If Jesus was the son of God why isn't he still here?

If Jesus was the son of God why isn't he still here?

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Bc he was killed you ape

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Cuz Jesus hates people even more than I do.
They're best avoided.

But why did he die? Wouldn't God's son be perfect and therefore immortal?

Jesus is inside all of us

He died for our sins. He actually came back from death and returned to god father in heaven though

Hi guys where is the hymen in a girl's ass? science research

Why is he in heaven instead of doing work on Earth? Why do we have to die to go to heaven?

>Why is he in heaven instead of doing work on Earth?
Because he already died twice and went to heaven twice. That's double the times that most people get to.
>Why do we have to die to go to heaven?
Why do we have to pass tests before we can graduate?

Go to a Walmart on Saturday afternoon, take a long hard look at the people, see if you still think there's a spark of the divine in all of us.

Like there's a real heaven. Humans are such incredible chumps.

This faggot thinks that death is a test. In that case, every fucking person passed.

Because Jesus and God did the fusion dance and are now chilling up in heaven

Whatever makes you happy, faggot

What do you mean? What's the deal with Eucharistic rituals?

I have to ask, what about these people makes you doubt the divine?

Go fuck yourself, chump

Jesus is a GOD at sucking big black cock.

No. Life is the test, death is the bell that tells you its time to put your pencil down and hand it in whether you're done or not.

If Han died in episode 7, why is Harrison Ford still alive?

>Because it's a fictional story.
