So /b...I'm in a strange situation...

So /b...I'm in a strange situation. Occasionally on weekends my parents drop me off at a local karate center and they said they paid a little extra to give me more individual training with the sensei there. So they just drop me off and then leave. I just keep noticing that the sensei there always encourage me to take the top of my gi off so I'm pretty much training shirtless. And it kinda seems like he's touchy feely when he's fixing my forms and techniques. A lot of times when he's talking to me he doesn't seem to be looking at my eyes but more at my chest area. And always when it's about time for my parents to come pick me up for the day he tells me to wear the whole gi outfit back on.
I just find this whole thing a little weird, don’t know if it’s just me though. What does /b think?

Attached: karate.png (225x225, 2K)

suck his chinese pee pee

Ask anyone but Yea Forums.
And /pol/

Your parents are paying for your self defense training. Leaning towards this being a fake story...or you're underaged.

Either way ...nobody here is going to give you good advice.

I call underaged

Tits or GTFO

Why not talk to your parents about it?

im a boy

well i think it's a little embarassing to talk to them about this

They are leaving you there to fuck the dude. Its a white people sex cult thing. They want you to be abused so later they can get you in on 4somes with all 3 of them. Who knows how dark this trail gets OP. Are you gonna sit around and just let them do this?
Kill em all i say.


Yah totally...this is how white couples get in on Asian sex slavery without having to involve those pesky Asian massage parlors conveniently located everywhere.

100% yes just look into it shit like this happens all the fucking time man.

Jesus, don't troll the youth.

Since your sensei wants to keep the nudity under wraps, it's probably not standard routine.

It's possible he wont take things further, but there's a real risk he might. And he's probably got the hots for you.

So I recommend telling your parents he makes you uncomfortable, and explain why.

Yes, it's embarrasing, but it's a lot less embarrasing than having to report Sensei for rape.

Or... He could just be making sure OP keeps good form, and hes having him get dressed before his parents get there because he knows their time is almost up.
Nah fuck that he a raper hide yo kids hide yo wife they sex culting errybody around here

Are you fucking 12

I’m a 2nd kyu myself, after 5 years of training our Sensai has given no insentive to remove our go tops.

The gi is Essential to training, it should only be removed if it’s damaged and needs repair or replacing (a long sleeved shirt you don’t mind getting torn would be temporarily needed to carry out the rest of the lessons until a new gi top arrives).

You’re in the wrong dojo my friend, report him to your karate organisation and police, he may have a thing going on at home that could be detrimental to other students/other people.

No im 34

Even if he wasn't a rapist, this is usually all the warning you get. It's worth taking the risk of losing an okay sensei if it's what it takes to remove a substantial risk of being raped.

Anyways knows a lot more about what's reasonable in this situation than you or me do, so I recommend OP to follow his advice.

Oh look, this thread once again

This, the guy is a creep and shouldn't be around kids, report him.

That doesn't change anything Tits or GTFO

2nd kyu here, I’ve sweated buckets during a grading and it’s never crossed my mind to remove my gi top, even when wearing my heavyweight gi (shits good for winter and when the lesson involves allot of grabs and defence)

Glad agrees on my point of view.

How many lessons has he been asking you to remove your top? Is it warm your way? If so, make sure you’re drinking lots and wear a lightweight gi, he should have absolutely no reason to make you go topless.

If he wants to see underage chests why would he not just go to a swimming pool
Normal people: 1
Crazy paranoid tweaker shut ins: 0

I always wonder what type of person keeps these old posts in a word doc waits anywhere between a week and years and reposts them as if they are the OP. Makes me question reality really and what is oc and what is a repost I just never saw.

Attached: 9EjsPhP.gif (304x168, 963K)

Who cares about seeing chests when you can feel one?

He could be taking advantage of his position being a dan-grade sensai and subjecting his students to perform things that they are unaware of and don’t question it.

The guy could of taken up karate lessons as a means of getting close to his students without barriers, it would be strange to be that close to a kid in a swimming pool allot.

Karate involves allot of cqc, involving grappling, body locks and take downs, I’ve touched a few groins, pussies and tits in my 5 years unintentionally and it’s played off when you know it wasn’t intentional.

The Sensai could be topping his wank bank up everytime he gets back home after touching little johnny’s toddler when he gets back home