Currently following this girl around, what do you guys think of her?

currently following this girl around, what do you guys think of her?

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keep em coming

Attached: 3BB0A238-700C-4867-87C1-A6DC258FFAB1.jpg (750x1334, 281K)

Show face

Attached: C164482C-00FC-409B-9632-EC9B5AD43EB3.jpg (750x1334, 303K)

Did she just poop a hanger?

Attached: EE7E3C73-292E-427F-B3B8-B2D8CE48B1AD.jpg (750x1334, 319K)

Live creepshots?! op thats some futuristic shit here!

show face

she looks like a midget

sounds like she’s on the phone to her boyfriend

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Nah, she's calling the cops on you

Attached: 996FDDF3-BE63-4741-9129-9B07F45D02AB.jpg (750x1334, 236K)

She's obviously checking the thread she and op are shopping together

more clear pic user

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Look for someone with a skirt need to get an upskirt pic op.

What store is this? Looks like the EU version of walmart. Except yours doesn't seem to attract fat fucks

She isn't even that sexy bro. Go find a cutie in a sundress with sandals on.

she’s really cute and I love a girl in converses with no socks on

post more ass shots

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get as close as you can

Take a pic from behind when she bends down.

I bet her feet smell.

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post more face

Shame. I wanted to see her underwear.

Digits seem to agree with you.

das a man maury!!! das a man!!!

haha me too

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This girl is boring with her tucked in fucking shirt. Find someone else OP.

You're fucking wierd nigga, stop following people u dickhead.

Attached: D402BC06-63CF-4589-BC75-1D3A6D5E78A2.jpg (750x1334, 306K)

Thread sent to FBI report. You're a stalker and possibly a rapist.

FBI ain't going to do shit, this pic is in some shithole EU country.

Attached: FBIaintgoingtodoshit.png (791x570, 812K)

It’s obvious they know each other. No way this girl isn’t weirded out by some guy obviously following her

Just did too before I even saw your post.

Me too, this guy is going away for a very long time.


grab her phone and run away