Homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic comments run rampant on this website. It's terrible

Homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic comments run rampant on this website. It's terrible.
Reminder that all LGBTQ+ identities are valid and deserve respect.

Attached: 450px-SLGBTQ_Sonichu_poster.jpg (450x600, 147K)

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look ma imma trollin the 4chams

Shut the fuck up you faggot


You're a faggot, and a nigger.

Why are you using a Schizo tard’s drawing to prove your point, Tumblr bitch?

itt the standard bigotry from retarded 4cham bois

Attached: 1537116201419.jpg (960x566, 50K)

You're a furry.

This website has probably one of the largest lgbt etc communities on the web