Thinking of taking some LSD soon at a higher dose (300-500) but will probably be alone. And also apartment has balcony. Are all of the horror stories true or will I be fine ?
Have had experience with this stuff before alone and been fine but high dose and balcony are scary.
Thinking of taking some LSD soon at a higher dose (300-500) but will probably be alone. And also apartment has balcony...
Can never be too prepared. So just in case, lock the balcony door and put the key somewhere where you cant access while high.
was thinking of moving couch infront of door. using a jam. but a bike lock into the mix over it is also a good idea
clear your mind as much as possible of bad things i was in a good mood when i tried it
You'll be fine. The more you worry about the trip at the beginning, the worse the trip will be.
DO NOT lock yourself inside or blockade your balcony door. You could always just unblocked it, and doing that will make your brain dwell on that decision-making process in the first place
btw i just went for it i didnt care what could go wrong
Honestly you're gonna get a sense of invincibility, it might even tempt you to wonder out on that balcony. Just remember that when you die in LSDreamland, you die for real.
depends on your tolerance and how many trips you've been on, everyone is different but in that range I'd be a bit careful
That’s not how it works cuck
I would say you might even be less inclined to jump while tripping
Its that sense of invincibility or god like shit that feel like could get me at roughly (200-300) I could ignore scary things or silly thoughts. But at 500 who knows. Just wondering if others have gone that hard alone and been fine. Looking for reassurance really.
That's exactly how it works you fucking fag, I've done acid over 30 times, once even 12 double dipped tabs. Trust me when I say I know what the fuck I'm talking about.
Are you genuinely retarded? Youre not going to jump out of a window from being on acid
Then you must have a fucking smooth brain if you think like that while on acid.
You might experience an OBE and ego death, but it's probably the best thing that could come out of acid, besides spiritual encounters. As long as you're fully accepting of the entire experience, go with the flow, and know that it's only temporary, you could have the best trip of your life. Don't fight it, love it.
More than likely, no... but the sense of immortality gives you the impression that your actions serve no consequences because when you're tripping on acid, you realize how meaningless and unimportant life truly is.
Dude I did 1800ug last summer and I was just staring at the campfire for 7 hours straight, then went inside to get some beer and back to the fire. I had insane visuals and my thought process was really messed up, my ego dissolved at some point and I wasn't really aware of my surroundings anymore, but I was fine.
Besides leaping iff the balcony my next biggest fear is running around naked lmao. For some reason I think that one is way more common that any type of self-harm
You're a complete fucking dumbass if you can't grasp the concept that it doesn't MAKE you want to kill yourself, it just makes you realize that if you WERE to do something stupid enough to kill yourself, it wouldn't be a huge deal because nothing really matters.
I wish I had a time/setting to go that deep. Really looking to explore the conscious
I fully agree, acid can make you feel grimy af so as long as it's not cold, it feels hella more comfortable to be naked since that's our natural state.
Just do something simple and enjoyable, maybe a nice wholesome animation channel on youtube.
>I know what I'm talking about
>double dipped
everyone point and laugh
Try going for a swim, super relaxing as long as you aren't feeling nauseous
Point and laugh why, you seem to not know a damn think about lucy and the more you talk, the more your retardation becomes evident
well mildly reassured. It wont be for a couple weeks I might check back in if I dont jump or wander the streets. TyTy
oh shit I hit dubs and trips in same thread. Its a sign
You are chosen
OP on Yea Forums taking psychedelics without a sitter? Doing a contest for Darwin Award?
A friend of mine fell out of a 4th storey window on acid about 10 years ago. Fucked him up pretty bad. Brain damage, massive spine damage. Hes can walk and talk and that now but he cant work and probably never will be able to again
Taking acid alone is so enjoyable. I hate having other people tripping around be cuz theyre always saying useless shit.