Waifu? waifu

waifu? waifu.

i've spent the entirety of today browsing amazon yayyyy :3

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S.S. Naked Sun claimed

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i always see you claiming this ship but never actually engage in any kind of conversation
are you a "npc" :3

you know i've actually been thinking about buying an e guitar + amp.... not that expensive tbh but im still undecided.... since it's also entirely possible i'll play for a few weeks and after that it'll be somewhere up in the attic for times to come lol...
did this with my keyboard... oh well not really i do play from time to time like every few months or so when i feel like it i guess? :3

also, now halfway through with 2nd cour so far it's a 11/15

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it was fun while it lasted.

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ironically, the ones spamming the threads are discord users, hoping we'd abandon ship and migrate over there.
fuck that

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Did you know hitler used to breathe? Let's all vow to never breathe again since he did it.
Seriously why dismiss a viable platform just because someone else uses it?

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>Seriously why dismiss a viable platform just because someone else uses it?
exactly. hence why we stay here and refuse to give in :3


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This isn't a viable platform anymore.
Sure you can stay here alone but the spammers don't give a shit as long as they get paid.

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back to amazon i go...
till next time

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Copelet returned?

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yuki ran out lol

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I hope she chargebacks the money.

do you even know her? you think she's the kind of person to do that?

She's probably having another mental breakdown right now kek

I mean, if she wants to be double retarded then she won't chargeback ㅋㅋ

Black people will never be true black waifu material nor will whites or asians

the spammer s been b&
make a new thread


imagine still being here after 4 months