I challenge you to find a more American picture

I challenge you to find a more American picture.

Attached: IMG_20190423_230729.jpg (1080x1142, 281K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1496614686576.jpg (800x550, 80K)

For what reason should that man's disability exclude him from eating McDonald's? The physically disabled is the largest minority group in the world, a group any of us could become a member of at any time. You should be more respectful.

Attached: jesus_suffering_fuck.jpg (640x480, 96K)

Attached: 1529373408843.jpg (500x500, 52K)

that actually looks like melted icecream

Attached: EB449D2E-4834-42C2-ADD0-5C567419A3B2.jpg (2048x1224, 417K)

please be real

i dont get it

we're fat, and we shop

what do i win?

Attached: taxman.jpg (717x461, 24K)

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Attached: dolezal-index.jpg (3000x2000, 1017K)

10 posts before an antisemetic post, a new record

I pop a wheelie in salute every time i see that pic


Attached: McKinney-Casebolt.jpg (850x570, 69K)

Yall hungry? Let's ride

Attached: American Tipping Culture.jpg (404x402, 70K)


Attached: Absolutely-Unexplainable-Pictures-straight-from-the-WTF-Files2-1.png (472x586, 277K)

Attached: 1551325739973.jpg (748x939, 356K)

Is that a guy or a girl? I can't tell.

Attached: 1506963215024.jpg (1024x768, 60K)

massive kek


Attached: 1553802604721.jpg (507x532, 113K)

Attached: 1556859324074.jpg (640x960, 37K)

or this

Attached: 1555706153665.png (594x760, 353K)

easy if she skateboards when she's not pregnant. that's not a real bowl. see the curve.

No one fucking cares

Attached: 0112 - hgaaIWw.png (600x503, 152K)

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Attached: 1534255400895.jpg (1600x1600, 373K)

I still cannot believe Americans eat this processed, artificially flavored GMO loaded garbage.

This pic I took in Denver at a truck stop

Attached: 20190426_170322-3024x2268.jpg (3024x2268, 903K)

looks like a peep

Attached: 1550517184675.png (178x222, 92K)

Attached: pink-marshmallow-peeps-126291-close1.jpg (600x600, 148K)


Attached: WW2_Iwo_Jima_flag_raising.jpg (417x336, 24K)

Damn it I posted the pic of 5he peep you beat me too it

Attached: gifspidermanthinking.gif (200x200, 1.11M)

It's cheap, and instantaneous

Oh shit, SCP-999-J has breached containment!

Pick one

Everybody eats this. And I still dont get this chemicals = bad and GMO =bad. Id rather eat something with chemicals that will definetly be in perfect state than something from a local market that was possibly sprayed with all sorts of products but the government isnt involved so theres no way of telling.

I'm circumcised, and my dong tends to retreat into what's left of my foreskin when it's cold out. It's obnoxious, but it happens

how did she turn black?
who is this anyways?

Better then starving like an European.

Attached: houston_irl.jpg (683x1024, 362K)

Attached: 1555916944193.jpg (1200x900, 301K)

Stay mad eurocuck

Attached: ba4ca05bd6b27922a1dfb321f1c5cae1.jpg (3600x3600, 1.44M)

Attached: 1555378498727.png (1020x605, 820K)

>I would rather eat something with chemicals than something with chemicals
>I don't get this literall poison= bad

You do you fam

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Yahoo is still in it?

Attached: 1526665963021.jpg (960x641, 118K)

>nails painted black

What an ungrateful shit

Attached: 20180429_182331.jpg (499x381, 137K)

Attached: Columbine_Shooting_Security_Camera.jpg (364x274, 18K)

Attached: Girl-shooting-a-machine-gun-634x423.jpg (634x423, 77K)

McDicks back there adding sections like the fucking Chrysler building kek

Attached: 1534834879530.jpg (960x950, 99K)

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Oy vey go get it redone

Attached: 1463452967097.jpg (2048x1357, 1.18M)

egirls be like

I at least found America’s ass.

Attached: 6F02CB2A-04B9-46D5-BBC6-AA0825ADE6C5.jpg (1200x800, 127K)

Wow that's really touching

Attached: 20180301_161544.jpg (353x394, 127K)

Fuck off, I don't need to be reminded of my lack of a HS gf

Attached: 1526724560667.jpg (1280x1030, 409K)

Whoever named that .jpg, deserves a nobel prize.

Scroll up to see the real high school experience

>You will never get herpes from a drug addled slut by wasting your education slapping men's asses and showing off your parent's money

Why live?

Attached: marines.jpg (615x891, 87K)

>You do you fam


Is the dream fucking a hot white chick or fucking a dude whose dick never gets fully hard?

Attached: shuttles.jpg (1200x1800, 688K)

A country so great that even people who hate it die trying to get there.

Attached: FullSizeRtthjij.jpg (1024x900, 174K)

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Attached: 1975-celica.jpg (1600x1200, 104K)

Which German mercenary died?

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George Lucas had access to a giant tablet back then ?

Attached: 1555679419700.jpg (720x720, 46K)

Attached: 156 - kV1heJo.jpg (540x960, 32K)

Attached: 146 - FbjedNh.jpg (728x410, 41K)

Nigger she got Bionicle!

Can on the right, lid and instructions on the left, real question though:
>Where is Onua?

Attached: 141 - c8RyQpO.jpg (621x683, 37K)

Attached: 140 - ZaHs69h.jpg (720x540, 37K)

Attached: 118 - zry8fTd.jpg (1024x680, 180K)

when its not pizza time

Attached: 99 - CF0iiew.jpg (1024x683, 160K)

Attached: America.jpg (960x958, 188K)

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Attached: 87 - FkBXGqh.jpg (728x1294, 79K)

Attached: 79 - qf5ntAG.jpg (900x1200, 125K)

Bitter? Bitter.

Attached: 65 - EHX6s9G.jpg (576x768, 96K)

Attached: 64 - VCe5aHf.jpg (576x768, 46K)

>get attacked by Pakistani terrorists
>Invade Iraq

Attached: 57 - cyzdQWg.jpg (728x449, 58K)

Attached: last-man-on-the-moon-watching-recommendation-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg (1600x900, 330K)

Attached: 40 - 6ZvfUJn.jpg (960x720, 78K)

Anyone know where this is specifically?

Attached: 7 - 0vEZP0A.png (1024x678, 899K)

lol honestly looks like any small city in america (you can find a shit ton of cities that look like this on the drive to vegas i.e. barstow). However based on the surroundings and trees, I'd guess east coast.

Glorious Capitalism!

A quick reverse image search suggests that it's in Breezewood, Pennsylvania. It could be any American town, except where I live there's be fewer trees and more pickup trucks.

Challenge accepted

Attached: 622df81c7c4e8426a539fd3c64ee8293255222b3f8f3f0a58ba7b44e872c2f9a.jpg (897x673, 100K)


Attached: 1519788774537.gif (500x375, 249K)

Check Em



Fuck yeah

Sadly that little girl probably its sucking a big black dick right now.

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A white woman who pretended to be black, joined the NAACP, bitched about being discriminated against, and when she was caught essentially wearing blackface the entire liberal media was like oh it's okay she's a liberal


Rachel Dolezal

Theres nothing goddamn wrong with that.

Attached: kindle.jpg (500x583, 136K)

Fucking idiots, pic related

Attached: 7B6BD0AA-FC68-4803-A8A3-AC31EC7FC0FB.jpg (640x480, 53K)

>senior in high school
>Lived across street from my small towns high school
>watched football games from living room window
>literally saw this scene

Wonder why i have intimacy problems.

Attached: C3FA9D09-018E-41FA-A666-FB8D7947B80A.jpg (699x438, 128K)

looks like Russel Brand fucked a Klingon

Ancient bait, works better when it's bigger

Attached: 1505709329475.jpg (1440x630, 212K)

Nice neighborhood


I feel really bad for her.

>she grew up with adopted black siblings
>white parents
>white older siblings i think
>parents abused the black kids
>tied them up etc
>older white sibling sexually abused one of the young black girls
>rachel felt like she needed to protect the black siblings
>ended up traumatized and hating her white parents
>felt ashamed for sharing anything in common with them including race
>mentally broken, she made up this world in her head where she was actually black
>her blackness allowed her to be a protector of blacks
>her desire to help the black community stems from her trauma as a child
>every black person is like her little abused black siblings
>did her best to help the community
>actually helped a lot
>her younger black sister had just accused the older white sibling of raping her as a kid
>rachel was helping her with the case
>parents out her as white to discretic her
>her entire life falls apart
>her sister gets no justice
>vilified by everyone
>still has self hate and untreated trauma

That black SUV is parked too close to the intersection in violation of the city ordinance!

That's not an American outlet you raging faggor

Attached: Apollo_11_launch.jpg (1200x1500, 757K)

circa 2001?

this takes the cake

That's beautiful. Where is that?

Ah, to live in a multicultural society free of hate...~

the name of this picture is a key for a portal to the dark web, prove me wrong

'01 plus or minus one year would be my guess.

That eagle looks depressed.

Damn, thanks user. I'm starting a comfy pics folder.

>I don’t know


definitely. dated the bionicle to have been released in '01, assuming that's a new one she got at the time I'd say it'd be at least '01

Attached: nighthawks.png (618x338, 425K)

I can't think of a shittier place to live.

The US was awesome.

I can, and they're all in China

Attached: smog.jpg (900x675, 71K)

Now they're space hitchhikers

yes... yes we were.

>fucking joos...

Imagine being kicked by that hippo

Live black person, claiming America

>black kids show up to pool to white community pool
>act like assholes
>police called to remove assholes
>girl gets attitude with white cop and refuses commands
>cop restrains her
>shouting crowd surrounds cop forcing to manhandle the fuck out of girl so he can restrain her and watch crowd
>crowd closes in

Attached: 3EE8C975-BA98-4160-8B2C-C2F7F12751FE.png (502x500, 453K)

What does this even mean? Are you speaking English?

"thats the prettiest man ive ever saw"

Attached: 18042227_118036574254.jpg (250x142, 13K)

Shut the fuck up asshole. Go peddle your bullshit somewhere else.


Is one of them Uyghurstan, or as the Chinese call it, Xinjiang?


Attached: 0598d65e-ac19-45f0-9ca2-ef94a2fd8586.png (960x745, 489K)

This is literally my route home

I'm sorry you have to deal with Katy Freeway Traffic

Practically half the world

13 posts before an jew shill post, a new record

Meh... Most places outside of the beltway 8 is pretty decent living in houston. Inside the beltway is hell though... it would be decent if only there wasnt nigger aparment buildings strategically placed next to decent neighborhoods. I swear someone planned that shit out

Fuck off William Wallace; go watch your women get gang raped by Muslims

>Yes, my humanoid sheep. Continue feeding your brain on visual slop.

More of this?

Attached: 1498393178183.gif (480x270, 1.72M)

it's a mexican restaurant now.

Attached: Capture.png (1405x802, 1.77M)

But his face... Also, looks like he tried working out but only did upper body because the rest is shit.

This is bait but no he didn’t you dumbass. That’s film with the letters cut out on a viewing light for X-ray.

Mine too, I work in a bar at Heights and I live in Katy. Everytime I’m off at 5 I go to a bar and stay till 8 so I can go home without the traffic

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Attached: america fuck yeah2.webm (720x404, 1.35M)

reminds me of Ace Combat :^)

That man has a spinal cord injury you insensitive prick.

Attached: 1e88s0.jpg (550x550, 49K)

Libido is liability.
Take vitex.

Fuck both of y'all Houston is awesome.

Attached: IMG_20190409_205444_986.jpg (1960x2450, 1.34M)

Attached: 326263362.jpg (828x756, 69K)

Kek luld hard

It is Breezewood, recognized it right away. That's super sad.

he seems sad :(

Attached: 231_detail_as15-88-11863_orig.jpg (1000x1049, 661K)

Probably just tired as shit.

this one

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 34K)


Attached: D5p88VlWwAEC_sE.jpg (1200x755, 122K)

Attached: 2019CalendarR.jpg (900x900, 244K)


To clarify, they showed up to a community pool while it was closed for a private party, jumped the fence anyway.

I'm white and I got the cops called on me once just because I was parked in the pool parking lot for 30 minutes talking to my ex, who lived in that neighborhood at the time.

That neighborhood don't fuck around with strangers in their pools....probably just want to keep from shutting them down due to AIDS.

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Attached: glock.jpg (799x666, 78K)

is this heaven?


>Saudi Arabian
The more you know


That was a retreat

Check em!

She will make 3 men happy...
2 ex-husbands and one divorce attorney .

The filming of a nuclear blast ......

Is it sad that I think that's actually cozy? Something about watching the grill with a beer just feels good

Attached: 1515360730103.jpg (960x960, 97K)

on American soil, no less

just setting them off in the desert and standing around to watch

I met the guy that typed the intro to Star Wars !
I delivered him a hard drive to him at Lucas studios !!
His office is the "Bar scene"....

Looks like fucking texas in the bigger cities, only thing missing is the constant construction

Comfiness overload.

Attached: 1515413028478.jpg (591x843, 129K)

Look at the people standing around !

I'd hand him a cold longneck and come over and shoot the shit.

Oh my stars and stripes

Where the fuck did you get that from?

Attached: 1547897105602.jpg (470x470, 31K)

>driving back to IA from FL
>in northern MO
>see bald eagle eating off a deer carcass in center median
Goddamn those things can get big out here.

Can anybody tell me what that animal is? I've never seen anything like it.

The silver sedan is parked right ON the intersection

Attached: leonardo-dicaprio-django.jpg (933x648, 186K)

we never landed on the moon, you fucking retard. no one has ever been past low earth orbit. outside of that, anyone would die. all technology would melt.

whatever happened to your... tesla in space fake shit? havent seen that on "mars" yet, despite the 'live stream'.

fucking literal retards.

I think this one might win

so mad, never got attention from a single whorish cheerleader.

stay mad, fatty.


There's nothing wrong with processed, artificially flavored GMO loaded garbage if you don't eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day

No. It is Shanghai in the morning on a particularly foggy day.

Only "blacks" will have her......
I used to work visiting in a prison..
All day an endless parade of morbidly o beast hogs wanting "their black man" !

Summas hea

this feels so comfy

Honestly hard to tell if this is sarcasm given it being text on a board known for it's stupidity.

Thats long gone

Attached: large-pile-of-hundred-dollar-bills-cash-money-savings-rich_large[1].jpg (1600x800, 198K)

Is this real? Plz answer

Nah, dawg.

thats burnside dumbass she's there all the time. their kid is a teen now. her husband recently got killed in a car accident. he was a good skater

Attached: ScreenHunter 313.jpg (547x549, 208K)

This is legal rape, i would do that shit all the time if i was cop

Attached: QEw6Pvc.jpg (1501x2739, 551K)

It might be. They have a big thing against unions


everyone had a cousin with a room like this. feels.

Amerifags, where are your heavy big titted blonde bitches

Almost certainly. You can find FedEx anti-union videos on YouTube, but I haven't watched them, so I don't know whether or not they are what would be on that disk.

Attached: fatso.png (500x520, 538K)

Rando poppin' in, can you explain to me a union and why it's bad/good? I lived in a cave for almost 25 years.

Yeah, this pic won.

A bad dragon dildo

Bring me the wookie!

Attached: scrot.jpg (1627x826, 479K)

>muh respect
Press F

Labor union.....an organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests. Like wages, benefits, work hours etc etc etc.

A staged photo?
Seems right, somone needs to photoshop their hands larger tho

So fed-ex opposing unions is bad for it's workers? If I'm understanding correctly.

Lol gay
>muh ptsd.
So surprising that getting shot at and killing people is bad for mental health. Who'd have guessed?

For the basic employees, yes.

>gawd bless urmurica
Press F

Attached: 4157954351.jpg (1866x1620, 192K)

Damn 'murica is FUCKED.
Also, isn't a shooter by it's very definition always active?
>don't press the button the shooter is inactive!

Youre mom gay

i too build cities without consulting a city planner

He died though.

>Also, isn't a shooter by it's very definition always active?
A shooting could involve one person simply shooting another because the two of them got into a fight or something. At that point, the shooter is no longer active and you're supposed to call 911 instead of using the button. "Active shooter" means that there is currently somebody walking around shooting people.

>Attention seeking girls.
How unique!

Dude, isn't the one on the right the dude who shot up Vegas last year?

>Thats long gone
and you would be too if not for US

>show me a more europoor picture.

Attached: franceteatime.jpg (2048x1152, 615K)

Attached: Pop culture mashup.jpg (1080x972, 106K)

Aww, an MP5. I'm jealous...


Oh, the salt

He's wearing EOD. Wonder how he lost his hand...

I guess you Amerifats don’t even see what’s wrong if you can/have to give such an answer. Die in hell.

Attached: D0FD10D1-A040-453B-9FB0-645426A7246C.jpg (1536x2048, 197K)

The fact that it's a common enough occurence to differentiate show how fucked up the situation is.
If this happened in most first world countries it would not be tolerated for a second.
I get that they have to be realistic and deal with the situation but they really need to work on their society and if they can't do that then control the guns properly

LMAO the flag has no shadow. Literal proof we didn't land on the moon.

Attached: Saying Libtard.jpg (600x450, 60K)

I've never spent much time in Houston, but if it's anything like Dallas then it's the combination of two factors that results in that mess: One is the lack of public transportation, and the other is an endless sea of suburbs.

Oh the irony...

Literally every plant we consume today does not exist in nature. Every fruit, every vegetable, gmo is everything, natural selection at work. The bigger, tastier, more resistant, more calories, win.

Must've been done before Uber existed.

And Nintendo 64.

Attached: 1306200107480.jpg (547x229, 33K)

when he tag OP twice in a row you know he really salty.

>Wake up sheeple.
>muh lizardmen.
>earth are flat.
>i get my education from degraded jpgs on facebook hurdedur.

>lololo chemiculs r bad

Attached: main-qimg-d63d6ba01d089fcf37b5ed05b376803b.jpg (474x670, 115K)

Take this blanket

>doesn't even know what GMO's are

I see what you did there.

america in its purest and most essential form

Attached: 13495244_1603674682995312_3131314355771389590_n.png (327x395, 122K)

>livin the dream

really bad photoshop
if you can't tell from the lines on that shirt that that is shit tier photoshopping, i feel sorry for you

Lol. Look at the arm also

We live in a society.

These make me so happy.

Why are you here Shlomo? I thought you were not supposed to use electricity during shabbat?

>you'll never be there again
Why live

Attached: 1551204613228.jpg (378x423, 20K)

Not as cringy as Jeb Bush in front of the peachoid

>lefty detected

Yahoo huge fam

Is that from the Goonies?

I would hang out with him. He seems like a cool guy.
