Bottles of rum are geeeeey.
Bottles of rum are geeeeey
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Should see what I got then
so that's why I always felt compelled to put them in my mouth.
why is furry bussy so good?
Whoever makes these threads is an animal fucker and a faggot. What an amazing combination. And Gay*****
fukken cute
Why is his asshole so high up lol
Cat anuses.
that is a very luminescent dick.
fuck this stuff is hot.
He's charging up for a headshot.
Well it's pretty late. Think I'm gonna head to bed.
Night, Zhiro.
A bf would be nice. Dont even care about the sex.
Gib your butt, then.
Chill Kik group for anyone who still uses Kik
Glad I'm not the only one jonesing for a boyfriend lol
This guy turned my image limit pirate GAY!
I'm jonesing for you, bby.
Although Yea Forums is most definitely the wrong place to find a bf
I met a cutie here before
Met my ex here.
Aaaaaand why is he your EX?
You might get yours. I wont.
After 3 years, just didn't work out. We're still friends, and hang out regularly.
What's stopping you from getting yours?
Too ugly
Did you ever meet irl?
Sounds fake but ok
He was looking for someone more stable and has their shit together, and that's not the current me. Maybe down the line, once I get my shit kicked off and going, I'd fit that, but right now I'm in the middle of setting it up.
Yeah, he was just over earlier today. We played Smash Bros with my niece and then ate Chinese food.
That sounds like a wholesome day. Nice, dude.
You should eat his ass
Well I havent gotten anyone who likes me for what I look like, so there's that.
Seems like you don't have your shit together! Maybe down the line once you get your shit kicked off and going, you'd fit that, but right now you should probably just get set up.
Well, how would you describe yourself, physically speaking? Maybe you just have yet to find someone who's into guys like you
Medium muscle, can see my abs at least. Face none too good.
Do you mind me asking how old you are?
Night man, sweet dreams
You know, you could be gay without being such a faggot
I like where this user is going Mr. Bear
kay well, firefox finally decided to fuck me over like it is everyone else, but I mean everything is working now. The fuck.
Im 27
it's not gay if you want to stuff your tongue deeply in the anus of someone old enough to be your dad
Is it really gay to want to submit yourself to a daddy and chug his cum? I dont think so
the best thing a son can do for a daddy is gag on his fat sweaty smelly cock
Can't sleep
NS is broken
Ohhhh white people problems
>Cant sleep
>Not White
>Not Nigger
>Not Asian
>Total hell
Would you be interested in chatting elsewhere? Not going to guarantee anything but I would like to know more about you, at least
This never works out but im drunk enough to humor you.
NS is also a botnet
I'd recommend staying off those kind of plug-ins and addons
There are those that like to and wish to exploit others
Mine said it was not working because of all the firefox nonsense, but it's working now, I dunno why.
If you're using Firefox and having problems with other addons, try this. I had to go back to all my addons and right click to save them all, and then reload them, but apparently it's temporary, and you have to redo it every time you restart Firefox. I didn't try the top suggestion with all the code shit because I did it before it was edited, and I'm a dumbass anyway, but I imagine that would work as well.
I use chrome, I have nothing to hide gobbermint.
What? Is my sexual interests that important to national security?.
Please, why disable firefox to begin with.
Nobody gives a fuck, Nibi. Go get wasted until you pass out.
Imagine actually believing your jew overloads a bunch of white losers are terrorists.
the only things not working for me is the dark youtube theme. I can even close firefox and have the NS work doing anything, I even have an adblocker, however as always I can't have it set as active for here.
Suck my nut you limpwristed cuck.
Seriously wish you blew your fucking head off like sadbot you pathetic pussy, fuck you dash.
What sort of media you got? Discord, Kik, what?
lick my ass you sissies.
Taste my fucking musk
let your first kiss be with my stink hole that you'll never have the privilege to put your dick in
What's your user? I'll shoot you a friend request
I wanna suck that rabbit's meaty ass horsecock fuuuck
DEEPER, BITCH. I expect you to taste what I had for lunch
I want daddy to pee on me
it's the best way to mark his territory
I'd much prefer a mommy to pee on me.
mommies don't have cocks to suck though nor a tasty taint
They have big milky titties tho.
this isn't sfur
begone with your heterosexual musings!
I'd pee on and in you, boy
I'm lurking the sfur thread, but gfur is more active. Dicks are nice too.
Fuck you
bigdick in ur ass
Good mörning
I wish femboys where real :c
Morning, user. How's it going?
Fembois are real, but they don't look like furry fembois, unfortunately. I wish furry fembois were real.
Nah, there are plenty of cute fembois, some namefags in these threads are super cute. I could only dream of being as cute as them.
It's going pretty well, just ordered a meat slicer. Once of those that can slice mm thin slices of meat. Will probably use it for been jerky. How are things with you?
Nice man, I love beef jerky. I'm doing alright even though it's almost 10 AM here and I've been up all night and I'm tired, and have to go shopping later, so I guess I'll just say fuck it and stay up all day.
I just want to be tied up and fucked. Is that too much to ask for?
Staying up like that really fucks ye over in the long run in my experience, used to do it all the time when i was younger. What are ya going to shop for?
Well I ain't dead yet, and when I do I won't care then. Just shopping for groceries and stuff, basic shit.
Takes it toll on your head.
My head is already fucked mate, kek.
Same, it can always get worse tho. Trust me.
Preaching to the choir my dude. Bipolar II, major depressive disorder, generalized and social anxiety disorders, OCD, obvious sleeping problems, probably PTSD from a fucked up childhood full of abuse and neglect, still have nightmares about fighting with my mom and did yesterday. Never held a job and don't even go to school because I'm so fucked in the head. Shit's great.
Why do asians keep trying to smuggle food?
I got major depressive disorder, social anxiety, aspergers, add and constant hallucinations from drug use
I may or may not be a sperg, but probably not. Possibly Tourette's but idk. I don't have hallucinations yet, but I do whatever drugs I can get my hands on, though they aren't hard drugs.
I did the hard stuff, research chemicals.
Before that it was pretty much only cannabis tho