Gay thread

Gay thread

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Moar boi butts.

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Man, I need some gay sex.

yeah I think about dicks and asses a lot too

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I need a dick in my ass.

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i hope he's doing alright...

Do you recognize him or something?

So cute.

Yeah he shows his butt off a lot

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Would you be turned off if your date wore tighty-whities?

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that's roman robazza, he's a legendary but retired twink

not in particular

Which site is he from?

No but I might humiliate him a little just because that seems like a kink that would get me off (as long as he was okay with it)

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I wouldn’t mind one bit.

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i don't think he was "from" any site, he was just a twink who was camwhoring for a few years I think. search his name you'll find his stuff spread around. once he realized the internet knew who he was I think he made the smart decision and toned it down, either that or his family found out and he was forced to retreat into the closet.

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i was gay once

I wish I could see that more often lol