Listen up you FUCKING LOSERS: I'm so fucking SICK of hearing about the horrible things that come from your puny little...

Listen up you FUCKING LOSERS: I'm so fucking SICK of hearing about the horrible things that come from your puny little shithole of a website, and I'm here to tell you IT ENDS TODAY. You think you're a bunch of hackers, huh? Well I've got news for you: You're NOTHING compared to me. You're fucking ANTS trying to take on a GOD, AND I WILL FUCKING EAT YOU ALIVE! I've encrypted this thread with a self reproducing, self mutating virus, so you don't even need to reply. By the time you've made it this far I already know who and where you are and I will be coming for you, and hell will be right behind me. And yes, that is my solemn vow. I'll hack you so bad you won't be able to fucking think. I will end your worthless existence. You won't even be able to send an email to your dying aunt in Colorado. I'LL HACK YOUR FUCKING CALCULATOR! You've been fucking warned Yea Forums.

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>You've been fucking warned Yea Forums.



Your identity was confirmed 20 seconds ago

You'll wish you were banned years ago by the time I'm through with you. You'll wish you werr born in the 50s long before the internet

And you. I've got a special plan for you. I'm gonna make it slow and sweet. But it wont be sweet for you. By the time I'm finished you'll be begging me for death

Nice empty threat and a child's retort. Coward ass bitch, back to your social media site.

Good luck ever buying anything from Amazon ever again

You think that's the best I can do? I havent even started with you yet, punk. You've got it coming

lmao fag

Enjoy the hack salad you're about to be served, bitch

How about some tendies to go with your pasta?

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Oh, this isn't pasta. This is a reckoning. But you've just ordered yourself a hack pasta. Enjoy it, motherfucker

k, faggot

My cats breathe smells like catfood

I’m waiting.

Spider-Man thread while we wait

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I'll hack Spider-Man. I'm tracing his ISP address right now
Holy shit I just had to do like 9 captchas. I'm bored with the larp now. I don't know shit about hacking

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Why do you like hacking? Do you also hack your own race's computers? Are you pro hitler?

It looks like you're having trouble trying to intimidate someone. Would you like help with that?

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What type of pre-adolescent dick-in-a-box get bent and rent shit shat patty whack give a dog a double shot espresso macchiato pre-pubescent high school musical mothafuckery is this?

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Fucking fag just go put your fleshlight back on your Şhłòńğ

+1 karma

Attached: spiderman-thread-calling-allspideys-33374318.png (500x397, 98K)

> Listen up you FUCKING LOSERS: I'm so fucking SICK of hearing about the horrible things that come from your puny little shithole of a website, and I'm here to tell you IT ENDS TODAY. You think you're a bunch of hackers, huh? Well I've got news for you: You're NOTHING compared to me. You're fucking ANTS trying to take on a GOD, AND I WILL FUCKING EAT YOU ALIVE! I've encrypted this thread with a self reproducing, self mutating virus, so you don't even need to reply. By the time you've made it this far I already know who and where you are and I will be coming for you, and hell will be right behind me. And yes, that is my solemn vow. I'll hack you so bad you won't be able to fucking think. I will end your worthless existence. You won't even be able to send an email to your dying aunt in Colorado. I'LL HACK YOUR FUCKING CALCULATOR! You've been fucking warned Yea Forums.

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Op here. Put me in the screencap

I don't need a mask because i'm not ugly.HACK my non-existant air filtration system.I have lungs but i left them in your mom after giving her à french kiss.jpg stands for just penisless Grasshopper which is wat u r. An aunt bit my penis and i killed it, i'm gonna enact A sexual fantasy and bite your peen while u shet and you carnt d'à piip. i do'nt like u, i prefer donuts

Attached: IMG_20190504_222026_762.jpg (1200x1600, 47K)

KEK, you can't do shit
oops sorry, wrong pasta


This will make a nice Copy Pasta

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Lol nigger

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Tryhard Copypasta

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how gay Yea Forums used to be.
gay but fun

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we really ned to

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Faggot OP can not get past adblock.

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