It's happened Yea Forums I've finally reached the point of irredeemability

It's happened Yea Forums I've finally reached the point of irredeemability
>be me, pedo
>live with 5yo, but stave urges with lolis
>all good for quite some time
>in her innocence does things she thinks are "gross" particularly licking, mooning (butts are gross), and sitting on my face (butts are gross)
>kicks urges in high gear but afraid to stop her or confront parents cuz I don't wanna get outed
>spends 10 minutes sitting on face
>moment of weakness, I tell her it doesn't bother me because clothes
>sly grin, I pretend to be distracted and watch her pull pants/panties down
>plops bare ass (and pussy) on face
>do "gross" things like licking her and biting ass (and snuck a pussy lick) telling her to get off to avoid suspicion
>tongue out, she plops down, tongue literally inside her anus
>she starts acting weird and stops
>says I bit her hand but not sure (I might have and she doesn't know any better so don't don't think she'd lie about it, but I highly doubt that weirded her out)
>in room with mom now because bedtime
Am I done for? I already wanna kill myself for violating such an innocent girl def going to if I get out by literally eating a child's ass. I might be able to play it off as an accident (can't even believe I'm saying that) that I tongued her anus because technically she instigated but even I'll forever be closely scrutinized. I can still taste her insides. It's such a rush though, I'm terrified but euphoric as well. I need to get out of here before I do even worse.

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Just kys you pedo fuck

end yourself

Just enjoy


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Killing yourself because of morals is weak live your fantasy to the fullest and go out with a bang (from a parent probably)

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>admitting to sexually abusing a 5 year old
>provide graphic account of sexual violations
just gonna submit a tip
inb4 hur dur any post here only a fool would believe

been here long enough to know people have had their shit kicked in just for posting this kind of thing. easy case if it's true and that's a PR win for LE.

have fun OP

You are absolutely fucked. Please get some help, you are a pedophile. Maybe she will forget what as happened and it won't plague her as an adult, but you are clearly about to go further. You will ruin your life and harm hers if you do. You may still redeem yourself and prevent a tragedy if you stop it right now.


She's going to remember what you did and hate you forever op. Just thought you should know.

Good I hope she fucking hates me. Atm she loves me and I can't kms because that would hurt her. Her realizing I'm fucked and hating would help me finally end it.

Only ways I can justify suicide is if I'm about to lose all control (I put a stop to this so I at least still have some) because loss is less traumatic than rape, if I get outed then I can die in peace knowing she will learn and that can help or if, like you said, she hates me then she'd be glad I was dead.


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screencapped and sent.

lol reminds me when someone posted a creep pic (clothed) of their 13 yr old sister, and he went into detail on how he molested her multiple times. reported it to FBI and followed up. resulted in charges being filed but i never emailed the agent back to see how the trial turned out. in any case, just deserts.

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You are actually a horrible person I don’t even know what else to say

Say I should kms, I definitely want to

If true, do everyone a favour and kys, preferably sooner rather than later.

fucking end it. you have permantly fucked up someones childhood, and probably sanity for years to come. we dont need scum, rapist, inhuman pieces of human trash like you roaming around the public as if you havent done one of the worst things you can possibly do to a human being. I hope this conviences you to finally put your miserable pathetic life to a close. fuck you

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Hey anyone know the fbi well? While I'm highly skeptic of the validity of report guy's threats I'm curious. Of they show up at the door and I calmly quietly go with full cooperation, what are the odds my family doesn't have to know why I'm being taken away. Hell I might even just turn myself in at this point if I could remain anonymous.

If you wrote this in a loli thread it would be deleted. Consistency!

trials are public, idiot
and media loves nothing more than "local male babysitter literally had a child sit on his face"

Does there have to be a trial if I just go with fun and tell them I did it take me away?
>baby sitter got baby sitting
Fuck I can see the headlines already

nigger google it fuck


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Yeah just clue in to Google (who already knows how much loli I consume) that I might be expecting the fbi
Great plan

Kys for her future wellbeing

Been there done that.

Some advice. You must remove from this situation, it will continue to happen and will progress.

If you are confronted by mom today or tomorrow you can deny it or accept your taste.

I had been molesting a8yo girl for 3 years on and off when she told her mother. I could have denied it. Would have gone to trial. I didn't, I turned myself in to cops. Was treated well while they investigated.

2 weeks later got a call that there was a warrant out for me, went to public defender's office explains to them that I wanted to surrender to the court.
Was booked into jail later released on own recognizance. Plead girly in court to 3 counts led and lascivious. Got 1 year in county jail. Now heave to register for life as sex offender. Been 30 years and they change the rocking registration rules all the time. They don't tell you either.

I will take a few questions

low IQ faggot
>fbi would actually investigate some retard likely larping on Yea Forums
other then that you have a huge amount of legal safeguards against this since its user etc.

>change the registration rules
What exactly have they changed?

Hey you're that tripfag from /lit. The butterfly!

why the fuck do you think they were so light on you?
>for years
>spent year in county jail

I have a theory but it's controversial. I suspect this is because it was 30 years ago and that was before the whole 'kidnap, rape, kill your child' phenomenon was going on during the mid to late 90s.

Even if this isn't real, the fact that you would allow your imagination to stray in such a direction to write something like this just proves that you've forfeited your privilege to live on Earth anymore.

I mean what the fuck are we supposed to say? If this is true, what you've done is literally more heinous than murder and is the lowest of any low. You're undeserving of Rights and the title of humanity and Earthly inheritance.

I don't expect them o investigate me because Yea Forums. But think about how good Google's algorithms are to realize that man who spends hours almost every day looking up lolicon is suddenly researching the wether or not you can remain anonymous in a trial after being picked up by the party can.

How the fuck did you survive prison?

I was assigned to tier one. no web site no public notice. then they change the law and i have to register every 90 dyas. plus name, address, employer address and car description and plate on website.

have to get driver license every year

She didn't instigate anything, you stupid faggot. Put yourself down like the sick animal you are. You deserve to be skinned alive and thrown into a vat of salt.

>If this is true, what you've done is literally more heinous than murder
cant fight with that logic

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I had a friend who just recently got out of prison after 5 years for fucking an 11yo 4 times.

Apparently not all pedos die in jail

Well, why the fuck did you do that

yes user you are exactly right. if it was today, i would get 20 years in pen.

New laws for contiuous abse kicked in 8 years or so

not prison. county jail. I was in GP (general population. But i am a big guy and look scary. plus i didnt interact with any one

Didn't claim I believe she instigated I very clearly manipulated her, but that's how I could spin it if the mom gives me a talking.

I didnt

way too young

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Well threads been up for almost an hour, and I posted like 20mins after it happened. I think I'm in the clear. I need to take this as a massive sign that I need to get the fuck out of here. And stay the fuck away from kids.

When I do finally get out of here..... do you guys think I should confront the mom and come clean to make any possible effect in the future easier to handle or just pretend it never happened.

>that's how I could spin it if the mom gives me a talking.

If I were her mother, I'd stab your eyes out and shit in your bloody eye sockets. There's no "spinning" anything.

this is me

advice: if you were not caught just the childs word, then deny deny deny. They have to prove abuse. after a bath or two, there will not be any DNA in her pussy. hard to say about panties tho.

If caught, you better fess up and be contrite and submissive. own it, and hope the DAwill accept a plea

what state op?

I cant say this more forcefully: IT NEVER HAPPENED.

You aren't. She'll tell someone months from now. Better get ready for FBI or plane tickets to China

>in her pussy
I just licked her butthole man it was already dried by time pulled her panties up and if she shits in the morning she'd just wipe anything left away.

you have three options

>don't tell anyone; take the chance of being surprised at place of work or school and publically shamed for said crime. never to live a normal life, commit suicide anyway.

>tell someone, volunteer to be apprehended and maybe save a bit of dignity and have a better chance at reduced sentence. possible to live normal and fulfilling life

>kill yourself now and no one can ever know. a dead man can't be tried and the whole thing will just be overlooked by the news of your sudden death (suicide). at least you died with some dignity and a clean name.

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Also I'm.not narrowing my location, what makes you think I'm even in the U.S.

bro if the tip turns into an investigation, they have the thread and can easily be traced back to op. while this is not enough for a conviction alone, they can pair this with an evaluation of the child and she will spill the beans. it would corroborate the story but if OP has a good defense, they will argue that the child is too young to testify.

LOL as you like it. Like they ccant find you by ip. Seriously

because you mentioned the FBI?
and even then you're likely in a country that's part of interpol
they pass this on forward to whoever polices your country.

Someone screencap this and in the near future post the newstories combine with this.

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

A normal adult would say something along the lines of "Putting your private areas near the face and head of another person may seem funny but its not ok." You however thought it was a good idea to trick her into taking her pants off and then stuck your tongue in her butt. Just kys you shitbag

Post pics or it didn’t happen.

>if OP has a good defense
I won't. I'll plead guilty. I'm ashamed of what I've done and if it comes to an investigation it will be a short one
>did you do it
>yea I did it
Only reason I'm not immediately turning myself in is fear.

>because you mentioned FBI
Ok fair point I am in U.S.

fucking rat faggot

this is me again: at any rate you need to find a reason to leave.

the alure of a little girl is very strong. You probably wont be able to resist. I couldnt.

Trust me when I say that jail is a very strong deterant. once you have been there

Did she have fun?

Hahaha fucking gross OP why not just wait til shes asleep and eat her out like a normal person jesus christ

You should chemically castrate yourself and live the rest of your life as a eunuch as penance

Well to be honest, she's one of those kids that if I told her that she'd have done it a lot sooner. Only way to stop it would have been to go to parents to tell them their kids is putting her ass in my face. To be clear I am NO WAY blaming the parents (I'm literal scrum and need to die) but they wouldn't care. They let her walk around in just panties all the time. Fighting my urges in the house is a lose lose situation and I've been desperately trying to get out.

this is me: and for the record, the greatest harm to molesting victimes (I am not talking about rape) is caused by society telling the child how horrible they must feel and hate their abuser. Society does the most disgusting things to child victims.

op should do this instead and stream it

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>like a normal person

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>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

master larp OP gets multiple retards arrested for false tips by making up a degenerate story

Already planning on getting ball removed when I leave.

Until I tongued her ass (or bit her hand accidentally) she was loving it. Then it got weird.

Larping online is just called rping newfriend

cringe kys

Fuck I'd rather just live stream a shotgun in my mouth instead. It's gonna be a doctor removing my balls with sterilized equipment and drugs

no u