
Wincard coming up
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And there you have it.
Thanks for staying up, everybody!
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