When I say slavery, you say sorry

When I say slavery, you say sorry.


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Fuck you nigger

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I’ll consider sparing your life white boy

What was that white boy?

Fuck off Jew

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Sorry we didn't send you all back to Africa where you would have a much better life

Get back to work, nigger.



i didnt do anything

sorry it ended

We need slavery again

Needs to come back.


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My ancestors used to sale slaves, I am not sorry at all, we need slavery back.

no it is I who should apologize to you. I knew I needed more tattoo's from the start.

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I believe that all former slaves living in the USA should receive reparations

I've yet to see any convincing argument for me being sorry for what people did hundreds of years ago. BTW, my ancestry is German, but you don't see the jews clamoring for me to apologize.

In fact, I'd much rather see the niggers go the same route as the jews. Just become productive members of society and try to take over that way. At least then, you wouldn't be the laughing stock of humanity. We'd also have a valid reason for finally wiping all of you out.

Too bad they're literally all dead.

From everywhere mate.

Slavery was a mistake.
If we never had slavery, niggers would all be contained in their shithole country and Europe/ America would still be white and prosperous.

We should have at least listened to Abraham Lincoln and shipped them back to Africa.

Bringing you worthless niggers to this beautiful country was a mistake, but at least we got a few hundred years of work out of your ancestors.

When i see this picture i think "STUPID NIGGER ON STEROIDS". Nothing else

At the cost of a few hundred years of "muh reparations." This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.


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its beautiful