All jokes aside, you DO realize she is going to be the first female president right?

All jokes aside, you DO realize she is going to be the first female president right?

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I didn't think she could even run with her current position?

kek, not even amerilards are dumb enough to vote for that fucking waste of oxygen

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Not the first. Maybe the second. She has a great career ahead of her in Congress first. Her most important job will be Speaker of the Senate.

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She's losing a lot of even her weak minded fanbase from what I've seen.

If she puts in a decade or so at the House, she could make a run for it in her late 30’s. She’d have my vote.

You thought wrong, faggo
>t. Non-american
Opinion = discarded

Dude everyone knows she is by far the dumbest person to ever be in Congress or anywhere in the government for that matter. No one would vote for her

One of the first but not the very first. She’s got a decent 10-15 years of climbing the government ladder to do so

Speaker of the Senate? You're as ignorant as she is.

Go back to civics class.

She's unelectable.

>Speaker of the Senate
Jesus Christ you're fucking retarded

So was Donald Trump

Ok user, you're grounded.

And yet he is POTUS, interesting.....

>Trump is the president and you think there's anyone the Americans wont vote for

Wew lad

How far did Obama have to climb before he won?
>not far

I see the AOC bait threads have a new image to filter. Fuck off back to your discord idiot

that was.. user's point?

Not even for a president of New York

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are you his fucking boyfriend or something? i'm pretty sure he can speak for himself

She will be president in 2024 and she should be. She's more representative of the average American than an 80 year old rich guy and she cares a lot.

You should watch the doc on Netflix she rules

when she was 18 and still fucking around??? really you fucking raging raping republicans are just fucking pathetic

you are as deluded as she is if you believe that

>She's more representative of the average American
The average american is a retarded communist spic? I don't think so

she's got my vote

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>Can't be President if in jail

They don't arrest people for triggering you, snowflake

She is going to get dosed with a large amount of LSD and go insane. Kek. Watch Salboth Trekelax

The average American would tend towards brown. White on one extreme, black on the other. The average American would be around 35. Half older half younger. The average American is from a fairly working class background. Not rich, not poor. She's educated, but not past a bachelor's degree, like most Americans.

So yeah she's basically a picture of 300 million Americans blended together you dumbdick lol

So 2015. Read a book. Leave your basement.

What book.

I will vote twice, one vote for each tit

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I'm not voting for Bernie or Biden or any of the others, I am writing in AOC for 2020! Do it anons write her in.... the trumptards will lose their shit.

"I'm a liberal dumb shit"

Of course... just like Hillary was too.

Literally anything. Something other than a screen.

Does Mein Kampf count?

No.. but I am. And I'm the one sucking everyone's cock in here fag boy.

If you can make it through that shit lol sure

One man retard propaganda attempt. You know this doesn't work right you pathetic faggot.

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I fuckin dare you to read the whole thing it's terrible. It reads like a fourth grade book report.

She wants to do what's fair and open our borders and take from the mega rich and give to those poor immigrants. I'd fully support her. Plus I think it's about time a woman has the job that men can't seem to handle.

Lol ye

You probably couldn’t make it all the way through the giving tree

You would be surprised.

> >t. Non-american
>Opinion = discarded

Tits or gtfo

This is america we can shoot her

If Hillary couldn't do it, why would she? Hillary was THE Democrat candidate. She knew where people hid their bodies and had the drive to go for the Presidency. Hell, she was married to Bill Mother Fucking Clinton

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Seriously confused it with The Giver for a second though, tbh.

Not a chance. Democrat voter base is getting torn apart between moderates and radicals. Republicans are starting to lean center. NORMIES will start voting red in the next 15 years while two fringe parties will form. These parties will both be weaker than the GOP but give a run for their money. Candidates will he fighting over votes from fringe parties.

Does she have nudes

I can't imagine being this delusional

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Why would you wanna see them?
She’s far from hot.
And I bet those tits out of her bra touch her belly button


Can you imagine the reality of demographics in the US? Yeah? Because you could probably look it up if you had half a brain in your watery head.

Yeah, president of the Dopey Bimbo Club.

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Lol delusions of grandeur. Which axis 2 disorder do you have and how autistic are you?

you prefer meaty girls

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I really want to fuck that bitch! I'm serious, not trolling here

No, but her tits are better

put an apple in her mouth then fuck her piggy ass

>The average American would tend towards brown
Lmao, no sweetie, only in shit hole states like California do you see hoards of ugly short spics everywhere

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is so dumb, she threw herself on the ground, and missed!

> I bet her tits out of her bra touch her belly button
Implying that isn't hot.

imagine being this delusional

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I don't know why, but she looks like she's be a wild fuck

she seems nice...

I'm paid $14/hr to shill and shitpost here. I do it from my couch.

Good lord, how could anyone dislike her

I don't let my dick make decisions about the entirety of the country, that's how.

She's a commie. And the only good commie is a dead commie.

Easily researched. You're wrong.

She's a super privileged Westchester girl who grew up in wealth and comfort, she's like diet capitalist, not even socialist

Ah so you're a liar too. Cool lol.

You sure about that? You're looking pretty chubby for authoritarians faggot.

Milky milky bae

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Thank you, I get bonus for replies.

Pretty edgy, just making assumptions about anonymous posters on the internet.

No sweetie, YOU are wrong. The fact you think this woman represents the "average" american is laughable. Leads me to believe you're a disgusting spic yourself.

She has a 23% approval rating nationwide. Literally worse than DRUMPF.

fuck i would bang the shit out of her.

She's even disliked in large parts of NY for chasing away Amazon. Even Hilary never went below 70% support in NY.

Repeat the lie often enough, and the stupid will believe it.

AOC is a brilliant politician. She's smeared daily because the GOP fears her. As they should.

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>brilliant politician
AKA best liar.

damn it man, she is a cow, now you have me thinking about it.

anons of taste
who here /pelosimilkers/ tho

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A lot of toxic males who are simply afraid a woman will show them up. lol

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