Alright Yea Forums, what's the dumbest shit that ever happened at your school (any point in your school career)
A sophomore girl just got suspended for wearing a military cap here because someone was "afraid for their life" and I'm curious what kinda dumb shit happens where you guys are.
Alright Yea Forums, what's the dumbest shit that ever happened at your school (any point in your school career)
Once saw people smoking cigarettes wide open in the hall and not even the teachers gave a shit. Keep in mind this was a middle school
kids fuck in our gym.....yeah
A 7th grade weed dealer who got held backnd got all F's this year told the teacher on me for calling him a retard.
Just out in the middle of the gym? Our gym has cameras so I can't imagine people doing that here.
once got kicked out of class for calling the teacher stupid
1. someone shit in the urinal...
2. Someone threw burning dumpster out through closed window.
(First greentext)
Here I go:
>be me 4 years ago
>be a dumb fucking kid
>live in a small town(maybe 6000 people)
>having "suicidal thoughts"
>pretending that I’m killing myself by rolling a 3ft long mice cord around my neck
>everyone freaks out
>one of my friends almost cried when removing the cord
>got suspended maybe a week
>did some more dumb shit when I came back; one thing I did was threaten an adult with a beyblade
>got suspended till the end of the year
>told child support that I wanted to kill myself with my dads gun(maybe the worst thing to say, I’m Canadian)
>got put in a host family for one month
>came back
>did more shit
Now I just constantly joke about suicide lmao
My school is keker than yours as we shit in the sink
nice trips
one time a science teacher at my high school started a grease fire and we had to evacuate the building
this teacher was known for shooting fireballs as part of his class every year and he even caught a student's arm on fire once.
ironically enough he got fired.
Someone shat on top of top of the toilet here (not top of toilet seat, rather, the part where you press to flush)
This isn't even the worst of it
we had to replace our toilets with the ones that don't have the top parts because people kept shitting inside of them
1. kid got suspended for watching porn in class.
2. one of the teachers wasn't allowed in the library for a couple weeks after fucking the librarian
holy fucking shit
Yeah beyblades were the shit at my school, they got banned because people placed bets on them
fr they do our school is shit and poor and we dont have cameras so....
dead serious
>be me
>highschool days
>one extra desk in the back of the classroom
>i would sit on it, legs crossed in a "meditating" pose
>3 guys in class, so the other 2 would come on each side of the desk and pick it up
>they would carry me around the school while i chanted random arabic words
>teacher coming up stairs
>they drop the desk in the middle of the hall and we run before they see us
>teacher starts yelling about why there's a desk in the hallway
there were no cameras in that hall at the time, so we didn't get caught with our peak autism
bakugan was pretty big when i was in 3rd grade
3. 13-15 yo one of guys from my school convinced one girl to become his whore. He was selling her to his friends. Once she got into thresome and then shit hitted the fan. One of parents saw that shit. Police was called. That poor pimp had to run from my country, couse there was an near death incident he was involved in. Now he is in UK.
1. A kid shit in the locker rooms in 6th grade, multiple times
2. A kid was suspended or expelled for having 2 knives, a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter on him, apparently he had them every day.
3. A kid got tackled by the resource officer for running off school grounds.
White kid tries to join mexican gang and got curb stomped. Someone else brought a hunting rifle and fires like a nigger and hits norhing. All in the front foyer.
we had a kid get arrested for cp
>did some more dumb shit when I came back; one thing I did was threaten an adult with a beyblade
how do you threaten an adult with a beyblade anyways
I shat in the urinal once kek, all stalls were occupied
>2. A kid was suspended or expelled for having 2 knives, a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter on him, apparently he had them every day.
how old was the kid?
i used to pull my pants down when peeing at urinals. don't lie, you guys did it too
I went to a tard school for a good while because I threw a chair at a teacher in second grade. The first day I got there, I saw this tall Indian tard eat a leaf off of the floor, then run around the playground/field area with his curry boy cock flapping in the wind. All of the tard aids were female. Each and every one of them was staring at India Tards peen, all of them clearly wanting a piece
I didn't tbh, from early on in kindergander i remember other kids doing it and me just pissing with only the zipper down.
6th grade:
>last day of our school year
>At my school, we take all of the chairs, desks etc. out of the classroom and put it into the hallway on the last day
>jackass pisses in the trash can before the teacher arrives
>teacher carries the trash can out of the room and wonders where the smell comes from
8th grade:
>urinal isn't flushing
>students try to fill it up as fast as they can before it's fixed
>two weeks in and still not fixed
>they still piss into it and it flows on the floor, the smell gets worse everyday
>cleaning lady complains
>janitor puts a plastic bag around the urinal so that the piss doesn't get on the floor
>students start pissing into the plastic bag (keep in mind that this bag is huge)
>bag gets half way filled up before the thing is finally fixed
10th grade:
>multiple stoners in class, all sitting in one row
>the biggest stoner out of them all brings his bong to school
>they smoke it during class
>they never get caught
holy shit
Your last sentence makes me think you belonged
when I was in highschool me and some guys went out in the middle of the night, found a toilet someone left out on their front lawn, and tossed it into the air. It sounded like a shotgun firing off in the dead of night when it obliterated on the street. This didn't happen at school but I thought I'd share. It was so funny all of us running like away like athletes
Also knew a big fat guy who kind of looked retarded so me and him went into a convenience store, him acting like a legit retard, and being his wrangler. He would just grab random shit and be "out my control" until the clerk would say "just leave please". Free shit
Also in late elementary, we would get water bottles and fill them with different food and shit and let them sit in lockers for months. Then leave them for the teachers to find
Someone made a rumor that I sucked someone dick. I worked at a grocery store I saw him he even brought it up. I was at a hospital some girl brought it up.
I molested my teacher at primary school. Then told everyone it was her molesting me.
When I was in sophomore year I saw a couple fucking in a bush next to the soccer field.
You know the lights that shine down off the side of the school, illuminating the wall? a guy was under one getting head and the cops pulled up to him
I don’t even know
>2018. Copley High School.
>Was in class
>There are TVs in the corners of almost all classsrooms
>Suddenly all the TVs in school turns on
>It's two students being broadcasted on the TVs. They're sitting on chairs. No audio
>One of the students start pretending to masturbate
>Entire class laughing their ass off
>Could hear students from 3 classes over laughing their ass off
>I was falling off my chair laughing
>Another student enters the TV scene, assisting the first guy "masturbating" by pretending to give blow
>Teacher turns off TV before we could see them finish
>The students operating the school TVs gets 1 week suspension
Funniest shit ever.
3 stories, all weed related
First one
> be me, 16 yo
> last year of high school
> pothead so are all my friends
> smoked bongs every single morning before school that year
> in football team with some pothead friends
> one day, two friends and I stayed after the training
> in the parking talking just by the football field
> coach is in a hurry and ask us to get some stuff in the gymnasium because he has to go
> tells us that we just need to close the door when we leave and it will lock automatically (door was accessible from the outside just by the foot field)
> Glad to help, we get in the gym, put the stuff there
> On our way back
> We stop
> We realize that we are alone
> It's fucking 7h30 pm
> We look at each other and we start laughing like crazy
> We all know what going to happen next
> I would always carry some hash on me
> We took one of our bottle, made a hole in it
> Then did some hits (tokes? not sure how its called in English)
> We smoked for a while
> Totally forgot where we were
> We enjoyed this time
> On the way out, I fucking lost my hash in the grass, never found it back xD
Next one in a few moment, i'm not so good in English it takes time to type
I knew a guy would would consistently get suspensions for fighting people or doing drugs in the middle of class
But he also did this thing where he'd go to the bathroom and if he needed a shit he would press his ass against the walls or the windows and just let a fucking rip
He'd leave shits just on the floor and all over the wall, his best one was in an English class at lunch on the biggest window
Someone showed up one night with a truck full of yarn and wrapped the entire school like a giant mitten. No one could get into the building the next day and they had to call the firefighters.
while we were in highschool, me and like 50 guys from our year went to our elementary school after hours. One of the doors was open and some of them went inside.
Another time some guy advertised a house party on facebook and tons of people showed up. It was a townhouse. There was the first wave of people who went there and then the guy who advertised the party left his house along with them.
So the house was empty and the second wave of like 30 people arrives. Guys were about to throw an iron chair through the glass back door until I fucked with the lock and it opened. Immediately everyone booked it inside and started looting and destroying everything inside.
More stuff happened but it's a long story
Later or sooner that year, I don't remember precisely
> One of my pothead friend would let us go smoke weed where he live
> Two different friend and I decide to skip our pm classes because fuck this
> Go to the apartment, smoke some weed, play snes
> All of a sudden, we see a bus by the street just in front
> We then remember what out friend said
> '' just make sure you leave before my little sister get back from school ''
> We sneak out by the back door
> It's raining like crazy and the weather was cold as fuck
> It's about 3:30pm and we have no where to go
> Like the smart stoned fucktards we were, we decide to go back to school and hide under a roof and wait there
> We do so, find a roof, wait there, it works
> Someone open the door just by us
> It's the fucking ''school guard'
> She ask us what we are doing
> Tell us it's ok and that we just can wait inside
> We enter. Other guard dude is there
> '' Btw, now that you are inside, the principal would like to see you''
> fuck
> once there, they make us sit apart from eachother
> Principal meet us one by one
> Tries to make us talk
> I know my friends, I can trust them so no problem
> We are back in the office
> The guards tell us that they will search our pockets
> We refuse
> They leave us the choice to either accept or they'd call the police
> We accept
> They dcan't touch us so they ask to empty our pocket in front of them
> Being so stressed by the turning of the event.. I forgot one thing..
> I had bought a fucking 3x1g of hash earlier that day
> Fortunately, the bags were hidden in my empty wallet
> So I proceed to empty my pockets
> So far so good
> Then I take out my wallet, open it in front of them, show that I have nothing inside
> I can still remember.. seeing the 3 huge bumps starring out the leathery thin wallet
> cant believe they didnt see those bumps
Few moments later, they let us go..
Still anxious about this event to this day more than ten years later