Im over 30 and have had sex once in my life

im over 30 and have had sex once in my life

im a damned loser, aren't i?

pic related, me

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im 29 and have never had sexual intercourse

you're not a loser. youve been laid before.

Unless your face is butt fucking ugly its your personality or daily habits that are keeping you an incel.

Few questions, while I am drunk on absinthe and red wine.
I'm a seasoned user with quite the interesting life, so I'll try to help out.

1-whats your employment like?
3-Current educational status

Shiiiiiiiiiet. I volunteer as tribute.

itll happen
just make sure it keeps happening
1. good employment
2. over 30 dont want to be specific
3. some college

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How are you that autistic? I've got a beer gut, glasses, and had still fucked 20 women by the time I was 30.

Just hire hookers who cares

thanks. I'm beginning to seriously think about becoming a priest or something. being gay isn't as easy to get laid as people say. well, I mean, fat old ugly guys are horny and all over, but who wants to fuck that? gross.

>good employment
>some college
>over 30
Okay so good news and bad news.

Good news, "good employment" means Im assuming you are putting money away every month.
You are in shape and over 30, for a man that means your value is rising.
With some college and a decent physique, I'm assuming you can find clubs on your college campus that meet your own hobbies?

If so, look for women in these hobbies. Get to know them, pick the one you want to take out, and simply invite her out for a date in a direct way.

Wear clothing that compliments your body (fitted shirts are always a plus)

Remember, you are looking for someone you can actually spend time with and not want to kill yourself. So long as you are both physically attracted to each other (a must) you will eventually hook up. And if you meet her at a hobby club and get along you will probably wind up with a relationship

Do you have any specific questions or issues with what I have just advised?

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i dunno man, if i knew i wouldnt have had sex only once
i dont wanna pay for that crap
shit i wish i was gay ive had guys walk up to me at least, but no women
im out of college now, just working so not really on college campus

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do you actually put effort into approaching women?

hell no im shy as hell

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>just working so not really on college campus
Well, the thing about being a man is that you can't wait for your princess charming to ride out to your fucking tower to save you from the dragon of loneliness bucko.

The only prince charming here is you. Are you going to be the prince or the peasant? You have to go out into the world and find the women, not the other way around. Its not fair, but then again the vast majority of all male humans were genetic dead ends.

So go out to places where women will share your interests, and get to know the best one in the group, then ask her out.

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your body is fine so you can probably easily get one. just use dating apps if youre up for it.

Nice bod and cock op

i dunno man, shits hard.... sucks being shy
thanks maybe ill earnestly try one some day

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im gonna go drink some more

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while im here if anybody has requests ill see what i can do

Fuck dude. I’d fuck you

im not sure i can fill that request unfortunately

Get all on fours then please, ass to camera

god you are so fucking gay

i want to punch you in the face and fuck your wife in front of you

Be bisexual

Twinks would be all over you

Can I see a cumshot? Maybe a video of you jerking it?
