Yea Forums I have a problem

Yea Forums I have a problem...

Im 32 and I have a good job and 3 kids. Im seemingly normal and good with the ladies.
Im fit, handsome and all of the above.
I won the genetic lottery

but ever since I can remember Ive had a fascination of playing with my poo. I used to sit down on the toilet and shit into my toilet paper covered hand, but eventually that devolved into me just shitting in my hand and feeling the grains , nuts and other matter with my own fecal matter. I dont know whats wrong with me...Its my compulsion. I cant take a shit without investigating. I also love the smell of it as well.
ive tried googling just about every other keyword for this phenomenon. I dont get any kind of sexual arousal nor do I like anyone elses shit.

its just me alone in the bathroom playing with my poop. picking all the pieces out and gazing in wonder at my digested food particles. I fucked up?

Attached: Wired_poop2.jpg (600x600, 213K)

howd you father 3 kids if it aint something else that turns you on? Why not forego the scat fetish?

probably but who cares dude, if playing with your shit brings you joy then you follow your dreams man

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pics or it didnt happen, timestamp too

the closest i get to that is admiring the big long turds thats dont break as i stand up look down and feel proud of myself

Lol same. But my big turds always tear my asshole and get coated in blood. Fucking sucks or i'd take more pictures.

I agree with this user, let's see some shit in hands

Im straight, male and white.

I like a little rough sex and choking but nothing outside the normal.

Its not a sexual thing.

Its just a boyish wonder I never outgrew

its always the smaller ones that make me feel like i'm trying the push out a mini pineapple as my insides get teared a new one followed up by a piss the clean of the sides of the bowl

you guys caught me at the wrong time.

But ill drink some coffee or something and see what pops out if you bump and keep the thread alive

yes bump

okay op i got faith in you, dont let me down

Bumpitty bump bump

I drank two 24 oz coors with a pasta dinner and a nice chef salad. I was proud of the disaster i created in my bowls. I reveled in it for a good 30 minutes in my bathroom.

A new thing ive been doing is washing my hands of the poo poo by pissing on it. I hold my hands as close as I can to the stream for maximum piss pressure. . its better than spending 10 extra minutes wiping each finger off individually.



Is this pasta? It's super familiar.

stand by for pics guys....

This one really exploded on me...youre gonna love it!

Attached: poop2.jpg (664x374, 21K)

Attached: poop1.jpg (664x374, 21K)

hahah nice

Attached: 1556683481638.jpg (220x229, 10K)

have you eaten any before? if not would you try a bit and post results

If it aint sexual then it dont matter, you dont need someone else to validate if its something you do personally, you do you if it makes you happy.

I work construction so occasionally Ive gotten done playing with my poop and wiped it off the best i can with toilet paper, then pissed on it( thats where i first started the pissing thing), but it i would still have small remnants caught in my fingernails and the sides of my cuticles. So i would lick my fingers clean .

eat a chunk dude for b, post webm

I mean theres usually no sink or a good running water source on most job sites.